github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_6_0_pre4

latest releases: CMSSW_14_2_0_pre1_6e31ebe_ROOT633, CMSSW_14_2_DEVEL_X_2024-09-19-2300, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-19-2300...
23 months ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_6_0_pre3:


  • #39853 from @Dr15Jones: Fix use of duplicate bin names in DQM/L1TMonitor dqm
  • #39843 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry: fix BTL numbering scheme for DD4hep+Geant4 extra level in path geometry reconstruction upgrade
  • #39838 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327A Make some trivial changes to the destructors of a few classes in Geometry/HGCalCommonData geometry upgrade
  • #39835 from @beaucero: Synchronisation of HCal Config for HLT_75E33 menu (Phase2) hlt
  • #39832 from @missirol: unit test of L1TGlobalProducer and small technical updates to GlobalBoard l1
  • #39831 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex142A Use tokenss rather than labels in accessing collections in Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor alca
  • #39828 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327X Improve the scripts for muon tomography in Validation/HGCalValidation dqm
  • #39826 from @fwyzard: Mark alpaka trait constants as inline heterogeneous
  • #39822 from @eyigitba: EMTF Primitive Conversion LUT update l1
  • #39821 from @Dr15Jones: Fix deprecation warnings in HLTrigger/HLTanalyzers hlt
  • #39820 from @swagata87: [EGM HLT@Phase2] Move to TICL v4 hlt
  • #39819 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecation warning in JetMETCorrections subsystem analysis
  • #39816 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex141 Use token rather than labels in accessing collections in CalibCalorimetry/EcalLaserAnalyzer alca
  • #39813 from @fwyzard: Make cms::alpakatools::host() non-static heterogeneous
  • #39807 from @fabferro: PPS pixel: fixing sim unitid simulation
  • #39806 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca233 Replace some hardcoded numbers by configurale parameters in Calibration/IsolatedParticles alca
  • #39802 from @wddgit: Migration ::JetCorrector to reco::JetCorrector, trivial cases dqm reconstruction
  • #39799 from @jalimena: Update & bug fix for offline DQM for EXO & HIG Run 3 muon paths dqm
  • #39798 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecation warning in L1Trigger subsystem l1
  • #39794 from @missirol: fix Run-3 data input for tests on HIon HLT menu hlt
  • #39789 from @arsahasransu: Add Eta cut to HLT Egamma objects. hlt
  • #39788 from @hbecerri: Update generators
  • #39787 from @fabferro: PPS pixel improvement of error debugging dqm reconstruction
  • #39784 from @Dr15Jones: Deal with late parents in HydjetHadronizer generators
  • #39783 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecatation warnings in RecoLocalMuon reconstruction upgrade
  • #39780 from @missirol: loosen check on ntuplet size in GPUCACell::find_ntuplets reconstruction
  • #39779 from @Sam-Harper: Fixing bug in HLTriggerJSONMonitoring L1 and prescale module idenfication hlt
  • #39778 from @Dr15Jones: Always keep JobReport file as XML parseable core
  • #39774 from @indra-ehep: muontomo-detid-validity-plus-new-features-plus-documentation-plus-cleaning dqm
  • #39771 from @mmusich: allow SoA Pixel RecHits monitoring to run in Phase-2 workflows dqm
  • #39770 from @missirol: update path of EDM files used in HLT tests hlt
  • #39769 from @epalencia: Update GMT Barrel limit l1
  • #39768 from @vjmastra: Update and cleaning of BPH trigger DQM/RelVal plots dqm
  • #39767 from @mmusich: Alignment Payload Inspector: support multi-IOV tag comparisons and pixel maps db
  • #39766 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex140 Remove 2 obsolete classes from RecoEgamma/EgammaTools reconstruction
  • #39765 from @vlimant: nano test scripts in CMSSW xpog
  • #39763 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim134 Modify the scripts to get geometry statistics for phase2 scenarios simulation
  • #39762 from @bennettgberg: Add option to cut H<a+bE+cE*E hlt
  • #39760 from @Dr15Jones: Fix deprecation warnings in RecoMuon sub-system hlt reconstruction
  • #39757 from @francescobrivio: Remove deprecated HCAL CondTools scripts db
  • #39755 from @kskovpen: Update Run2022 relval wfs pdmv upgrade
  • #39753 from @makortel: Add missing include to core
  • #39750 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unnecessary deprecated header in JetSignalVertexCompatibility reconstruction
  • #39749 from @wddgit: Legacy migrations, L1MuonOverlapParamsDBProducer OMTFPatternMaker l1
  • #39748 from @Dr15Jones: Remove CMS deprecation warnings from CheckHitPattern analysis
  • #39747 from @Dr15Jones: Fix deprecation warnings in PhysicsTools sub-system analysis
  • #39746 from @Dr15Jones: Fix deprecation warnings in L1TriggerConfig subsystem l1
  • #39745 from @Dr15Jones: Remove use of legacy EDProducer from Framework tests core
