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latest releases: CMSSW_14_1_0_pre5, CMSSW_14_1_DEVEL_X_2024-06-30-2300, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-07-01-1100...
2 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_3_0_pre6:


  • #37503 from @cms-tsg-storm: Fix L1T MuonShowers for HLT hlt operations
  • #37501 from @seungjin-yang: Add GE1/1 detection efficiency monitor using GEMCSCSegment (backport of #37178, 12_3_X) dqm
  • #37499 from @CTPPS: [12_3_X] bugfix XML for PPS strips mapping alca
  • #37497 from @elfontan: [Backport] New set of files coherent with the new v1_0_0 L1Menu l1
  • #37494 from @ram1123: [12_3_X] Added the switch for the inclusion of PS energy reconstruction
  • #37479 from @barvic: Backport to 12_3_X for CSC unpacking update PR#37279 reconstruction
  • #37475 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X hlt
  • #37472 from @TaeunKwon: [Backport of] HCAL: fix on HCAL TP saturation algorithm to synchronize s/w TP algorithm with f/w l1
  • #37468 from @tvami: [12_3_X] Add AlCaLumiPixels_Run3 scenario and unit test operations
  • #37467 from @kondratyevd: [Backport 12_3_X] Update to DNN-based strategy for outside-in seed generation in Muon HLT reconstruction
  • #37466 from @bsunanda: Run4-hgx306 Backport the bugfix to HGCal geometry from the PR's 37330 and 37460 geometry upgrade
  • #37465 from @eyigitba: EMTF Unpacker Update to Add HMT and Displaced Muon Information [12_3_X] l1
  • #37462 from @missirol: Adding option to disable resetting L1 PS counters on ls change [12_3_X] l1
  • #37459 from @mmusich: minor changes to SiPixelLorentzAnglePCL modules [12.3.X] alca
  • #37458 from @khaosmos93: [Backport 123X] pT dependent ROI producers for Muon HLT reconstruction
  • #37450 from @CTPPS: [12_3_X] Fix xml tag in PPS strips mapping alca
  • #37446 from @makortel: [12_3_X] Set concurrent lumis/IOVs in ConfigBuilder if their value is different from default regardless of the number of threads operations
  • #37444 from @missirol: Backport to 12_3_X of Patatrack pixel-reco updates (pT-clamping in vertex sorting + stabilized Fishbone) reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #37443 from @francescobrivio: [12_3_X] Update final L1T menu tag for Run 3 start up alca
  • #37441 from @cms-tsg-storm: Update of L1T menu in TSG GTs to L1Menu_Collisions2022_v1_0_0_xml [12_3_X] hlt
  • #37439 from @gk199: [Backport of] HCAL finegrain bit fix to account for TDC packing, and SOI alignment l1
  • #37435 from @thomreis: ECAL GPU unpacker - Add detection of corrupted DCC tower headers and recovery - backport 12_3_X reconstruction
  • #37426 from @jaimeleonh: [12_3_X] Added muon-tau-jet OvRm Filter hlt
  • #37422 from @jshlee: [GEM] bugfix - BC and OrbitCounter in AMC13 - backport simulation upgrade
  • #37421 from @Sam-Harper: Fixing FastTimerClient Hist Remaking Issue : 12_3_X hlt
  • #37413 from @fwyzard: Update all GPU workflows [12.3.x] pdmv upgrade
  • #37412 from @dan131riley: Avoid DQMIO file GUID collisions, 12_3_X version dqm
  • #37404 from @abhih1: Change quality criteria for some supercrystals in the Ecal Endcaps for LED Quality plots [CMSSW_12_3_X] dqm
  • #37389 from @Dr15Jones: Make JobReport::reportReadBranches thread safe [CMSSW_12_3] core
  • #37377 from @francescobrivio: [12_3_X] Fix tag names in DQM Fake BeamSpot clients dqm
  • #37375 from @civanch: Extended fix of Geant4 tracking simulation
  • #37372 from @valeriadamante: backport of bugfix in vertex selection for the L2TauTagNNProducer hlt
  • #37371 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X hlt
  • #37357 from @sifuluo: [CMSSW_12_3_X] Fix CSC CLCT resolution validation plots dqm
  • #37352 from @alja: Fireworks 12_3_X: corrections for trigger table view controller visualization
  • #37346 from @francescobrivio: [12_3_X] Add relval wf 139.005 to test the AlcaEcalPhiSym workflow for Run3 pdmv upgrade
  • #37344 from @simonepigazzini: [12_3_X] Ecal phisym run3 workflow alca operations
  • #37339 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_3_X + Update of L1T menu in TSG GTs [12_3_X] hlt
  • #37336 from @francescobrivio: [12_3_X] Update L1T menu tag alca
  • #37328 from @tvami: [123X] Change ALCALUMIPIXELSEXPRESS to ALCALumiPixelsCountsExpress in alca
  • #37317 from @mmusich: [12.3.X] run cosmics track refitter in order to fix to Strip Hit residuals dqm
  • #37307 from @gk199: HCAL: fixing fine grain bits to be set based on unpacked TDC [12_3_X backport] l1
  • #37304 from @missirol: update of hltIntegrationTests and path of Run-3 Data file for TSG tests [12_3_X] hlt
  • #37299 from @JanFSchulte: Backport the refactoring of the PropagateToMuon class and add the propagating to some HLT filters analysis dqm hlt l1
  • #37274 from @makortel: [12_3_X] Add CMSSW version to StatisticsSenderService core
  • #37273 from @makortel: [12_3_X] Make sure all dictionaries in CUDADataFormats are transient reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #37269 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim115XB Backport the bugfix in CaloSimHitStudy as in #37246 simulation
  • #37254 from @trackreco: [MkFit] Fix UBSAN error in (almost) empty events (backport of #37146) reconstruction
  • #37253 from @gk199: L1T ASAN heap-buffer-overflow fix resulting from PR #36919 l1
  • #37242 from @sroychow: [12.3.X] DQM modules to monitor Pixel RecHits & remove assert in SiPixelRecHitSoAFromLegacy plugin dqm reconstruction
  • #37235 from @mmusich: [12.3.X] Bugfix for Strips O2O db
  • #37226 from @mmusich: [12.3.X] Introduce alignment campaign-like unit test for pede alca
  • #37223 from @francescobrivio: [12_3_X] Modernize DQM/BeamMonitor/plugins/TKStatus plugin dqm
  • #37217 from @sifuluo: Make both ME1a and ME1b LCT (A/CLCT) sorted into ring 1. dqm
  • #37213 from @quark2: Lumi-based status plots, backport to CMSSW_12_3_X dqm
  • #37206 from @cms-tsg-storm: Update TSG tests and Relval Steps to use new run3_[hlt|data]_relval GTs hlt pdmv upgrade
  • #37205 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu migration to 12_3_0_pre6 template hlt

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre6/slc7_amd64_gcc10 and REL/CMSSW_12_3_0/slc7_amd64_gcc10:


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