github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_2_0_pre2

latest releases: CMSSW_14_2_0_pre1_6e31ebe_ROOT633, CMSSW_14_2_DEVEL_X_2024-09-19-2300, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-19-2300...
2 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_2_0_pre1:


  • #36087 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx295B Remove 2 remaining obsolete cfg's geometry upgrade
  • #36084 from @makortel: Use esConsumes in some Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder test EDModules geometry
  • #36083 from @malbouis: Add ECAL and GEM tags to 122X GTs alca
  • #36082 from @smuzaffar: [ASAN] disable unit tests TestValgrind and TestFWCoreServicesDriver core
  • #36079 from @Dr15Jones: Delete stream modules before deleting their caches core
  • #36071 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry: update ETL passive structure geometry upgrade
  • #36069 from @missirol: fix for option "dbproxy" in hltListPaths hlt
  • #36067 from @drankincms: Fix for threadsafety of L1T Phase2 DQM l1 dqm
  • #36065 from @battibass: Few further esConsumes-related updates for CondFormats (RecoMuon and DT) test folders alca db
  • #36064 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx295A Small correction to on HGCal validation code and remove several obsolete scripts in Geometry/CaloTopology and Validation dqm geometry
  • #36061 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx295 Change copper cover to SS cover and remove many obsolete files of HGCal geometry geometry upgrade
  • #36060 from @missirol: technical fix for PixelJetPuId hlt
  • #36059 from @Sam-Harper: small fix to integrationTests hlt
  • #36058 from @VinInn: Fix trivial bugs in test (VertexFinder_t.h) reconstruction
  • #36055 from @iarspider: improve readability of output db
  • #36047 from @hyunyong: Clean up muon alignment test files alca
  • #36045 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx294C Make sure that all rings of scinitllators are included in the definitions of HGCalGeometry geometry upgrade
  • #36042 from @Dr15Jones: Fixed crash in RepeatingCachedRootSource core
  • #36041 from @bsunanda: Phase2-294B Extend functionality of RecHitTools of HGCal and add a testing code reconstruction upgrade
  • #36040 from @mmusich: migrate SiPixel codes to new PoolDBOutputService methods alca db
  • #36038 from @Dr15Jones: Faster CSCALCTDigi::clear() simulation
  • #36036 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx294A Add layeroffset attribute to 6-inch wafer geometry files for HGCal geometry upgrade
  • #36035 from @mmusich: Restructure CondTools/SiStrip db
  • #36034 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 12_2_X hlt
  • #36032 from @iarspider: Remove references to standalone keras analysis alca
  • #36031 from @missirol: improvement of a workaround in customizeHLTforPatatrack hlt
  • #36027 from @tvami: Change to new method in PoolDBOutputService for SiPixel CPE db
  • #36024 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim97X Make use of ESGetToken in SimTracker/TrackerHitAssociation simulation
  • #36023 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim97 Make use of ESGetToken in SimTransport/HectorProducer simulation
  • #36022 from @bsunanda: Run3-TB64 Take care of the conversion factor in Geometry/HcalTestBeamData geometry
  • #36021 from @ianna: [DD4hep] cleanup file names core dqm geometry reconstruction simulation pdmv db upgrade
  • #36020 from @rovere: TiclLayerTile compile time optimizations reconstruction upgrade
  • #36019 from @missirol: fix for testPhase2PixelNtuple unit test geometry upgrade
  • #36017 from @mmusich: [Tracker Alignment] move run-based analysis of PrimaryVertexValidation to beginRun alca
  • #36016 from @mmusich: migrate to esConsumes several test codes in the SiPixel area alca db
  • #36015 from @mmusich: migrate to esConsumes several test codes in the SiStrip area alca db
  • #36013 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex99 Add a new defintion of caloBase.xml to accommodate the notch structure of ETL support geometry upgrade
  • #36011 from @elusian: Add a configuration function to disable track-gen matching in step3 from cmsDriver simulation
  • #36010 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex98A Use of ESGetToken in Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder geometry
  • #36009 from @cms-tau-pog: Fixes to L2Tau CNN and deepTauID for HLT hlt reconstruction
  • #36006 from @dan131riley: Fix errors in RepeatingCachedRootSource test core
  • #36005 from @vjmastra: Bugfix for mass-window cut in HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter hlt