  • #39738 from @fwyzard: Skip invalid channels in the GPU HCAL RecHit producer reconstruction
  • #39733 from @srimanob: Update Phase-2 Tracker and HGCAL HLT config files hlt pdmv upgrade
  • #39731 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca232 Update the scripts to make offline analysis of muon data in calibrating HCAL alca
  • #39730 from @epalencia: [L1T] Fix mva ntuple variable l1 upgrade
  • #39729 from @wddgit: Resume stream queue later in releaseBeginRunResources core
  • #39727 from @nhduongvn: Fix site-local-config.xml parsing when subsite tag has no element core
  • #39726 from @andrea21z: Remove 'TSGForOI' module hlt reconstruction
  • #39724 from @andrea21z: Remove 'MuonErrorMatrixAdjuster' module reconstruction
  • #39723 from @mmusich: add edm::one::SharedResources to DQM/SiStripMonitorClient plugins dqm
  • #39721 from @Dr15Jones: Made class static variable const in L1SeedConePFJetEmulator l1 upgrade
  • #39720 from @stahlleiton: HGCAL: Change ToA to global time in DIGI hlt reconstruction simulation upgrade
  • #39719 from @Dr15Jones: Better array initialization in L1TrackJetEmulationProducer l1 upgrade
  • #39718 from @Dr15Jones: Fix thread safety issues in L1Trigger/Phase2L1GMT l1
  • #39717 from @Dr15Jones: Fix ASAN error in HydjetHadronizer generators
  • #39716 from @Dr15Jones: Thread safe fitting in EcalUncalibRecHitRecAnalFitAlgo reconstruction
  • #39715 from @leonardogiannini: track selection DNN update and relative working points reconstruction
  • #39711 from @fwyzard: Fix SiPixelRawToClusterGPUKernel for spurious ROCs reconstruction
  • #39707 from @dmeuser: Fix number of aligned modules for HG PCL Tracker alignment alca
  • #39704 from @cecilecaillol: [L1T] bug-fix: rename l1ctLayer1 objects l1 upgrade
  • #39703 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim133 Use token instead of label in accessing collection and use TFileService for ROOT histograms in FastSimulation/Validation fastsim
  • #39701 from @Dr15Jones: Changed TopQuarkAnalysis/TopEventProducers modules to thread-friendly analysis
  • #39700 from @wddgit: JetMETCorrections/MinBias legacy migration analysis
  • #39699 from @Dr15Jones: Fixed CMS deprecation warnings in SimPPS/RPDigiProducer simulation
  • #39698 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecation warnings in RecoTracker & RecoVertex reconstruction
  • #39696 from @Dr15Jones: Switch modules in RecoTBCalo to thread-friendly types reconstruction
  • #39691 from @abrinke1: Fix trigger matching issues in L1Trigger DQMOffline dqm l1
  • #39690 from @radla118: Add new LumiCorrectionsSummary plot for Payload Inspector db
  • #39689 from @swertz: NanoAOD: move producers to new event getter methods xpog
  • #39688 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim132 Use token rather than label in some of te classes in FastSimulation/Tracking fastsim
  • #39687 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca231 Update some of the defaults for Muon analysis code in HCalAlCaRecoProducers and HcalCalibAlgos alca
  • #39684 from @finnlabe: B2G HLT DQM threshold and binning changes dqm
  • #39683 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx327 Modify the scripts needed to produce samples for muon tomography for HGCal dqm
  • #39677 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_4_X (9/N) [12_6_X] hlt
  • #39676 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim131 Collections are accessed using token rather than label is FastSimulation/ParticleDecay and also use TFileService fastsim
  • #39675 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused deprecated header from TauRegionalPixelSeedGenerator.h hlt
  • #39674 from @Dr15Jones: Remove use of deprecated header from RecoMuon subsystem reconstruction
  • #39673 from @wddgit: Implement support for concurrent runs in the Framework core simulation
  • #39671 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim130 Use of tokens instead of labels for accessing collections in FastSimulation/Muons fastsim
  • #39670 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry: update BTL description dqm geometry operations reconstruction simulation pdmv upgrade
  • #39666 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim129 Use token rather than label for accessing collections in FastSimulation/ForwardDetectors fastsim
  • #39665 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim128 Use token rather than label for accessing collections in FastSimulation/Calorimetry fastsim
  • #39664 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unnecessary deprecated header from hlt reconstruction
  • #39663 from @Dr15Jones: Fixed deprecation warnings in RecoMuon/GlobalTrackingTools reconstruction
  • #39662 from @Dr15Jones: Fix deprecation warnings in RecoMuon/GlobalMuonProducer reconstruction
  • #39661 from @Dr15Jones: Moved RecoMuon/CosmicMuonProducer modules to thread-friendly types reconstruction
