github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_3_0_pre6

latest releases: CMSSW_14_1_DEVEL_X_2024-07-01-2300, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-07-01-2300, CMSSW_14_1_UBSAN_X_2024-07-01-2300...
2 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5:


  • #37185 from @perrotta: Tighten check for the number of weights in GenWeightValidation dqm generators
  • #37183 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx331 Cleanup some of the codes in Validation/HcalRecHits dqm
  • #37182 from @dan131riley: fix thinnedAssociationsHelperPtr scope error core
  • #37181 from @missirol: handle inverted filters in TriggerObjectStandAlone reconstruction
  • #37177 from @mmasciov: Update DQM (offline + HLTEvF) HLT track monitoring for Run3 era dqm hlt
  • #37176 from @mmasciov: Add std::move to std::vector member of Run3ScoutingMuon core
  • #37173 from @cms-tsg-storm: Use of new AlCa GTs for run3 relval in TSG tests hlt
  • #37171 from @malbouis: Update to include GTs with fixed L1 Menu for Run3 alca
  • #37170 from @suchandradutta: Adding MacroPixel inefficiency in Tracker Phase2Digitizer simulation upgrade
  • #37166 from @bsunanda: run3-alca222 Make use of ESGetToken in CondTools/Hcal/test/stubs/ db
  • #37165 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx330 Cleanup some of the codes in Validation/HcalHits dqm
  • #37164 from @yuanchao: Migrate deprecated EDModule for CondFormats/DTObjects alca db
  • #37160 from @Dr15Jones: Use ZSTD and default compression for PoolOutputModule core
  • #37159 from @fwyzard: Define HOST_DEVICE_CONSTANT to implement constexpr aggregate host/device constants core
  • #37158 from @trtomei: Adding optionality for MTD timing in PFTICLProducer reconstruction upgrade
  • #37156 from @jainshilpi: Fix for the access of haloMVATaggerVal in the Run 1+2 files reconstruction
  • #37154 from @mmusich: Use externally produced trajectory in ExtenderWithMTD, customise needed TrajectoryInEvent also for PixelLess iteration reconstruction
  • #37153 from @perrotta: Remove dead assignments from analysis
  • #37152 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X hlt
  • #37149 from @mmasciov: Revisit usage of HitPattern in DataFormats/Scouting core hlt reconstruction
  • #37148 from @srimanob: Add warning to add DD4hep in GeometryConf geometry upgrade
  • #37147 from @CTPPS: XML and FedId configuration update for PPS alca reconstruction
  • #37145 from @smuzaffar: Added unit test to run pede from millepede alca
  • #37144 from @malbouis: Include HLT JEC and L1T Menu tags in data, mcRun3 and mcRun4 GTs alca
  • #37143 from @mmusich: BeamSpot Payload Inspector: introduce payload parameters comparator db
  • #37142 from @srimanob: Fix dtSpecFilter of M9 and add DD4hep wf for D77 geometry pdmv upgrade
  • #37141 from @AliinCern: Cuda time measurements heterogeneous
  • #37139 from @slava77: add quality selections in MkFitOutputConverter reconstruction
  • #37133 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs for Trigger dqm
  • #37132 from @cms-tsg-storm: Update of L1T menu in TSG GTs to L1Menu_Collisions2022_v0_1_6_xml hlt
  • #37130 from @tvami: Add AlcaPCCIntegrator modules to the AlCa no ConcurrentLumis list alca
  • #37128 from @fwyzard: Add an option to cmsDriver for selecting the accelerators to use operations heterogeneous
  • #37127 from @mmusich: modernize TriggerHelper and migrate to usage of DCSRecord dqm
  • #37124 from @yuanchao: Migrate deprecated EDAnalyzers in CondTools/DT to the One version. db
  • #37123 from @thomreis: ECAL DQM - Add WF .513 for ECAL GPU vs. CPU validation dqm pdmv upgrade heterogeneous
  • #37122 from @leonardogiannini: Speed-up seed/dup. cleaning mkFit reconstruction
  • #37121 from @wweiphy: Merged central modules at L3&L4 in SiPixelLorentzAngle PCL workflow alca
  • #37120 from @mmusich: consolidate CalibTracker/SiStripQuality alca db
  • #37118 from @Dr15Jones: Removed excess printing in FWCore/ParameterSet tests core
