github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_3_0_pre3

latest releases: CMSSW_14_1_DEVEL_X_2024-07-05-2300, CMSSW_14_1_DEVEL_X_2024-07-04-2300, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-07-05-2300...
2 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_3_0_pre2:


  • #36722 from @Sam-Harper: bug fix for hltIntegration tests when using a setup menu : 12_3_X hlt
  • #36720 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca215 Provide possibility of using ECAL RecHit thresholds used by particle flow group in Hcal Calibration code alca operations
  • #36717 from @civanch: Updated Exceptions for SIM step simulation
  • #36714 from @AdrianoDee: Fix to 39434.502/501 reconstruction
  • #36710 from @malbouis: Include PF HLT Calibration and new EGM Regression in mcRun3 and mcRun4 GTs alca
  • #36704 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs for RecoMuon dqm
  • #36701 from @smuzaffar: use std::isnan to avoid cs8 + boost1.78.0 build errors db
  • #36696 from @perrotta: Fix TEST_DIR in a CalibPPS/TimingCalibration unit test alca
  • #36695 from @mmusich: get rid of CMSDEPRECATED_X warnings from EventFilter/Si*RawToDigi reconstruction
  • #36691 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs for L1Trigger dqm l1
  • #36690 from @Dr15Jones: Added a unique ID to ComponentDescription core
  • #36689 from @Dr15Jones: Move Reco code to use oneapi/tbb headers reconstruction upgrade
  • #36688 from @Dr15Jones: Moved Mixing code to use oneapi/tbb headers simulation
  • #36687 from @Dr15Jones: Move HeterogeneousCore code to use oneapi/tbb headers heterogeneous
  • #36686 from @Dr15Jones: Move common code to use oneapi/tbb headers reconstruction
  • #36685 from @Dr15Jones: Move conditions code to use oneapi/tbb headers alca db
  • #36684 from @Dr15Jones: Move L1 code to use oneapi/tbb headers l1 upgrade
  • #36683 from @Dr15Jones: Move HLTrigger to use oneapi/tbb headers hlt
  • #36682 from @Dr15Jones: Move EventFilter to use oneapi/tbb headers daq reconstruction
  • #36681 from @Dr15Jones: Move GeneratorInterface to use oneapi/tbb headers generators
  • #36680 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex112 Correction to some of the Forward detector SD's for the dd4hep scenarios simulation
  • #36678 from @Dr15Jones: Move PhysicsTools to use oneapi/tbb headers analysis reconstruction xpog
  • #36677 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unnecessary headers in SimG4Core/Application simulation
  • #36676 from @Dr15Jones: Moved DetectorDescription/Core to use oneapi/tbb headers geometry
  • #36675 from @Dr15Jones: Move DQM to use oneapi/tbb headers dqm
  • #36674 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs for Muon and RecoB dqm
  • #36672 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs for GEM dqm
  • #36671 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca213X Modify many of the loops as Range based loops in Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos alca
  • #36668 from @mmusich: fix axis label titles in Phase2ITValidateRecHitBase dqm
  • #36666 from @sarafiorendi: Add HLT filter to select online pf taus based on their impact parameter hlt
  • #36664 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex111X Small fix for muon numbering to be used for Run3 MC with demo chambers geometry
  • #36663 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex110X Take care of Carl's comment for PR #36648 geometry
  • #36659 from @civanch: Fixed INCLXX physics configurations simulation
  • #36658 from @missirol: fixes for recent updates to CkfTrackCandidateMaker reconstruction
  • #36657 from @missirol: technical fix for value of L1T's caloParams.jetPUSUsePhiRing l1
  • #36656 from @jfernan2: [DQM] Fixing currdir for Validation/RecoVertex/src/ dqm
  • #36653 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex111 Modify xml's to enable the dd4hep version to work in Geometry/ForwardCommonData and Geometry/MuonCommonData geometry
  • #36652 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim102 Make runtime variables to allow/disallow creation of SimHits for demonstration chambers simulation
  • #36651 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs for JetMET dqm
  • #36648 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex110 Recover BHM placements in the dd4hep scenario geometry
  • #36645 from @apsallid: [HGCAL] Updates due to V16 geometry dqm geometry simulation
  • #36643 from @cecilecaillol: L1T run-3: Store EMTF displacement info in L1TNtuples TFTree l1
  • #36642 from @cecilecaillol: L1T run-3: updated L1T boosted jets l1
  • #36641 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca214 Test automatic setting ECAL RecHit thresholds as defined by PFlow group alca
