github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_6_0_pre5

latest releases: CMSSW_14_2_0_pre1_6e31ebe_ROOT633, CMSSW_14_2_DEVEL_X_2024-09-19-2300, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-19-2300...
22 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_6_0_pre4:


  • #40127 from @civanch: Protection for negative kinetic energy in Geant4 tracking simulation
  • #40121 from @Sam-Harper: cleaning the folder name of the per path histograms hlt
  • #40116 from @civanch: Check geant4 voxels structure simulation
  • #40114 from @TomasKello: Fix alignment offline validation ROOT6.27/01 issue alca
  • #40109 from @francescobrivio: Fix HI rawDataInputTag for beamhlt DQM client dqm
  • #40105 from @dan131riley: fix initialization of local variables to avoid vagrind warnings reconstruction
  • #40101 from @francescobrivio: Add MC GT for 2022 postEE leak alca
  • #40098 from @civanch: Protection in geant4 stacking action simulation
  • #40093 from @AnnikaStein: Adapt protection against zero weights or pt for SV producer reconstruction
  • #40084 from @swagata87: Improve unprotected areas of GSF code to avoid segfault reconstruction
  • #40081 from @laurenhay: Protect against particles with zero weight and pt being given as input to njettiness reconstruction
  • #40069 from @suchandradutta: Phase2TrackerDigitizer: Activating Bias Rail Inefficiency simulation upgrade
  • #40062 from @fwyzard: Fix the ThroughputService and FastTimerService DQM folders hlt
  • #40061 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Fix in SiPixelQualityESProducer to support two labelled records alca
  • #40060 from @elfontan: OS requirement for Triple Muon seeds in the uGT emulator l1
  • #40056 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx329E Remove obsolete FastTimer code from Geometry/HCalCommonData geometry upgrade
  • #40055 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327I Take care of some remaining obsolete python scripts in Geometry/HGCalCommonData geometry upgrade
  • #40053 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca235 Update some of the scripts used in calibrating HCAL channels using muons alca
  • #40052 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx329D Remove obsolete files FastTimeTopology and its usage from Geometry/CaloTopology and Geometry/CaloEventSetup geometry
  • #40050 from @dan131riley: Improve cpu feature discover on ppc and aarch64 core
  • #40049 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry and reconstruction: update locaPosition in RectangularMTDTopology and adapt cluster accordingly dqm geometry reconstruction upgrade
  • #40046 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_5_X (1/N): HLT HIon V1.0 of 2022 [12_6_X] hlt
  • #40045 from @rgoldouz: Run3 ele ID is added to the cleaned 126 nanoAOD electron module + DQM (Run3 EffArea is applied only to the EGamma supported variables) reconstruction xpog
  • #40039 from @asculac: Adding HZZ electron ID mva score to miniAOD for Run3 reconstruction
  • #40038 from @agrohsje: isrptmin2fac option for PS weights in Pythia 8.306 generators
  • #40037 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327H Clean up unused obsolete python files preceding V16 of HGCAL specification from Geometry/HGCalCommonData geometry upgrade
  • #40035 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim136 Extend the testing of wrong cell assignments in HCAL simulation
  • #40033 from @swertz: Fix JMENano, further cleanup in Nano xpog
  • #40019 from @mmusich: fix gcc11 compilation issues in CompareAlignments, post #38304 merge alca
  • #40018 from @missirol: improve logging of addOnTests core
  • #40017 from @mmusich: [TsosGaussianStateConversions] proposal fix for Gsf Tracking segmentation fault when no states are passing selection criteria reconstruction
  • #40015 from @francescobrivio: Use ppEra_Run3_pp_on_PbPb_approxSiStripClusters for hi_run in visualization DQM clients dqm
  • #40011 from @tvami: Remove MVASelector tags for tracking in data GTs + re-snapshot frozen GT alca
