github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_4_0_pre3

latest releases: CMSSW_14_2_0_pre1_6e31ebe_ROOT633, CMSSW_14_2_DEVEL_X_2024-09-19-2300, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-19-2300...
2 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_4_0_pre2:


  • #37634 from @zuoxunwu: small fix to enable CSC unpacker in L1T DQM sequence dqm
  • #37631 from @mmusich: get rid of more deprecation warnings in OnlineDB db
  • #37627 from @tvami: Add new scenario for ECAL ALCANANO and update the unit test operations
  • #37613 from @mmusich: fix the cms EDModule type of GenParticleMatchMerger simulation
  • #37609 from @Dr15Jones: Move framework test modules away from legacy types core
  • #37607 from @Dr15Jones: Disable fork handler in XrootD core
  • #37606 from @missirol: add HLT-EGM customisation for 2018 Data hlt
  • #37605 from @fwyzard: Updates to the MPIService heterogeneous
  • #37604 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx309 Add possibility of adding shift due to cassette positioning geometry upgrade
  • #37594 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X [12_4_X] hlt
  • #37591 from @Dr15Jones: Better exception messages from ROOT delayed reading core
  • #37589 from @Dr15Jones: Better Tau failure messages analysis
  • #37588 from @tvami: Updating EGM HLT supercluster regression tags for Run 3 in MC alca hlt reconstruction
  • #37587 from @mmusich: modernize SiStripPayloadMapTableCreator db
  • #37582 from @francescobrivio: Fix typo in L1T prescales files l1
  • #37578 from @mmusich: [OT inefficiency] add 0% bad strip scenario to customization function and generate new RelVal workflows simulation pdmv upgrade
  • #37577 from @bsunanda: Run2-gex125C Make the 2017 version to work till end of step3 for both dd4hep and ddd variants geometry
  • #37576 from @suchandradutta: Phase2 digitizer updated to exclude badchannel in Strip like detectors simulation upgrade
  • #37575 from @smuzaffar: Fix CS8/EL8/CS9 openssl build error core
  • #37574 from @AnnikaStein: feat: update TopMuEG skim to latest HLT paths in BTV pdmv
  • #37573 from @mdelcourt: Fixed dead assign in CalibTracker/SiStripHitEfficiency and CalibFormats/SiStripObjects alca
  • #37570 from @finnlabe: B2G HLT DQM cleanup dqm
  • #37568 from @davidlange6: Fixing missing Buildfile dependencies on hepmc dqm fastsim generators visualization simulation
  • #37566 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx308X Avoid compilation warnings in L1Trigger/L1THGCal dqm l1 upgrade
  • #37565 from @arsahasransu: Change tracks to optional requirement in HLTDisplacedEgammaFilter hlt
  • #37563 from @makortel: Make SwitchProducer work with ConditionalTask core
  • #37562 from @makortel: Move pixelTracksCPU module definition inside SwitchProducerCUDA hlt reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #37561 from @trackreco: mkFit update to standalone build/test scripts reconstruction
  • #37557 from @malbouis: Add PPS and EGM tags to dataRun3 GTs alca
  • #37555 from @rovere: Eta phi search in tile reconstruction upgrade
  • #37551 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development hlt
  • #37547 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx308 Add the new conversion code of Flat file to XML dqm geometry upgrade
  • #37546 from @perrotta: Simplify usage of constants in HGCalCellUV geometry upgrade
  • #37545 from @Dr15Jones: Added exception to HepMCValidationHelper dqm generators
  • #37544 from @zuoxunwu: Enable EMTF regional showers with unpacked info dqm
  • #37541 from @gartung: Link cmsRunGP with so that heap profiling can be run. core
  • #37540 from @perrotta: Remove some dead assignments in L1Trigger/DTTriggerPhase2/src/ l1 upgrade
  • #37539 from @alpakpinar: Add HFJetCleaner module for HLT hlt
  • #37537 from @lwang046: HCalDQM: Fix for issue #37486 collection tag correction dqm
  • #37535 from @iarspider: Add import test for professor2 analysis
  • #37533 from @tvami: Simplify VVIObjF object so it takes kappa only in the constructor reconstruction
  • #37531 from @smuzaffar: added new Utilities/OpenSSL and move unit tests to it core db
  • #37524 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu migration to 12_3_0 hlt
  • #37522 from @cecilecaillol: L1T: Switch from cout to MessageLogger l1
  • #37520 from @mbluj: Extend eta range for jets seeding tau reco&ID reconstruction
  • #37519 from @missirol: removed deprecated HLT plugin PFJetsMatchedToFilteredCaloJetsProducer hlt
  • #37518 from @missirol: add HLT customisation for Run-2 CTPPS hlt