  • #36638 from @Dr15Jones: Use thread safe module types in PhysicsTools/JetMCAlgos analysis
  • #36637 from @Dr15Jones: initialize members of TableOutputBranches xpog
  • #36636 from @Dr15Jones: Use proper long long type when validating Parameter core
  • #36635 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs for Alignment and EGamma dqm
  • #36634 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex109F Try to avoid compilation warnings in some Validation codes in RecoPixelVertexing, RecoVertex, TrackerDigis dqm
  • #36633 from @Dr15Jones: EventSetupInitTrait can now have state analysis reconstruction
  • #36629 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca212C Make edm::Service as a local variable in the methods used in the classes of Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos alca
  • #36628 from @seungjin-yang: Migrate to EventSetup with ESGetToken in GEMCSCSegmentProducer reconstruction upgrade
  • #36627 from @seungjin-yang: Move GEM offline DQM files from DQMOffline/Muon to DQM/GEM dqm
  • #36626 from @jeongeun: Migrate module config in DPGAnalysis to use default cfipy dqm reconstruction
  • #36625 from @missirol: removed dummy python/ dirs in HLTrigger/ hlt
  • #36624 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex109E Avoid compilation warnings in some Validation classes in EventGenerator, Mixing and MtdValidation dqm generators
  • #36623 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx297E Update the test configuration in Geometry/HGCalGeometry geometry upgrade
  • #36622 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca212B Remove compilation warnings in the clases of EcalAlCaRecoProducers|EcalCalibAlgos within Calibration alca
  • #36621 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca213 Complete the validation of the new AlCaReco for HcalIsoTrackFilter alca
  • #36620 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecated warnings in L1Trigger/GlobalCaloTrigger l1
  • #36619 from @Dr15Jones: Converted modules to thread efficient types in HLTrigger/special hlt
  • #36618 from @perrotta: Initialize variables, and a few other trivial adjustments in RecoRomanPot/RecoFP420 reconstruction
  • #36617 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex109D Try to remove compilation warnings in Validation/GlobalXXXX dqm
  • #36616 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca212 Remove compilation warnings in Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos and Calibration/HcalIsolatedTrackReco alca
  • #36615 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecated warnings in DQM/SiStripMonitorHardware dqm
  • #36614 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unnecessary includes in DQM/DTMonitorClient dqm
  • #36613 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unnecessary includes in DQM/L1TMonitor dqm
  • #36611 from @makortel: Use std::invoke_result_t instead of std::result_of in pixelTopology.h geometry
  • #36610 from @cms-sw: Revert "Add CorrThreeBodyByTwoBodyCondition." l1
  • #36609 from @bsunanda: Run3-Sim101G Avoid compilation warnings in some of the codes of Validation/RecoEgamma dqm
  • #36608 from @bsunanda: Run3-Sim101F Avoid compilation warnings in some of the codes of Validation/RecoTau dqm
  • #36607 from @AdrianoDee: Fixing Phase-II Patatrack Failures reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #36603 from @davidlange6: Add missing includes uncovered by checking boost 1.78 alca core
  • #36602 from @bsunanda: Run3-Sim101E Remove warnings in a few classes of SimTracker/SiPixelDigitizer simulation
  • #36601 from @bsunanda: Run3-Sim101D Remove the compilation warnings in SimMuon/MCTruth simulation
  • #36600 from @bsunanda: Run3-Sim101C Avoid compilation warnings in SimMuon/GEMDigitizer and SimMuon/RPCDigitizer simulation upgrade
  • #36599 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim101B Remove some compilation warnings in SimGeneral/TrackingAnalysis simulation
  • #36598 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim101A Remove some compilation warnings in classes from SimCalorimetry and SimGeneral l1 simulation upgrade
  • #36595 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex109C Avoid compilation warnings in some of the Validation classes dqm geometry
  • #36594 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex109B Avoid compilation warnings in some Validation code dqm l1
  • #36593 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex109A Avoid some compilation warnings in Validation codes dqm
  • #36592 from @swagata87: Small fix in ECAL recHit collection names in PFECALSuperClusterProducer reconstruction