  • #40010 from @tvami: Remove MVASelector tags for tracking in MC GTs alca
  • #40009 from @mmusich: [DQMOffline/Alignment] Improvements on di-muon mass bias plots dqm
  • #40008 from @bsunanda: Phase2-329C Remove all obsolete files relevant to FastTimerGeoemtry from HGCal related projects geometry upgrade
  • #40006 from @tvami: Move HcalCalIsolatedBunchSelector from Commissioning to ZB PD alca
  • #40005 from @mmusich: use EvFFEDExcluder instead of EvFFEDSelector for rawPrimeDataRepacker operations pdmv upgrade
  • #40004 from @missirol: various improvements to HLT-development tools hlt
  • #40003 from @mmusich: add a TransientTrackingRechitBuilder for CPEFast reconstruction
  • #40002 from @michaelwassmer: Rework MET correction/uncertainty tool reconstruction xpog
  • #39998 from @francescobrivio: Add ppEra_Run3_pp_on_PbPb_approxSiStripClusters scenario operations
  • #39997 from @rseidita: Adding log(pt) to jet DQM dqm
  • #39994 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim135 Modify the analysis code of SimHit Results simulation
  • #39993 from @missirol: add plugin to produce FEDRawDataCollection excluding a list of FEDs daq
  • #39992 from @srimanob: Fix D97 unit test and clean up Phase2 XMLs geometry upgrade
  • #39991 from @Dr15Jones: Do not call methods on EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap nullptr geometry l1 upgrade
  • #39990 from @Dr15Jones: Set member data in GEMClusterProcessor l1
  • #39989 from @suchandradutta: Implementation of digitizer noise occupancy simulation upgrade
  • #39988 from @francescobrivio: Use Era Run3_pp_on_PbPb_approxSiStripClusters in DQM clients with tracking dqm
  • #39986 from @mmusich: add FED 1022 to the list passed to rawPrimeDataRepacker operations
  • #39978 from @Dr15Jones: Remove WatchRuns restriction on HectorProducer simulation
  • #39974 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hcx341 Add a new Prodcut file Phase2 HCAL and modify the scenarios accordingly geometry upgrade
  • #39972 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327G Remove and modify many more test scripts in Geometry/HGCalCommonData in view of retaining only stuffs for V16, V17 and TB geometry upgrade
  • #39968 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx338 Modify the dumping for geometry visualisation of HCAL geometry
  • #39967 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx337 Fix a bug for wrong DetID assignment in HCAL - relevenat for Runs 1,2,3,4 geometry simulation
  • #39965 from @srimanob: Allow to run smearing sequence separate from GEN step operations
  • #39963 from @shdutta16: Cut based photon id run iii winter22 reconstruction xpog
  • #39962 from @sroychow: TkDQM: Add DQM modules for monitoring VectorHits dqm
  • #39960 from @Dr15Jones: Added getByToken to edm::EventBase core
  • #39959 from @mmusich: add era-dependent switch on the AlCaRecoTriggerBit key for SiPixel ALCARECO producers alca
  • #39956 from @wonpoint4: [NanoAOD V10] - Adding correct Iso filter name (without cut values) for Run3 xpog
  • #39955 from @vlimant: Setting precision in GlobalVariablesProducer xpog
  • #39952 from @nickh2000: EMTF DQM fix to remove duplicate x-axis bin labels dqm
  • #39947 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx329B Remove reference to FastTimeGeometry from Fireworks - this is an obsolete reference, never used and never will be visualization
  • #39946 from @bsunanda: Phase2-329A Remove obsolete class from Validation/HGCalValidation dqm
  • #39945 from @makortel: Work around a segfault when a non-consumed module with Transfomer ability has been deleted core
  • #39941 from @abhih1: Change threshold for presample mean in ECAL DQM Pedestal Quality plot [Master] dqm
  • #39934 from @francescobrivio: Fix rerecoCommon DQM sequence dqm
  • #39930 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca234 Make a new set of PU correction factor for 2022 calibration runs alca
  • #39929 from @mrcthiel: updating triggerObjects_cff V10 xpog