  • #37117 from @andrea21z: DQM HLT Muon cleaning dqm
  • #37116 from @cms-tau-pog: Add PFDiJetCorrCheckerWithDiTau producer for DoubleTau+VBF-jets HLT paths hlt
  • #37114 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X hlt
  • #37112 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Add error message for undefined solid geometry
  • #37111 from @trackreco: [MkFit] round up size arguments to aligned_alloc upwards to align value. reconstruction
  • #37110 from @JanFSchulte: fix L1 candidate matching in HLTMuonL1TFilter hlt
  • #37109 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA] Update all the scripts to use python3 alca
  • #37108 from @smuzaffar: [ANALYSIS] Update all the scripts to use python3 analysis
  • #37107 from @smuzaffar: [CORE] Update all the scripts to use python3 core
  • #37106 from @smuzaffar: [DB] Update all the scripts to use python3 db
  • #37105 from @smuzaffar: [GENERATORS] Update all the scripts to use python3 generators
  • #37104 from @smuzaffar: [HETEROGENEOUS] Update all the scripts to use python3 heterogeneous
  • #37103 from @smuzaffar: [PDMV-UPGRADE] Update all the scripts to use python3 pdmv upgrade
  • #37102 from @tvami: Add saturated EGM regression tags to Run-3 MC GTs alca
  • #37101 from @francescobrivio: [123X] Migrate DQM clients to Run3 era dqm
  • #37100 from @swagata87: Adapt to new range for BDT output for Run3 Saturated regression operations reconstruction
  • #37098 from @ggovi: LHCInfo workflow for Run3: Implemented PPS feedback alca db
  • #37095 from @cvuosalo: Fix AllStepsToTree option to script dqm geometry
  • #37094 from @smuzaffar: When open fails with XrdCl::errRedirectLimit, delay next active source check. core
  • #37093 from @cms-sw: Revert "Revert "Add D88 DD4hep wf to relval_2026"" pdmv upgrade
  • #37092 from @cms-sw: Revert "Add D88 DD4hep wf to relval_2026" pdmv upgrade
  • #37091 from @cms-tau-pog: Removal of depreciated tauIDs dqm reconstruction xpog
  • #37090 from @mmasciov: Update selection for HLT tracking validation dqm
  • #37089 from @tvami: Add new L1T menu for Run-3 MC GTs alca
  • #37088 from @slava77: properly treat averaging with self in GhostTrackVertexFinder::vtxMean reconstruction
  • #37085 from @mmusich: Fix BeamSpotAnalyzer::fillDescriptions alca reconstruction
  • #37084 from @mmusich: migration to DCSRecord of GenericTriggerEventFlag dqm hlt l1
  • #37083 from @mmusich: introduce GenericTriggerEventFlag::fillPSetDescription and use it in several clients dqm hlt l1
  • #37082 from @zhokin2: HCAL: update(psm) of DPGAnalysis/HcalTools for Run3 dqm
  • #37080 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca221 Cleanup the class in Calibration/HcalConnectivity alca
  • #37079 from @srimanob: Add D88 DD4hep wf to relval_2026 pdmv upgrade
  • #37078 from @srimanob: Fix dtSpecsFilter XML used by Phase-2 wf for DD4hep geometry upgrade
  • #37077 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca220 Cleanup some of the classes in Calibration/HcalIsolatedTrackReco alca
  • #37072 from @smuzaffar: added unit test for pdmv upgrade
  • #37070 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca219 Cleanup some of the classes in Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos alca
  • #37069 from @mmusich: get rid of CMSDEPRECATED_X warnings in SimTracker simulation upgrade
  • #37068 from @missirol: add mantissaPrecision parameter to HLTScoutingPrimaryVertexProducer hlt
  • #37066 from @mmusich: introduce SiStripApvGainFromFileBuilder (reprise) db
  • #37064 from @makortel: Small simplification in ensureAvailableAccelerators() core
  • #37063 from @makortel: Load Accelerators_cff unconditionally in, and clean up GPU/CPU forcing functions hlt
  • #37062 from @makortel: Add 'CUDAService' category also when CUDA is disabled, but only if it does not exist yet heterogeneous
  • #37061 from @makortel: Fix mkedlpr and mkesprod scripts for python3 core