  • #36591 from @bsunanda: Run3-gem66 Update the validation code in Validation/MuonGEMDigis with better protection dqm
  • #36589 from @civanch: PPS transport update simulation
  • #36588 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs for L1TMonitor and L1TMonitorClient dqm
  • #36587 from @JanFSchulte: Bugfix for DNN-based outside-in track seed generator for Muon HLT reconstruction
  • #36586 from @Dr15Jones: Remove CMS deprecated warnings from RecoRomanPot/RecoFP420 reconstruction
  • #36584 from @Dr15Jones: Removed CMS deprecated warnings from RecoTracker/TrackProducer reconstruction
  • #36583 from @Dr15Jones: Removed CMS deprecated warnings from RecoTracker/NuclearSeedGenerator reconstruction
  • #36582 from @Dr15Jones: Fixed CMS Deprecated warnings in RecoTracker/DebugTools reconstruction
  • #36579 from @mmusich: Removed CMS deprecated warnings from RecoLocalTracker reconstruction upgrade
  • #36578 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex106 Remove BSC from Phase2 scenario and will be used in any new scenarios from now on geometry upgrade
  • #36577 from @Dr15Jones: Removed CMS deprecated warnings from RecoEGamma/Examples reconstruction
  • #36576 from @Dr15Jones: Remove CMS deprecation warnings from RecoBTag/PerformanceDB reconstruction
  • #36575 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx297D Remove unused includes in Validation/HGCalValidation dqm
  • #36573 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex105D Make use of ESGetToken in DetectorDescription/OfflineDBLoader geometry
  • #36572 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex105C Use ESGetToken in Geometry/CMSCommonData geometry upgrade
  • #36570 from @makortel: Add processGUID() singleton, and use it in InputSource, StatisticsSenderService, and CondorStatusService core
  • #36569 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex105B Use ESGetToken in SimTracker/TrackerMaterialAnalysis simulation
  • #36568 from @Dr15Jones: Migrate to new oneapi naming core
  • #36566 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex105A Make use of ESGetToken in GeometryReaders/XMLIdealGeometryESSource geometry
  • #36565 from @mmusich: Further optimization of the SiPixel LA PCL workflow alca
  • #36564 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex104 Modify xml files for plt, bcmf to be included for run3 scenario and test how removal of bsc detector from the scenario can be made effective geometry
  • #36563 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X hlt
  • #36562 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused member BaseHolder::fillRefIfMyTypeMatches core
  • #36560 from @slehti: HLTTauDQM: ignoring modules starting with '-' (modules inside cms.ign dqm
  • #36559 from @errai-: Correcting a JEC indexing bug for the pat::Jet class in association to scaleEnergy function calls reconstruction
  • #36556 from @ggovi: CondDBESSources: reworked refresh for updated lumi-based conditions alca db
  • #36555 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex103 Use of ESGetToken in Validation/Geometry and updating the cfg's dqm geometry
  • #36553 from @zuoxunwu: Expand L1T Shower data vs emulator comparison DQM dqm l1
  • #36551 from @bsunanda: Run3-gem66 Update the production cut files for run3 muon system geometry
  • #36550 from @davidlange6: add missing include in RefHolder_.h needed for gcc10/modules core
  • #36549 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Follow-up to #36496 -- Update versions of materials files in unit tests geometry reconstruction
  • #36548 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Resolve static analyzer warning by protecting against divide by 0 geometry
  • #36543 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs in HLTEvF, MuonMonitor and Physics dqm hlt
  • #36541 from @malbouis: include MuonDQM AlCaRecoTriggerBits in mcRun3 and mcRun4 GTs alca
  • #36540 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X + migration to 12_3_0_pre2 template hlt
  • #36539 from @Dr15Jones: Customize concurrency for ESSource DataProxies analysis core
  • #36538 from @mmusich: Several updates to SiPixel LA PCL workflow alca
  • #36537 from @ChrisMisan: Calibration record for diamond-hptdc nonlinearities compensation alca db
  • #36536 from @missirol: make customizeHLTforPatatrack even more robust hlt
  • #36535 from @mmusich: CondFormats: fix warning message about "skipping this put" alca db
  • #36534 from @perrotta: Fix for DTMapGenerator and cleanup for DTTTrigCorrectionFirst (in CalibMuon/DTCalibration) alca
  • #36533 from @smuzaffar: Run testBuildersReaders unit test in its own directory db
  • #36532 from @mmusich: clean-up remaining commented instances of createNewIOV in the codebase alca db