  • #37517 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex127M Make some protection in accessing inpu collections for MTD so that some FasTsim tests can proceed reconstruction simulation upgrade
  • #37516 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca222X Utilize MessageLogger rather than cout in Calibration/IsolatedParticles alca
  • #37515 from @alja: Add typedefs for association quality and tag template argument types. core
  • #37514 from @smuzaffar: Update to use python used by cmsRun generators
  • #37511 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx307X Change xml file in view of changed algorithms in PR's #37505 and #37510 geometry
  • #37510 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx307 Update HGCal cell defintion using PR #37505 geometry upgrade
  • #37509 from @rtschmitz: Skim for Delayed Jets and DTClusters pdmv
  • #37508 from @shimashimarin: Change the way to match "mg_reweighting" in production of NanoAOD MC samples xpog
  • #37505 from @Pruthvi-ch: Cell correction geometry upgrade
  • #37504 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca222 Update some of the macros usedin calibrating HCAL with isotrack or muon alca
  • #37502 from @cms-tsg-storm: Fix L1T MuonShowers for HLT hlt operations
  • #37500 from @mmusich: Introduce PtMaxTrackCountFilter reconstruction
  • #37498 from @CTPPS: bugfix XML for PPS strips mapping alca
  • #37495 from @cecilecaillol: rename duplicated class TrackQuality l1 upgrade
  • #37492 from @mmusich: SiStrip Payload Inspector: refinements to SiStripCondObjectRepresent db
  • #37491 from @ram1123: Added the switch for the inclusion of PS energy hlt reconstruction
  • #37490 from @smuzaffar: [CS9] Remove usage of deprecated SHA1 functions, use EVP_Digest instead core db
  • #37489 from @cecilecaillol: fix edm module warnings l1
  • #37485 from @smuzaffar: Properly close file using fclose; fixes CS9 compilation warning alca
  • #37480 from @gartung: Utilities/StaticAnaylzers: Add check to for empty cells to avoid index out of range error. core
  • #37478 from @davidlange6: remove circular dependency in DataFormats/L1Trigger l1
  • #37474 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X [12_4_X] hlt
  • #37473 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim116X Clean up the codes in SimG4Core/GFlash/TB as suggested by Andrea simulation
  • #37471 from @TaeunKwon: HCAL: fix on HCAL TP saturation algorithm to synchronize s/w TP algorithm with f/w l1
  • #37470 from @srimanob: Add LHCTransport to Run3 GEN content generators
  • #37464 from @mmusich: get rid of CMSDEPRECATED_X warnings in HeavyFlavorAnalysis/SpecificDecay analysis
  • #37463 from @mmusich: Customize for OT inefficiency alca simulation upgrade
  • #37460 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx306 Make a trivial change to reduce number of methods in Geometry/HGcalGeometry geometry upgrade
  • #37456 from @mbluj: Fixes to the tauID configuration tool reconstruction xpog
  • #37455 from @mmusich: minor changes to SiPixelLorentzAnglePCL modules alca
  • #37453 from @elfontan: New set of files coherent with the new v1_0_0 L1Menu l1
  • #37449 from @CTPPS: bugfix - xml tag in PPS strips mapping alca
  • #37448 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx305 Update the hgcalcell xml files in view of foressen corrections geometry upgrade
  • #37447 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim116 Make use of printing and creating root tree compatible with multithreaded jobs in a number of packages of SimG4Core simulation
  • #37442 from @francescobrivio: Update final L1T menu tag for Run 3 start up alca
  • #37440 from @cms-tsg-storm: Update of L1T menu in TSG GTs to L1Menu_Collisions2022_v1_0_0_xml hlt
  • #37438 from @gk199: HCAL finegrain bit fix to account for TDC packing, and SOI alignment l1
  • #37437 from @kondratyevd: Update to DNN-based strategy for outside-in seed generation in Muon HLT hlt reconstruction
  • #37434 from @tvami: Add AlCaLumiPixels_Run3 scenario operations
  • #37431 from @slomeo: Fixed overlaps in M10 Phase2 Scenario (D86, D88, D91) geometry upgrade
  • #37430 from @thomreis: ECAL GPU unpacker - Add detection of corrupted DCC tower headers and recovery reconstruction
  • #37428 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex126X Utilize messagelogger instead of cout in SimG4CMS/Muon and SimG4CMS/ShowerLibraryProducer simulation
  • #37427 from @hyunyong: MuonAlignment GEM phase2 geometry alca
