github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_4_0

latest releases: CMSSW_14_1_DEVEL_X_2024-07-04-2300, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-07-05-1100, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-07-04-2300...
2 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_4_0_pre4:


  • #38371 from @cms-trackeralign: New PCL Alignment Threshold object and record for HG PCL Alignment [12.4.X] alca db
  • #38365 from @francescobrivio: [12_4_X] Put sampic subdet id behind the era modifier alca reconstruction
  • #38362 from @SanghyunKo: [12_4_X] Update CPX tune to 13.6 TeV generators
  • #38353 from @CMS-ECAL-Trigger-Group: [backport] Fix ECAL TPG emulator discrepancy for saturated strips l1
  • #38350 from @cecilecaillol: [L1T] Backport: New low pt muon LUT l1
  • #38347 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_4_X (3/N) hlt
  • #38344 from @fwyzard: Fix to follow the latest changes to cuda.xml [12.4.x] heterogeneous
  • #38332 from @missirol: Fix range in recHitsEndcapsPosXY [12_4_X] dqm
  • #38331 from @elfontan: [Backport] Updates related to the L1 menu v1_1_0 for the start of Run 3 l1
  • #38325 from @tvami: [12_4_X] Updating EGM regression tags and conditions for the L1 EMTF and CALO tags for Run-3 MCs alca
  • #38323 from @thomreis: ECAL - Sort digis collections coming from GPU unpacking - 124x hlt reconstruction
  • #38320 from @eyigitba: [12_4_X] Fix EMTF Run 3 CSC pattern calculation l1
  • #38318 from @pmandrik: [12_4_X] HCAL GPU-CPU Comparison for the Online DQM dqm
  • #38317 from @pmandrik: [12_4_X] Fix unsigned variables overflow hlt
  • #38312 from @francescobrivio: [12_4_X] Update DQM beam clients playback machine type check dqm
  • #38303 from @wpcarvalho: Backport XML source file describing PPS pixel 2022 DAQ mapping to 12_4_X alca
  • #38299 from @minerva1993: RPC DQM minor fix [12_4_X] dqm
  • #38293 from @tvami: [12_4_X] Include EGM and L1T tags in mcRun3 and data GTs alca
  • #38278 from @quark2: A backport of the fix on issue #38044 to 12_4_X dqm
  • #38265 from @tvami: [12_4_X] Add GEM ChMap to all GTs and rename phase1_2021*to phase1_2022* alca dqm geometry hlt l1 reconstruction simulation pdmv upgrade
  • #38261 from @cms-trackeralign: [12.4.X] Introduce TkAlJetHT alca dqm operations
  • #38259 from @gartung: Backport of MkFitCore vectorization PR 37868 core reconstruction
  • #38255 from @yeckang: [Backport] Turning on GE21 digis to be unpacked for monitoring [12_4_X] dqm reconstruction simulation db upgrade
  • #38253 from @sroychow: [12.4.X] Pixel Heterogeneous DQM: add 1D differnce plots in vertex comparison module. dqm
  • #38243 from @mmusich: [12.4.X] fix the ROOT type of EventStats monitor element in SiStripGainsPCLWorker alca
  • #38242 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_4_X (2/N) hlt
  • #38238 from @ChrisMisan: [12_4_X]Fix Sampic DQM channel_per_plane histograms dqm
  • #38233 from @missirol: Semi-random initial value in the L1 trigger prescale counter [12_4_X] l1
  • #38231 from @ChrisMisan: [12_4_X]Fix for hardcoded subdetector id in PPS reconstruction code alca reconstruction simulation
  • #38227 from @missirol: avoid overwrite of options PSet from ConfDB in HLT utilities [12_4_X] hlt
  • #38220 from @francescobrivio: [12_4_X] Shorten PPS DiamondSampic ALCARECOStream name to fit into DBS database schema alca operations
  • #38214 from @mmusich: [12.4.X] protect ALCARECOSiStripCalCosmicsNano for missing tracks (when Tracker DCS is OFF) alca
  • #38211 from @sroychow: [12.4.X] Pixel Heterogenous DQM: fix bug in TProfile definitions dqm
  • #38207 from @nurfikri89: [NanoAOD] Backport of #37744 (Setup AK4 Puppi jets as default AK4 collection for Run 3) to 12_4_X xpog
  • #38204 from @fwyzard: ECAL GPU unpacker: adapt the buffer size to the ECAL FEDs size [12.4.x] hlt reconstruction
  • #38199 from @makortel: [12_4_X] Move counter initialization and printout+destruction to begin/endJob reconstruction
  • #38190 from @makortel: [12_4_X] Fix memory leak in AlCaHcalHBHEMuonProducer alca
