github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_13_0_0_pre2

latest releases: CMSSW_14_1_1, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-10-05-1100, CMSSW_14_2_ROOT6_X_2024-10-05-1100...
22 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_13_0_0_pre1:


  • #40310 from @gartung: Utilities/StaticAnalysers: Fix assert in ConstCast and ConstCastAway checkers. core
  • #40306 from @makortel: [UBSAN] Add missing dependence to Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/test/BuildFile.xml alca
  • #40303 from @Dr15Jones: Avoid short-circuiting ESWatchers in ElectronSeedGenerator reconstruction
  • #40302 from @Dr15Jones: Avoid short-circuiting ESWatchers in SiStripCorrelateBadStripAndNoise dqm
  • #40301 from @wddgit: Migrate to use reco::JetCorrector analysis
  • #40300 from @Dr15Jones: Avoid short-circuiting ESWatchers in PFCandidateRecalibrator reconstruction
  • #40298 from @gartung: Utilities/StaticAnalyzer: Add null_ptr guard to ConstCast and ConstCastAway Checkers. core
  • #40297 from @Dr15Jones: Avoid short-circuiting ESWatchers in FastSimProducer fastsim
  • #40296 from @Dr15Jones: Protect TFile in HFShowerLibrary from thread-local context simulation
  • #40293 from @elusian: Fix PostDQMOffline* sequences in dqm operations
  • #40289 from @srimanob: Enable Phase-2 HLT wf which runs together with DIGI+L1 pdmv upgrade
  • #40288 from @missirol: add unit test for TriggerEvent* analyzers hlt
  • #40284 from @riga: Move TF session in DeepMETProducer to global cache reconstruction
  • #40282 from @riga: Remove obsolete tf session const_cast's in RecoHGCal reconstruction upgrade
  • #40278 from @Dr15Jones: Allow caching of HFShowerLibrary simulation
  • #40276 from @Dr15Jones: Initialize variables for SiStripMonitorDigi::SubDetMEs dqm
  • #40275 from @Dr15Jones: Set nullptr for L1TParticleFlow classes l1 upgrade
  • #40274 from @epalencia: Update VertexWord.h sumPt to 12b format, 10b int. l1
  • #40273 from @Dr15Jones: Check for null histogram in PlotAlignmentValidation alca
  • #40267 from @CMS-LUMI-POG: New Run3 pileup scenarios for max PU studies operations simulation
  • #40266 from @LukaLambrecht: modify nanoDQMIO configuration dqm
  • #40265 from @malbouis: Add all PDs from 2022 in AlCaReco Matrix alca
  • #40264 from @mmusich: template DQM/SiPixelPhase1Heterogenous class to be able to handle the Phase-2 SoA objects dqm hlt
  • #40263 from @dan131riley: Turn off Tauolapp output redirection generators
  • #40255 from @mmusich: SiStripHitEfficiencyHarvester: Hit efficiency summary saved in dqm files alca
  • #40254 from @jieunyoo: add filter for intermediate resonance particles generators
  • #40253 from @Dr15Jones: Remove last use of tbb::task::suspend core
  • #40252 from @civanch: Updated Geant4 user actions simulation
  • #40249 from @p-masterson: Replace old cms_test_conditions schema with cms_cond_general_w; use C db
  • #40246 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx333A Modify the test code to spot the issue for V17 Geometry of HGCal geometry upgrade
  • #40245 from @guitargeek: Move all PCLConfigPlugins sources to plugins db
  • #40244 from @AdrianoDee: Adding Running PU ProdLike Wfs operations pdmv upgrade
  • #40243 from @cms-tsg-storm: Fix 2022v15 frozen HLT menu for PixelCPEFast changes hlt
  • #40242 from @smuzaffar: [SIMULATION] [LLVM 14] bitwise-instead-of-logical warnings fixed simulation
  • #40235 from @vlimant: short name also in the final report pdmv upgrade
  • #40232 from @nurfikri89: [JMENanoAOD] Setup DQM and increase precision of PileUp ID & QGL input variables dqm xpog
  • #40230 from @Prasant1993: Electron MVA-based ID for Run3 from EGamma POG reconstruction xpog
  • #40228 from @Michael-Krohn: HCAL: Modifications to the LUT validation script db
  • #40227 from @bsunanda: Run-sim137 Correct the code in the analysis code of Simulation simulation
  • #40225 from @archiron: FakeHistos V1 : plugins part dqm