  • #37424 from @jaimeleonh: Added new muon-tau-jet OvRm filter hlt
  • #37420 from @mmusich: add DB ntuplizer and SiStripCondVisualizer, introduce analysis macros and add unit tests db
  • #37419 from @makortel: Enable concurrent IOVs by default in ConfigBuilder operations
  • #37418 from @trackreco: [MkFit] Tracker geometry extraction from Reco geom modules reconstruction
  • #37417 from @makortel: Set concurrent lumis/IOVs in ConfigBuilder if their value is different from default regardless of the number of threads operations
  • #37415 from @battibass: [12_4_X] Fix writing of int8_t flat table columns in nanoAOD flat ntuples xpog
  • #37411 from @fwyzard: Update all GPU workflows pdmv upgrade
  • #37408 from @iarspider: Fix warning: 'mzbtemp' may be used uninitialized l1 upgrade
  • #37406 from @bsunanda: Run3-hgx304 Replace cout with messagelogger statements in man classes of Geometry/CaloTopology geometry
  • #37405 from @dan131riley: Avoid DQMIO file GUID collisions dqm
  • #37402 from @Sam-Harper: Fixing FastTimerClient Hist Remaking Issue : 12_4_X hlt
  • #37401 from @cecilecaillol: L1 phase-2 calo developments l1 upgrade
  • #37398 from @VinInn: Stabilize Fishbone reconstruction
  • #37397 from @mmusich: introduce SiPhase2BadStrip format for phase-2 simulation alca geometry reconstruction db upgrade
  • #37395 from @Sam-Harper: Adding option to disable resetting L1 PS counters on ls change l1
  • #37394 from @bsunanda: Run2-gex125 Attempt to make 2017 scenario compatible with dd4hep geometry upgrade
  • #37387 from @tvami: Change prescaled dedx calculation to exclude pixels for Run3 reconstruction
  • #37386 from @lecriste: [HGCal] Bug fix in Validation dqm
  • #37383 from @cecilecaillol: L1T phase-2: modify HPS taus l1 upgrade
  • #37382 from @cecilecaillol: L1T vertex finder phase2 developments l1
  • #37378 from @abhih1: Change quality criteria for some supercrystals in the Ecal Endcaps for LED Quality plots [Master] dqm
  • #37374 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx303 Rearrange some of the parameters in the proper class in view of V17 geometry geometry upgrade
  • #37369 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex124E Try to remove compilation warnings in RecoParticleFlow/PFTracking reconstruction
  • #37367 from @missirol: remove duplicate of PropagateToMuon class analysis dqm
  • #37361 from @Pruthvi-ch: Cell XY to UV conversion fo HGCal wafers geometry upgrade
  • #37360 from @francescobrivio: Improve autoAlca dictionaries layout alca
  • #37358 from @cecilecaillol: Phase 2 L1: add code for Phase 2 L1 GMT l1
  • #37355 from @cecilecaillol: Phase-2 L1: code for L1 demonstrators l1
  • #37353 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex124C Try to avoid compilation warnings in L1Trigger/L1CaloTrigger l1 upgrade
  • #37347 from @srimanob: Run-3 FastSim modifier and workflows in runTheMatrix operations simulation pdmv upgrade
  • #37343 from @rovere: Add TICL from Reco customise reconstruction upgrade
  • #37342 from @jalimena: Offline DQM for new EXO-LLP Run 3 HLT paths dqm
  • #37340 from @jshlee: [GEM] bugfix - BC and OrbitCounter in AMC13 simulation upgrade
  • #37330 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hg302 Bug fix for the corners and replacing cout with message logger services geometry upgrade
  • #37324 from @srimanob: Add HLT75e33 step to Phase-2 workflows pdmv upgrade
  • #37309 from @AliinCern: mpiCudaGeneric is a program transfer data from a machine to another with GPU using MPI and CUDA. heterogeneous
  • #37305 from @Dr15Jones: Added ConditionalTask core hlt
  • #37298 from @jalimena: HLT release validation for new EXO-LLP Run 3 paths dqm
  • #37286 from @khaosmos93: pT dependent ROI producers for Muon HLT reconstruction
  • #37279 from @barvic: CSC Run3 data format unpacking/packing update (12_4_X) reconstruction
  • #37266 from @kakwok: Update CLCT thresholds for hadronic showers in CSC l1
  • #37250 from @andrea21z: Updating the WP of the Muon MVA ID reconstruction
  • #37219 from @marksan87: Bug fix for multiple detectors in PFRecHitQTestHCALThresholdVsDepth test reconstruction
  • #37187 from @mkirsano: Add generator hepmc3 products generators
  • #37178 from @seungjin-yang: Add GE1/1 detection efficiency monitor using GEMCSCSegment dqm
  • #37162 from @trtomei: Porting HLT Phase 2 simplified menu to 12_4_X hlt

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_4_0_pre2/slc7_amd64_gcc10 and REL/CMSSW_12_4_0_pre3/slc7_amd64_gcc10:


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