  • #39660 from @Dr15Jones: Made HcalLaserReco a global::EDProducer reconstruction
  • #39659 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused header from reconstruction
  • #39658 from @Dr15Jones: Moved BasicToPFJet to global::EDProducer reconstruction
  • #39657 from @Dr15Jones: Convert RecoJets/JetAssociationProducers to thread friendly types reconstruction
  • #39656 from @swagata87: [GSF tracking] Add full Sylvester criterion for positive definite check reconstruction
  • #39655 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex139 Avoid compilation warning coming from DataFormats/ForwardDetId simulation upgrade
  • #39654 from @Dr15Jones: Converted RecoHI/HiTracking modules to thread-friendly types reconstruction
  • #39652 from @ChrisMisan: PPS automatic workflows for timing calibration alca dqm
  • #39649 from @mmusich: AlignPCLThresholds_PayloadInspector: reduce code duplication, move similar classes to a template and specialize them in the plugins db
  • #39645 from @francescobrivio: Update SiStrip and SiPixel bad components for Run 3 MC GTs alca
  • #39643 from @Dr15Jones: Changed HiL1Subtractor to global::EDProducer reconstruction
  • #39641 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unnecessary headers in HiEvtPlaneFlatten reconstruction
  • #39640 from @Dr15Jones: Made GenericSelectorByValueMap a global::EDProducer reconstruction
  • #39639 from @Dr15Jones: Made EventShapeVarsProducer thread-friendly analysis
  • #39637 from @Dr15Jones: Moved modules in L1Trigger/TextToDigi to be thread friendly l1
  • #39636 from @makortel: Add Service type in an exception message from ServiceRegistry core
  • #39633 from @pmandrik: [12_6_X] RPCDqmClient crash fix for 0 LS runs dqm
  • #39632 from @Dr15Jones: Made L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromDigis modules thread safe l1
  • #39629 from @Dr15Jones: Made L1Trigger/GlobalCaloTrigger test modules thread-friendly l1
  • #39628 from @Dr15Jones: Changed Type1PFMET to global::EDProducer reconstruction
  • #39626 from @Dr15Jones: Make L1Filter thread friendly l1
  • #39616 from @wddgit: Migrate legacy type modules to one type dqm
  • #39609 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused headers from GeneratorInterface/Pythia6Interface generators
  • #39606 from @kdlong: Update fine calo proc modifier simulation
  • #39599 from @vlimant: Option to make track covariance Pos-def in packedcandidate reconstruction xpog
  • #39598 from @rovere: [HGCAL] Fix search box eta phi reconstruction upgrade
  • #39596 from @khaosmos93: [MUO] Suppress excessive warnings in muon tracking at HLT reconstruction
  • #39589 from @Dr15Jones: Changed L1GtTextToRaw to thread-friendly module type l1
  • #39588 from @Dr15Jones: Made L1GctInternJetProducer a global module l1
  • #39587 from @Dr15Jones: Made MatacqProducer a one module reconstruction
  • #39586 from @Dr15Jones: Moved DQM/DataScouting modules to thread friendly types dqm
  • #39585 from @Dr15Jones: Moved test modules in DataFormat/Math to thread friendly types reconstruction
  • #39584 from @Dr15Jones: Modernized modules in CommonTools/RecoUtils analysis
  • #39571 from @srimanob: Reset Phase-2 workflow ID alca geometry pdmv upgrade
  • #39557 from @Dr15Jones: Added transformAsync ability to modules core
  • #39556 from @makortel: Move EventSetup module PSet validation to be called from ComponentMaker core
  • #39551 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx325J Remove reference to 6-inch wafers in 5 classes of Validation/HGCalValidation dqm
  • #39521 from @smuzaffar: [RECONSTRUCTION] [GCC12] Fix build warnings reconstruction
  • #39519 from @Moanwar: Remove hardcoded trigger bits from Lumi ALCARECOs alca db
  • #39518 from @tvami: Modernize SiStripMonitorClient dqm
  • #39517 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx325I Remove reference to 6 inch HGCal silicon wafers in 3 codes in Validation/HGCalValidation/plugins dqm
  • #39487 from @yeckang: [GEM] Unpacker update for the vfat making information dqm reconstruction simulation upgrade
  • #39472 from @vlimant: Nano test in runthematrix pdmv upgrade xpog
  • #39464 from @mitaylor: Update GlobalBoard class FDL for fractional prescales, to match logic in firmware hlt l1
  • #39459 from @AWildridge: Extension of LHEGenericMassFilter capabilities to filter on non-outgoing particles generators
  • #39422 from @cecilecaillol: [L1T] Phase-2, Create GTT to GT test vectors, and test vectors from the L1TrackSelectionProducer outputs l1 upgrade
  • #39230 from @wonpoint4: [NanoAOD] Adding correct Iso filter name (without cut values) for Run3 xpog
  • #38784 from @jeongeun: Replace Geometry_cff with GeometryDB_cff in RecoJets reconstruction
  • #38341 from @cms-L1TK: L1 track bit accurate KF track fit emulation + other improvements l1 simulation upgrade

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_6_0_pre3/el8_amd64_gcc10 and REL/CMSSW_12_6_0_pre4/el8_amd64_gcc10:


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