  • #36004 from @ianna: [DD4hep] use DD4hep consistently in configurations alca geometry simulation db upgrade
  • #36000 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex98 Make use of esConsume in Geometry/CommonTopologies geometry
  • #35999 from @mmusich: migrate SiStrip codes to new PoolDBOutputService methods alca db
  • #35998 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx294Z Modify the getCorner algo of HGCalGeometry to take care of rotated layers geometry upgrade
  • #35997 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx293A Extend the possibility of new cells needed for rotated full wafers geometry upgrade
  • #35996 from @CTPPS: correct cfi files to link to latest PPS geometry geometry
  • #35995 from @makortel: Use esConsumes in RandomXiThetaGunProducer generators
  • #35994 from @drankincms: Fix for threadsafety of L1T Phase2 DQM l1 dqm
  • #35993 from @makortel: Use esConsumes in ListIds and TrackingMaterialAnalyser simulation
  • #35990 from @abhih1: Integration of the ML based online Ecal DQM using autoencoder network dqm
  • #35989 from @fabiocos: MTD reconstruction validation: tracks and vertices dqm
  • #35988 from @ChrisMisan: Fix timing PCLs by adding EDMToMeConverter alca operations
  • #35987 from @Sam-Harper: Adding Proxy Support to hltGetConfiguration and fixing converter/db specification bugs with hltIntegrationTests hlt
  • #35984 from @swagata87: Fixing memory bug in GsfElectronProducer reconstruction
  • #35983 from @mmusich: Miscellaneous Alignment/OfflineValidation improvements alca
  • #35982 from @makortel: Use esConsumes in JetCorrectorImplMakerBase analysis
  • #35978 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim96 Make use of one/EDAnalyzer in a few analysis codes of SimG4CMS simulation
  • #35977 from @makortel: Use esConsumes in TTStubAssociator l1 simulation
  • #35976 from @makortel: Use esConsumes in TCMETAlgo reconstruction
  • #35975 from @makortel: Use esConsumes in DDTestMuonNumbering and GeoHierarchyTest geometry
  • #35974 from @trackreco: Update mkFit for CMSSW_12_2_0 reconstruction
  • #35973 from @apsallid: [HGCAL] crash due to python3 dqm
  • #35972 from @dildick: Get rid of static warnings in CSC trigger emulator l1
  • #35971 from @missirol: small technical updates to HLTJetTiming{Filter,Producer} hlt
  • #35970 from @makortel: Use esConsumes in HIPixelTrackFilterProducer and ClusterShapeTrackFilterProducer reconstruction
  • #35968 from @makortel: Use esConsumes in ConditionDumperInEdm l1
  • #35964 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx326Y Try to use one/EDAnalyzer in some testing codes of HCAL analysis alca reconstruction simulation
  • #35963 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx326X Make use of a version of EDAnalyzer to meet multithreaded application in some Hcal codes for calibration alca l1
  • #35962 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx294X Update the scripts to validate HGCal geometry dqm geometry upgrade
  • #35961 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex97 Add a coorected version of TotemTiming_Station.xml geometry
  • #35957 from @mmusich: add makeTrackValidationPlots test unit dqm
  • #35956 from @mmusich: Add stub of DropBoxMetadata payload inspector alca hlt db
  • #35955 from @slava77: mitigate high CPU cost of HBHE hit position calculation in EgammaHcalIsolation reconstruction
  • #35952 from @quark2: Updates on summary plot of GEM onlineDQM dqm
  • #35950 from @slava77: use LogDebug instead of edm::LogInfo for PixelCPEGeneric reconstruction
  • #35949 from @gartung: Utilities/StaticAnalyzers: Add edm:1️⃣:impl::EndRunProducer to base classes regex. core
  • #35945 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx294 Update the longitudinal structure for the V16 (D86) geometry of HGCal geometry upgrade
  • #35944 from @wang-hui: add SOI check to HBHEPhase1Reconstructor reconstruction
  • #35943 from @francescobrivio: Improve BeamSpotOnlineWriter plugin in CondTools alca db
  • #35942 from @dzuolo: Changes to OnlineBeamMonitor DQM client and plugin dqm
  • #35941 from @CTPPS: PPS: association cut fix alca db
  • #35940 from @BenjaminRS: Removing obsolete code from CaloLayer1Setup l1
  • #35938 from @JanFSchulte: Add invariant mass filter for generic objects in LHE events generators
  • #35932 from @francescobrivio: Improve DQM beamspot clients dqm
  • #35931 from @mmusich: [Tracker Alignment] remove getByLabel and allow to fetch vertex collection from configuration alca
  • #35926 from @civanch: Removed obsolete SIM classes and updated few obsolete interfaces alca simulation
  • #35925 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx293Y Add a test to verify the list of Valid DetId and their corners geometry upgrade