  • #39928 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327F Modify more scripts in Geometry/HGCalCommonData/test/python to retain minimum number of scripts useful for V16, V17 and TB setups geometry upgrade
  • #39927 from @Prasant1993: Photon MVA-based ID for Run3 from EGamma POG reconstruction xpog
  • #39924 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_4_X (10/N): HLT V1.5 of 2022 [12_6_X] hlt pdmv upgrade
  • #39923 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex144 Avoid compilation warnings in RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer test codes reconstruction
  • #39922 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex143 Update RecoEgamma/EgammaElectronProducers to avoid compilation warnings reconstruction
  • #39920 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx335 Add protection to eta values for phase2 scenario in HCAL geometry alca geometry db
  • #39919 from @fwyzard: Improve the SoA accessors and optimisations heterogeneous
  • #39918 from @Michael-Krohn: HCAL: Modifications to the HCAL trigger key generation scripts db
  • #39917 from @mmusich: add protection for AlCa step in several specialized phase-2 workflows pdmv upgrade
  • #39916 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327E Update several scripts in Geometry/HGCalCommonData/test/python to support only v16 and V17 geometries of HGCal geometry upgrade
  • #39915 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused EDAnalyzer.h from METTester dqm
  • #39913 from @Dr15Jones: Remove unused EDAnalyzer.h in Reco* packages reconstruction
  • #39912 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused EDAnalyzer.h from L1Trigger* l1
  • #39910 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused EDAnalyzer.h header from AnalysisJV analysis
  • #39909 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused EDAnalyzer.h from HLTJetMETValidation.h dqm
  • #39908 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused EDAnalyzer.h header from DQMOffline dqm
  • #39907 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unneeded include of EDAnalyzer.h from DQM dqm hlt
  • #39895 from @perrotta: Deal with cases in which file is a nullptr in dqm
  • #39893 from @swertz: Nano: fix matching between pat trigger objects and L1 objects xpog
  • #39892 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327D Delete some of the obsolete files in Geometry/HGCalCommonData/test area and make some more general geometry upgrade
  • #39889 from @Dr15Jones: Fix deprecation warnings in DQMOffline/CalibMuon dqm
  • #39888 from @Dr15Jones: Converted remaining DQM modules to edm:1️⃣:EDAnalyzer dqm hlt db
  • #39887 from @Dr15Jones: Made MagFieldConfigDBWriter an edm:1️⃣:EDAnalyzer alca
  • #39886 from @Dr15Jones: Made DataFormats test modules thread-friendly reconstruction
  • #39882 from @Dr15Jones: Removed EventFilter/Playback daq
  • #39881 from @Dr15Jones: Made DQMRivetClient thread-friendly generators
  • #39880 from @Dr15Jones: Changed profiling analyzers to edm:1️⃣:EDAnalyzer core
  • #39879 from @Dr15Jones: Change recoBSVTagInfoValidationAnalyzer to be thread-friendly dqm
  • #39878 from @Dr15Jones: Fix remaining CMS deprecation warnings in Reco* subsystems reconstruction
  • #39877 from @makortel: Remove commented unnecessary code from DigiAccumulatorMixModFactory.h simulation
  • #39876 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex142D Replace cout with edm::LogVerbatim in Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor alca
  • #39875 from @wddgit: Migration from deprecated ::JetCorrector class, NoPileUpPFMEtDataProducer reconstruction
  • #39874 from @Dr15Jones: Catch case where parent index is bad in Hydjet generators
  • #39873 from @swagata87: [TsosGaussianStateConversions] Require GSF states to be positive definite [12_6_X] reconstruction
  • #39872 from @smuzaffar: Fix unit test: use LNF so that input files can be read from ibeos alca
  • #39871 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327C Delete some of the obsolete files in Geometry/HGCalCommonData/test/python geometry upgrade