  • #38187 from @mmusich: [12.4.X] Shorten the names of two ALCARECOStreams in order to fit into DBS database schema limitations alca operations pdmv upgrade
  • #38174 from @dinyar: [12_4_X] Adapt uGMT DQM for new readout menu following the disabling of the zero suppression dqm
  • #38171 from @cms-tsg-storm: Update of L1T menu in TSG GTs to L1Menu_Collisions2022_v1_1_0_xml [12_4_X] hlt
  • #38166 from @abhih1: Changes to get the PU info from OnlineMetaData stream [12_4_X] dqm
  • #38164 from @cms-tau-pog: Remove depreciated DNN-based tau-Ids [12_4_X] reconstruction
  • #38161 from @AdrianoDee: [12_4_X] Safeguard for nHits==0 reconstruction
  • #38153 from @Dr15Jones: Deal with exception in EventProcessor constructor [12_4] core
  • #38152 from @bainbrid: LowPtElectrons: updates for nano v10 (back port) reconstruction xpog
  • #38148 from @missirol: guard against uint16_t overflows of Pixel ADC values [12_4_X] reconstruction
  • #38137 from @alexsr-98: Implemented new strategy to generate OI seeds for displaced muons (backport) hlt reconstruction
  • #38136 from @cms-tsg-storm: Move HLT:@relval2021 to GRun until V1.2 is ready hlt
  • #38133 from @fwyzard: Set a missing parameter in the dqmSaver in the hltHarvesting test [12.4.x] hlt
  • #38129 from @malbouis: [124X] Add DoubleMuonLowMass PD to autoAlca alca
  • #38123 from @thomreis: ECAL - GPU unpacker buffer overflow fix - 12_4_X hlt reconstruction
  • #38121 from @Sam-Harper: Fixing Memory Coruption for large histograms in DQMFileSaverPB : 12_4_X dqm
  • #38116 from @dinyar: [12_4_X] Compute muon index bits using idx from dataformat l1
  • #38111 from @francescobrivio: [12_4_X] update BeamSpot HLT client to use correct raw data from TCDS dqm db
  • #38108 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_4_X (1/N) hlt
  • #38104 from @minerva1993: RPC DQM: change merger input as default [12_4_X] dqm
  • #38099 from @radla118: [12_4_X] Fix the parameter set of the AlcaPCCIntegrator module alca
  • #38085 from @jfernan2: [DQM] Fixed filling for TDCfatal in DT Online DQM Backport124X dqm
  • #38082 from @fwyzard: Let PFClusterEMEnergyCorrector run without SRB inputs hlt reconstruction
  • #38079 from @mmusich: [12.4.X] SiStripHitEfficiency PCL Workflow: miscellaneous fixes alca
  • #38070 from @malbouis: [124X] Add EGM regression to online GTs and update Run-3 cosmics MC GTs alca
  • #38066 from @silviodonato: Sort pixel tracks in the SoA converter (12_4_X) reconstruction
  • #38057 from @SanghyunKo: [12_4_X] Push_back 0th weight manually, prevent duplication of PS weights in P8.30x generators
  • #38053 from @leonardogiannini: [12.4.X] TrackTfClassifier with Batch eval - backport of #38007 reconstruction
  • #38046 from @defranchis: Adding sum of PS weights (backport) xpog
  • #38037 from @Dr15Jones: Lock more methods of JobReport [12_4] core
  • #38015 from @makortel: [12_4_X] Fix behavior of SwitchProducer in ConditionalTask with non-chosen EDAlias case(s) that are consumed explicitly with callWhenNewProductsRegistered() core
  • #38013 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development plus V1.1 frozen menu hlt
  • #38011 from @mmusich: [12.4.X] address undef output of dnn - for issue #37970 reconstruction
  • #37986 from @mbluj: link lost tracks to taus [12_4_X] reconstruction
  • #37985 from @cms-tau-pog: Changes to enable new DeepTauId trainig [12_4_X] reconstruction
  • #37979 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X [12_4_X] hlt
  • #37969 from @sroychow: Pixel Heterogeneous DQM: add module rechit @cpu / @gpu comparisons [Backport to 12.4.X] dqm
  • #37967 from @fwyzard: Add a method to EventMsgBuilder to precompute the message header size [12.4.x] core
  • #37966 from @seungjin-yang: GEM Online & Offline Efficiency Update (backport of #37954, 12_4_X) dqm
  • #37965 from @minerva1993: RPC DQM updates for Run3 [backport to 12_4_X] dqm

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_4_0_pre4/el8_amd64_gcc10 and REL/CMSSW_12_4_0/el8_amd64_gcc10:


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