github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_4_6

latest releases: CMSSW_15_0_X_2024-12-19-1600, CMSSW_14_0_19_patch2, CMSSW_14_0_X_2024-12-19-1100...
2 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_4_5_patch1:


  • #38989 from @fwyzard: Handle pixel modules with all invalid pixels [12.4.x] reconstruction
  • #38982 from @tvami: [124X] Fix PPS timing detectors record and tag names for PCL, fix further bugs for SAMPIC wf alca operations db
  • #38909 from @sam7k9621: Update the for new HLT menu v1.3 pdmv
  • #38751 from @cms-tau-pog: DeepTau v2p5 in nanoAOD [12_4_X] reconstruction xpog

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_4_5_patch1/el8_amd64_gcc10 and REL/CMSSW_12_4_6/el8_amd64_gcc10:


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