  • #36531 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx297C Safer syntax fr modifying configuration parameters in some of the cfi's in Geometry/HGCalCommonData geometry upgrade
  • #36530 from @makortel: Remove MallocOpts as obsolete core
  • #36529 from @AdrianoDee: Fixing Patatrak pixelTracking only wfs reconstruction
  • #36528 from @Michael-Krohn: HCAL: Remove 4th depth from trigger primitive sum over depths, for |ieta| = 16 alca l1
  • #36525 from @fabiocos: MTD reconstruction: Implementation of MTDTrayBarrelLayer::groupedCompatibleDets() reconstruction upgrade
  • #36524 from @perrotta: Safer syntax for modifying the configuration parameters in simulation
  • #36523 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex102D Correct cfg's in view of change in the Era definition simulation
  • #36520 from @tlampen: First version of Payload Inspector plots for DropBoxMetadata alca db
  • #36517 from @iarspider: Drop tests for py3-climate and py3-theanets analysis
  • #36516 from @mmusich: get rid of CMSDEPRECATED_X warnings in SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Geometry geometry upgrade
  • #36513 from @makortel: Fix EventSetupIncorrectConsumes test core
  • #36512 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex102C Get rid of compilation warning in Validation/HGCalValidation and use ESGetToken in Validation/CSCRecHits dqm
  • #36511 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs in RecoTau and RecoVertex dqm
  • #36510 from @NiharSaha: Drop type specs in RecoHI, RecoJets and RecoMET dqm
  • #36508 from @mmusich: CondTools/SiStrip unit tests: introduce gain rescaler tool in unit tests db
  • #36507 from @Dr15Jones: Removed use of tbb::task_arena in EventSetup core geometry reconstruction upgrade
  • #36502 from @imranyusuff: HGCalWaferValidation: refinements and D86 geometry validation fix dqm
  • #36501 from @makortel: Extend cutParser exception message temporarily to help debugging reconstruction
  • #36499 from @dpilipov: Inv mass over dr 12 3 x l1
  • #36496 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Prohibit use of undefined materials geometry upgrade
  • #36490 from @ggovi: DBOutputService: Removed deprecated methods alca dqm db
  • #36486 from @bsunanda: Run3-gem65 Add the demonstration chamber of RPC for the Run3 scenario geometry
  • #36485 from @mmusich: modernize MuonAnalysis/MomentumScaleCalibration analysis
  • #36484 from @indra-ehep: Adding HGCAL simhit validation histograms dqm
  • #36478 from @makortel: Add early delete customisation for mkFit temporary data products operations reconstruction
  • #36471 from @mbluj: Small cleanups in RecoTauTag/RecoTau reconstruction
  • #36469 from @Pruthvi-ch: Adding provision for HGCal geometry v17 development geometry upgrade
  • #36459 from @missirol: add fillDescriptions to CkfTrackCandidateMaker (and its dependencies) hlt reconstruction
  • #36457 from @adewit: Phase 2 tracker: add T28 and T29 (geometries with bricked pixels for IT sensor design studies) geometry operations pdmv upgrade
  • #36446 from @CMS-ECAL-Trigger-Group: ECAL TPG Parameter Builder changes for double weights mechanism alca l1 db
  • #36408 from @tvami: Removal of hardcoded testing L1T tag and move it to GT alca l1
  • #36383 from @tvami: es get() migration of L1CondDBPayloadWriter and L1CondDBPayloadWriterExt l1 db
  • #36372 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx328 Replace cout with LogVerbatim and update the cfg's in Geometry/HcalCommonData geometry
  • #36325 from @kakwok: Update HLT filter for MuonRechitClusters hlt
  • #36323 from @vpicco: Include FSR for electrons (in addition to muons) analysis xpog
  • #36320 from @slava77: replace ttbar classic PU for 2017 with 2021 variant (10224->11834) in the short matrix pdmv upgrade
  • #36276 from @llunerti: Adding modules for tag-and-probe efficiency computation in DQMOffline dqm
  • #36259 from @hftsoi: Calo-L1 unpacker modified to read 5BX payload format l1
  • #36235 from @AdrianoDee: Phase II Patatrack Pixel Local Reco reconstruction alca dqm geometry pdmv db upgrade heterogeneous
  • #36172 from @rovere: HGCAL Pattern Recognition using FastJet operations reconstruction pdmv upgrade
  • #36153 from @davidlange6: (Partial) Cleaning of unused CommonTools/CandAlgos classes reconstruction
  • #35481 from @cms-sw: For async calls always store XrdCl::FileSystem with the response-handler. core
  • #34991 from @mrodozov: Backport XrootD 5.3.1 PR to master from DEVEL core

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre2/slc7_amd64_gcc10 and REL/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre3/slc7_amd64_gcc10:


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