  • #35922 from @SWuchterl: Fix charged and neutral candidate converters for reco::Jets reconstruction
  • #35921 from @missirol: fix for TestDQMServicesDemo unit test dqm
  • #35920 from @tvami: Include reduced material DD4HEP geometry scenarios in Run-3 MC GTs alca
  • #35917 from @missirol: improved element-removal in HLTProcess (hltGetConfiguration) hlt
  • #35915 from @fwyzard: Fix the Patatrack pixel local reconstruction running on CPU hlt
  • #35914 from @malbouis: Include PPS Association Cuts in data and MC GTs alca
  • #35913 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu migration to 12_2_0_pre1 template hlt
  • #35912 from @slava77: restrict RunHI2011 to 182124:40, used in the short matrix wf 140.53 pdmv upgrade
  • #35911 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcs326 Avoid using legacy EDAnalyzer in CalibCalorimetry/HcalAlgos alca
  • #35910 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca210 Modernize several classes in Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos alca
  • #35909 from @tvami: Add ppRef modifier instead of a GT alca
  • #35903 from @dinardo: Fixed bug which was crashing ROOT in fitting empty histograms dqm
  • #35901 from @fwyzard: Update customisePixelL1ClusterThresholdForRun2Input to adjust also the GPU producer hlt
  • #35898 from @francescobrivio: Fix era for DQM BeamSpot clients dqm
  • #35896 from @mmusich: customize OnlineBeamSpotESProducer inputs to be refreshed at each LS in online DQM dqm
  • #35892 from @slava77: expand tracker-driven coverage for electron seeds; jetCore mitigation reconstruction
  • #35890 from @slava77: introduce COPYPASTER3 and use it as step2 in wf 138.3 pdmv upgrade
  • #35889 from @missirol: added check to avoid seg-fault in HLTScoutingPFProducer hlt
  • #35888 from @Dr15Jones: Faster CSCCLCTDigi::clear() simulation
  • #35887 from @swagata87: [EGM] Undo relaxing of GSF nHit cuts for phase2 reconstruction upgrade
  • #35886 from @dildick: Update on the muon shower trigger for startup Run-3 (HadronicShowerTrigger-7) l1
  • #35885 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx325 Update the analyzer codes in CondTools/Hcal to conform with multithreaded application db
  • #35884 from @lecriste: Fix for multiprocessing in RecoTrack Validation script dqm
  • #35881 from @pmandrik: Duplicate file descriptor closure in DQMFileSaverPB fix dqm
  • #35880 from @dildick: Add clones for CSC trigger primitives for Run-3 and Phase-2 with CCLUT on l1
  • #35878 from @iarspider: Drop tests for py3-hyperas, nose, rep and hyperopt analysis
  • #35874 from @CTPPS: Fixed the PPS alignment relval - 1042 alca operations pdmv upgrade
  • #35869 from @mmusich: add process.runType.commissioning_run in the supported types of beampixel_dqm_sourceclient-live dqm
  • #35865 from @sayanchatterjee38: TkDQM: PixelPhase1 Summary plots dqm
  • #35862 from @srimanob: Move Phase2 wf in the short matrix to D77 pdmv upgrade
  • #35861 from @bbilin: Common alignment algorithm consumes migration alca
  • #35858 from @missirol: make HLT use "schedule" hlt operations
  • #35857 from @slava77: default initialize HiPuRhoProducer::postOrphan_ reconstruction
  • #35854 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca208 Attempt to validate the new AlCa for IsoTracks alca
  • #35848 from @Dr15Jones: Use esConsumes in L1ExtraDQM dqm l1
  • #35831 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca207 Update the macros used in IsoTrack calibration of HCAL alca
  • #35819 from @smuzaffar: [PDMV] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands pdmv
  • #35793 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx292X Update the cfg's in Validation/HGCalValidation for more general usage dqm
  • #35766 from @CTPPS: PPS: consume association cuts from DB alca dqm reconstruction
  • #35765 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx292 Bug fix for real partial wafer simulations in versions V15 and V16 geometry simulation upgrade
  • #35763 from @PFCal-dev: Updates to the SiPM-on-tile and Si sensor digitization (end-of-life/realistic startup) reconstruction simulation upgrade
  • #35744 from @drankincms: Phase2 L1T DQM dqm l1
  • #35724 from @mcitron: Producer and filter for jet timing trigger hlt
  • #35662 from @mandrenguyen: Template PFTowers to run on packedCandidates reconstruction
  • #35461 from @barvic: Initial release of CSC Run3 unpacking updates for CMSSW_12_1_X reconstruction
  • #35330 from @mtosi: add genfragment for Chi_b -> Y(1S)Gamma and Chi_c -> J/psiGamma generators

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_2_0_pre1/slc7_amd64_gcc900 and REL/CMSSW_12_2_0_pre2/slc7_amd64_gcc900:


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