  • #37060 from @robervalwalsh: Fixes for SiStripCalCosmicsNano operations pdmv upgrade
  • #37059 from @tvami: Remove unused CASTOR tags and change Castor DQM to Run-3 era alca dqm
  • #37058 from @abdoulline: HCAL HcalTBSource: adding skipEvents parameter alca
  • #37057 from @missirol: modernise and template HLT plugin for matching of two Jet collections hlt
  • #37056 from @fabiocos: MTD validation: update cluster histograms dqm
  • #37054 from @smorovic: DAQ - fixing streamer count of HLT paths with the GlobalEvFOutputModule (12_3_X) core daq
  • #37053 from @wouf: memory leak fixes for Hydjets generators
  • #37051 from @jmejiagu: update patZpeak to python3. add Jpsi example core
  • #37050 from @CTPPS: Updated the PPS PCL workers to support the new AlCaRecoProducer alca
  • #37048 from @CTPPS: PPSAlCaRecoProducer - minor fixes requested in #36273 alca
  • #37047 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gem67 Small cleanup of a test analyzer in Geometry/GEMGeometry geometry upgrade
  • #37046 from @lathomas: Update to L1 prescale code following move to fractional prescales hlt l1
  • #37045 from @mmusich: migrate away from deprecated APIs in the DQM subsystem dqm
  • #37044 from @mmusich: migrate RawDataConverter away from deprecated EDAnalyzer API alca
  • #37042 from @elfontan: Fix of the L1MenuWriter needed for the X2O procedure + update of the L1UpgradeTfMuonShowerTreeProducer l1
  • #37041 from @kpedro88: Sonic interface simplifications reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #37039 from @missirol: create cfi files for JetConstituentSelector<> plugins hlt reconstruction
  • #37038 from @osschar: [MkFit] Fix uninitialized MkFinder::m_prop_config in backward-fit. reconstruction
  • #37037 from @cvuosalo: Add energy units to CMSUnits.h reconstruction
  • #37036 from @kpedro88: Miscellaneous fixes and improvements for SonicTriton heterogeneous
  • #37035 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Avoid storing empty DetSet containers in the pixel digi collection reconstruction
  • #37034 from @malbouis: Include PPS timing-hptdc tag, HCal trigger primitive tag and update HI GT alca reconstruction
  • #37033 from @tvami: Change DQM modules to use stage-2 L1T dqm
  • #37032 from @smuzaffar: Add missing init in default constructor reconstruction
  • #37031 from @cms-tsg-storm: Update of L1T menu in TSG GTs hlt
  • #37028 from @emiglior: add process modifier to enable x-talk in Phase-2 InnerTracker pixels operations simulation upgrade
  • #37023 from @mmusich: use auto-generated configuration fragments in a few RecoTracker classes reconstruction
  • #37022 from @missirol: fixing removal of modules from FinalPath core
  • #37015 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim109E Clean analyzers in SimG4CMS/EcalTestBeam/plugins simulation
  • #37014 from @trackreco: patch-around immintrin.h for non-x86 case in MkFit reconstruction
  • #37011 from @tlampen: Fix printed text in Payload Inspector plots for DropBoxMetaData db
  • #37008 from @iarspider: MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm: update for new GBL version alca
  • #37007 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim109D Clean analyzers in SimG4CMS/Muon and SimG4CMS/Tracker simulation
  • #37006 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X hlt
  • #37005 from @srimanob: Update L1TrackTrigger step to DD4hep l1 upgrade
  • #37003 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim109C Clean the analyzers in SimG4CMS/CherenkovAnalysis/plugins simulation
  • #37002 from @bsunanda: Run3-TB68 Clean up the analyzers of HCAL TB applications in SimG4CMS/HcalTestBeam/plugins simulation
  • #37001 from @bsunanda: Phase2-TB67 Clean up the analyzers of HGCal TB applications in SimG4CMS/HGCalTestBeam/plugins simulation upgrade
  • #36999 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu migration to CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5 template hlt