  • #39870 from @cecilecaillol: [L1T] bugfix, remove duplicate file l1 upgrade
  • #39869 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327B Add a test suit to investigate why some of the SimHits are declared invalid in Geometry/HGCalCommonData geometry upgrade
  • #39867 from @guitargeek: RooFit-related fixes in DiMuonMassBiasClient dqm
  • #39866 from @trackreco: [MkFit] Phase2 geometry & String configurable standard functions reconstruction
  • #39864 from @wddgit: Cleanup, RecoJets/JetAnalyzers, Motivated by JetCorrector Migration reconstruction
  • #39863 from @mandrenguyen: Raw prime wf for Run 3 data w/ dropped strips + approx. clusters daq operations reconstruction pdmv upgrade
  • #39861 from @ahinzmann: Enable Puppi photon protection for jets reconstruction
  • #39860 from @quark2: GE21 recHits in GEM onlineDQM dqm
  • #39859 from @missirol: give OnlineLuminosityRecord info to HLT's LumiMonitor plugin dqm hlt
  • #39858 from @mmusich: Add AlCaReco producers in phase-2 workflows alca reconstruction pdmv upgrade
  • #39857 from @fabiocos: MTD simulation and validation: move hit position from entry point to local position dqm simulation upgrade
  • #39855 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex142C Use tokens rather than labels in accessing collections within Alignments/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms alca
  • #39854 from @leonardogiannini: mkfit pixelLess-specific DNN training reconstruction
  • #39852 from @Dr15Jones: Add histogram full name if exception happens in DQMRootSource dqm
  • #39850 from @vlimant: simple option to rerun failed workflows from a matrix report pdmv upgrade
  • #39848 from @wddgit: Remove deprecated JetPartonCorrector analysis
  • #39841 from @srimanob: Add D97 Phase-2 geometry geometry operations pdmv upgrade
  • #39836 from @cecilecaillol: [L1T] Phase-2, track MET update for FW sync (new) l1 upgrade
  • #39834 from @missirol: use --hltProcess reHLT in Run-3 Data RelVals pdmv upgrade
  • #39833 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex142B Use tokens rather than labels in accessing collections in Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer alca
  • #39823 from @francescobrivio: Update Run3 offline and offline_relval GTs alca
  • #39818 from @johnalison: Update trigger filters for jets stored in Nano for Run3 menu xpog
  • #39810 from @SohamBhattacharya: Switch to TICLv4 for offline HGCAL electrons and photons reconstruction upgrade
  • #39805 from @ravindkv: duplicated hcalDepthTowerSumEt in GsfElectron.h reconstruction
  • #39801 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecation warnings in RecoEgamma subsystem reconstruction
  • #39796 from @vlimant: NANO configuration Cleanup alca operations reconstruction pdmv upgrade xpog
  • #39795 from @indra-ehep: Muon Tomography with the reconstructed files dqm
  • #39776 from @trackreco: Disable computation of Q probability in SiPixel template CPE for iterative tracking reconstruction
  • #39758 from @tvami: Add new HI Beamspot to the Run-3 HI MC + change vertex smearing to use the estimated HI version alca pdmv upgrade
  • #39736 from @hahnjo: Add G4HepEm to CMSSW core simulation
  • #39722 from @AdrianoDee: Add tracking only PU workflows pdmv upgrade
  • #39498 from @fwyzard: Require the AlpakaService to be enabled before running on a Device heterogeneous
  • #39441 from @slowmoyang: GE21-ME21 segment reconstruction dqm operations reconstruction upgrade
  • #39428 from @makortel: Evolution of the Alpaka "gpu framework" core heterogeneous
  • #39355 from @cramonal: Adding MVA ID to nanoAOD code xpog
  • #39309 from @mrcthiel: Adding photon and muon leg trigger filters of HLT_Mu17_Photon30_IsoCa xpog
  • #39087 from @jeongeun: Replace Geometry_cff with GeometryDB_cff in MuonAnalysis analysis
  • #38304 from @cms-trackeralign: Introduction of New-All-In-One tool for Offline Validation of TrkAlignment alca

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_6_0_pre4/el8_amd64_gcc10 and REL/CMSSW_12_6_0_pre5/el8_amd64_gcc10:


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