  • #40223 from @missirol: update of hltDumpStream for Run-3 HLT menus hlt
  • #40222 from @mmusich: minor improvements to Alignment/OfflineValidation alca
  • #40220 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_6_X (1/N) [13_0_X] hlt
  • #40216 from @saumyaphor4252: Update SiPixel bad components in Run 3 MC GTs alca
  • #40215 from @AdrianoDee: Avoid CPE Fast ES Producers Renaming reconstruction
  • #40211 from @vlimant: update input dataset and fix step pdmv upgrade
  • #40210 from @smuzaffar: [LTO] Add default initialization to fix LTO build warnings reconstruction
  • #40209 from @swertz: Nano: restore Run2/3 consistency between electron/photon IDs; remove scale+smearing correction for Run3 operations xpog
  • #40208 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx333 Bug fix for invalid DetID declaration for SimHits n V16/V17 geometry versions of HGCal geometry upgrade
  • #40207 from @mmusich: provide a record for cond::BasicPayload alca db
  • #40206 from @AdrianoDee: Fix for TTRHBuilders with PixelCPEFast reconstruction
  • #40204 from @gartung: Utilities/StaticAnalyzers: Check for CMS_THREAD_SAFETY or CMS_SA_ALLOW attributes on statments using const_cast and skip warnings. core
  • #40203 from @smuzaffar: [CORE] [LLVM14] Apply code checks core
  • #40202 from @smuzaffar: [HLT] [LLVM14] Apply code checks hlt
  • #40201 from @smuzaffar: [XPOG] [LLVM14] Apply code checks xpog
  • #40200 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA-DB] [LLVM14] Apply code checks alca db
  • #40199 from @smuzaffar: [VISUALIZATION] [LLVM14] Apply code checks visualization
  • #40198 from @smuzaffar: [GEOMETRY] [LLVM14] Apply code checks geometry
  • #40197 from @smuzaffar: [RECONSTRUCTION-UPGRADE] [LLVM14] Apply code checks reconstruction upgrade
  • #40196 from @smuzaffar: [L1] [LLVM14] Apply code checks l1
  • #40195 from @smuzaffar: [DB] [LLVM14] Apply code checks db
  • #40194 from @smuzaffar: [ANALYSIS] [LLVM14] Apply code checks analysis
  • #40193 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA] [LLVM14] Apply code checks alca
  • #40192 from @smuzaffar: [RECONSTRUCTION-XPOG] [LLVM14] Apply code checks reconstruction xpog
  • #40191 from @smuzaffar: [GENERATORS] [LLVM14] Apply code checks generators
  • #40190 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA-L1] [LLVM14] Apply code checks alca l1
  • #40189 from @smuzaffar: [RECONSTRUCTION] [LLVM14] Apply code checks reconstruction
  • #40188 from @smuzaffar: [GEOMETRY-UPGRADE] [LLVM14] Apply code checks geometry upgrade
  • #40187 from @smuzaffar: [DQM-L1] [LLVM14] Apply code checks dqm l1
  • #40186 from @smuzaffar: [DQM] [LLVM14] Apply code checks dqm
  • #40185 from @smuzaffar: [SIMULATION] [LLVM14] Apply code checks simulation
  • #40181 from @guitargeek: Clean unused dependencies from BuildFiles analysis alca dqm hlt l1 reconstruction db upgrade xpog
  • #40180 from @civanch: Safe Geant4 stacking action simulation
  • #40179 from @makortel: Make two function-static variables const core
  • #40175 from @mandrenguyen: Remove deprecated NoPileUpPFMEtDataProducer reconstruction
  • #40172 from @abdoulline: Adding "hcal2" DQM to "rerecoCommon" in dqm
  • #40170 from @mmusich: Fix warning message about PixelCPEFast in TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer alca reconstruction
  • #40169 from @swertz: NanoDQM: remove consumesMany, plot bits in bitsets xpog
  • #40168 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx332 Add debug tools to investigate shortcomings of V16/V17 geometries of HGCal dqm geometry simulation upgrade
  • #40166 from @makortel: Add missing dependence on DataFormats/MuonReco to RecoLocalMuon/GEMCSCSegment/test/BuildFile.xml reconstruction upgrade
  • #40165 from @Michael-Krohn: HCAL: Remove the MIP fine grain bit logic from the HCAL endcap alca l1
  • #40162 from @swertz: Nano: fix and additions to collection matching, remove cross-cleaning reconstruction xpog