  • #36998 from @lwang046: HcalDQM: GPU MonitoringTask dqm operations heterogeneous
  • #36997 from @slomeo: Fixed all the overlaps inside the Muon Yoke (2021/v6/muonYoke.xml) geometry
  • #36995 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim109B Cleanup the remaining parts of SimG4CMS/Calo/plugins code simulation
  • #36994 from @SanghyunKo: Add GEN/LHE weight validation subdirectories for GEN Relval dqm generators
  • #36992 from @yuanchao: remove unused legacy headers in RPC alca db
  • #36990 from @arsahasransu: Add the detector ids to the scouting electron and photon collection for Run 3 core hlt
  • #36989 from @jeongeun: Clean up redundant edm ParameterSet existAs or exist in RecoTracker/{TkSeedGenerator} reconstruction
  • #36987 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca218D Clean some of the remaining Hcal calibration codes in Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos alca
  • #36986 from @missirol: update of HLT-E/Gamma modules to avoid accessing L1CaloGeometry unnecessarily hlt
  • #36985 from @perrotta: A few possible bug fixes in the L1T code l1
  • #36984 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim109A Cleanup some of the SimG4CMS/Calo code simulation
  • #36983 from @mmusich: Remove Phase-0 SiStrip records dependency from Phase-2 workflows alca daq operations reconstruction simulation
  • #36981 from @missirol: small improvements to HLTSumJetTag hlt
  • #36980 from @mmusich: remove more CMSDEPRECATED_X warnings from RecoTracker reconstruction
  • #36979 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca218C Clean some of the HCAL calibration code in Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins alca
  • #36970 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry: update tests to scenario D88, update DDFilteredView::parameters() accordingly geometry reconstruction upgrade
  • #36968 from @mmusich: SiPixelClusterizer: No digis to clusterize warning into error reconstruction
  • #36961 from @mandrenguyen: Add HiGenEvent object to heavy-ion miniAOD event content reconstruction xpog
  • #36956 from @ggovi: Changing LHCInfo O2O Implementation to access source data from OMS alca db
  • #36954 from @rgoldouz: Electron and photon masses are set to zero reconstruction
  • #36952 from @benitezj: AlCaLumiPixelsCountsExpress and AlCaLumiPixelsCountsPrompt PCL and PromptReco alca pdmv upgrade
  • #36921 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx299 Add the dd4hep version of the algorithm to make rotated full wafers as in #36898 geometry upgrade
  • #36919 from @gk199: L1 emulator for LLP displaced jet trigger (L1 6:1 LUT, L2 jet algo), L1TNtuples addition of jet hwQual l1
  • #36901 from @jainshilpi: Implementation of beam halo tagger algorithm for the endcap photons reconstruction
  • #36890 from @nurfikri89: [MiniAOD] Lower AK4 Puppi jets pT cut for Run 3 reconstruction xpog
  • #36850 from @kirschen: fix bug in NANOAOD Pileup_nTrueInt variable (int instead of float) xpog
  • #36846 from @carriganm95: Skim for EXO Disappearing Tracks pdmv
  • #36793 from @fabiocos: MTD reconstruction: speed up TrackExtenderWithMTD operations reconstruction upgrade
  • #36742 from @alejands: Create new ECAL DQM GpuTask to monitor and compare CPU and GPU generated ECAL RECO objects dqm operations
  • #36699 from @makortel: Add a generic mechanism to specify compute accelerators to use in the configuration core dqm hlt operations reconstruction upgrade heterogeneous
  • #36546 from @trackreco: mkFit external integration reconstruction
  • #36526 from @maxgalli: Hgg photons variables in nanoAODs xpog
  • #36337 from @hgc-tpg: [HGCAL trigger] Migration to new code structure - First pass l1 upgrade
  • #36080 from @forthommel: [PPS][NanoAOD] Generator-level proton information xpog

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/slc7_amd64_gcc10 and REL/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre6/slc7_amd64_gcc10:


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