  • #40161 from @riga: Accept const session in TF interface. reconstruction
  • #40160 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx331 Transfer HGCal TB related stuff to Geometry/HGCalTestBeam and modify these accordingly geometry simulation upgrade
  • #40158 from @missirol: change default of resetPSCountersEachLumiSec to false in L1T emulator l1
  • #40153 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_5_X (2/N) [13_0_X] hlt
  • #40151 from @sunilUIET: addition of WFs with post EE conditions pdmv upgrade
  • #40147 from @cms-tsg-storm: Use LFN for EDM files of HLT-Validation and HLT-addon tests hlt
  • #40146 from @fabiocos: MTD reconstruction: fix local cluster position and uncertainty determination reconstruction upgrade
  • #40145 from @vlimant: streamline the configuration of TriggerObjectTableProducer xpog
  • #40144 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex146 Remove all references to FastTimerDetID which are no longer used in CMSSW reconstruction simulation upgrade
  • #40143 from @fabiocos: MTD validation: update monitoring of reconstructed clusters dqm
  • #40139 from @wddgit: JetCorrector migration in DiJetAnalyzer, GammaJetAnalysis alca
  • #40136 from @makortel: Make duplicate branch check work properly with SwitchProducer that has EDAlias case core
  • #40135 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Remove deprecated exists API in favor of fillDescriptions in SiPixelQualityESProducer alca
  • #40133 from @Dr15Jones: Revived being able to run modules inside a mixing module core simulation
  • #40125 from @vjmastra: Update and cleaning of BPH trigger DQM/RelVal code and plots dqm
  • #40122 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx330 Transfer most of the HGCal TB related geometry file to the new branch Geometry/HGCalTBCommonData geometry
  • #40117 from @lwang046: HcalDQM: Add protection to collection non-exist case for GPUTask dqm
  • #40113 from @sroychow: SiStrip use LFN for unit test input alca
  • #40107 from @dinyar: Remove left over uGMT ZS configuration dqm
  • #40106 from @vlimant: short names for matrix workflows pdmv upgrade
  • #40104 from @wddgit: Allow SwitchProducer cases to declare different transient products core
  • #40100 from @yuanchao: Add Run 3 muon process using proper DNN b-tagger alca reconstruction xpog
  • #40099 from @smorovic: (DAQ) File based protocol update daq dqm hlt
  • #40072 from @abhih1: Add TTID integrity error plots for ECAL DQM [Master] dqm
  • #40058 from @yuanchao: Replacing jet b-tagger with 'pfDeepCSVJetTags:probb' for Run 3. alca dqm
  • #40057 from @guitargeek: Use fp_traits_non_native directly in eos-portable-archive db
  • #40051 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex145 Change getByLabel to use tokens in Alignment/OfflineValidation alca
  • #40043 from @yuanchao: Add Run 3 patjet process with supported b-taggers alca reconstruction xpog
  • #39995 from @GPUOfflinePV-CMS: New Vertex Clustering in Blocks and Weighted Mean Estimator operations reconstruction pdmv upgrade
  • #39985 from @quark2: Updates on GE21 online/offlineDQM plots with division on modules dqm reconstruction simulation upgrade
  • #39953 from @wddgit: Remove deprecated JetCorrector and related files analysis dqm reconstruction xpog
  • #39847 from @wddgit: JetCorrector migration in DQM/Physics dqm
  • #39808 from @yuanchao: Mask old b-taggers and keep only DNN taggers with Era modifier for run3. alca reconstruction
  • #39167 from @jeongeun: Replace Geometry_cff with GeometryDB_cff in DPGAnalysis pdmv
  • #38761 from @AdrianoDee: Tracker Traits and Enabling Phase2 for Inner Tracker Reconstruction on GPU dqm geometry hlt reconstruction heterogeneous

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_13_0_0_pre1/el8_amd64_gcc11 and REL/CMSSW_13_0_0_pre2/el8_amd64_gcc11:


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