github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_1_0_pre5

latest releases: CMSSW_14_0_X_2024-09-21-1100, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-21-1100, CMSSW_14_2_PY312_X_2024-09-21-1100...
2 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_1_0_pre4:


  • #35883 from @mmusich: add eras for running Run2 without mkFit operations
  • #35867 from @missirol: remove unit test in RecoTauTag/HLTProducers hlt
  • #35863 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development hlt
  • #35856 from @Dr15Jones: Validate TF1 if requested in BTagEntry alca db xpog
  • #35855 from @jshlee: GEMGeometryBuilder bugfix geometry upgrade
  • #35851 from @battibass: [DQM] Fix DTChamberEfficiencyTest esConsumes to use proper Transition dqm
  • #35847 from @smuzaffar: Added py3-beautifulsoup unittest analysis core
  • #35846 from @malbouis: Fix PPS persistent geometry tag in data GTs alca
  • #35843 from @francescobrivio: Add HLT_PixelClusters to DQM BeamSpot clients dqm
  • #35841 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to SegmentsTrackAssociator reconstruction
  • #35838 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecated warnings in L1Trigger/L1TCaloLayer1 l1
  • #35835 from @VinInn: Improve Various Patatrack kernels alca reconstruction db heterogeneous
  • #35833 from @smorovic: DAQ input throttling (12_1_X) daq reconstruction
  • #35826 from @mmusich: SiStripSourceConfigP5_cff remove parameters added by mistake in #35811 dqm
  • #35825 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA_RECONSTRUCTION] [PY3] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands alca reconstruction
  • #35824 from @smuzaffar: [ALCA] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands alca
  • #35823 from @smuzaffar: [DB] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands db
  • #35822 from @smuzaffar: [CORE] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands core
  • #35821 from @smuzaffar: [ANALYSIS] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands analysis
  • #35820 from @smuzaffar: [RECONSTRUCTION] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands reconstruction
  • #35818 from @smuzaffar: [L1] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands l1
  • #35817 from @smuzaffar: [HLT] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands hlt
  • #35816 from @smuzaffar: [DQM_L1] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands dqm l1
  • #35815 from @smuzaffar: [DQM] Fix needed for python3: Use of subprocess instead of commands dqm
  • #35811 from @mmusich: MonitorTrackResiduals: do not apply PV compatibility cut when running cosmics dqm
  • #35809 from @rappoccio: Workaround / fix in 12_1_X for Issue #35805, add default for splashSwitch in ECAL timing monitor. dqm
  • #35808 from @mmusich: Further simplification of DetectorStateFilter and add unit tests dqm
  • #35806 from @abdoulline: HCAL: switch off auxiliary M3 reconstruction fit for Run3 hlt reconstruction
  • #35804 from @slava77: add 2018 fastsim workflow to the short matrix pdmv upgrade
  • #35802 from @slava77: convert mkfit output warnings to LogInfo reconstruction
  • #35801 from @mmusich: provide Tracking DNN ESSource also for Fast Simulation fastsim
  • #35799 from @kpedro88: Speed up Puppi reconstruction
  • #35796 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx293 Try to resolve some issues for scintillator part of HGCal Geometry geometry upgrade
  • #35795 from @slava77: default initialize TrajectorySeed::dir_ reconstruction
  • #35792 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecated warnings in RecoTracker/FinalTrackSelectors reconstruction
  • #35789 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecated warnings in CommonTools/RecoAlgos reconstruction
  • #35788 from @consuegs: Python3 migration fix alca
  • #35787 from @Dr15Jones: Fixed cms deprecated warnings in MuonAnalysis/MuonAssociators analysis dqm l1
  • #35782 from @mmusich: modernize DQM/TrackerCommon dqm
  • #35781 from @ggovi: Fixes for double delete in using DBOutputService analysis alca l1 reconstruction simulation db upgrade
  • #35780 from @francescobrivio: [12.1.X] Fixes related to beamspot DIP server for pilot run dqm
  • #35778 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Enable creation of reduced material geometry DB payloads db
  • #35777 from @Dr15Jones: Additional esConsumes in HLTriggerOffline/Muon dqm
  • #35776 from @slava77: add basic data run3 reco and apply to splash events as a wf 138.3; fix tools for simple lumi list core pdmv upgrade
  • #35775 from @guitargeek: Remove dead source file CondTools/L1Trigger/src/Interval.icc l1 db
  • #35774 from @guitargeek: Rename .icc files in CommonTools/Statistics to .h files reconstruction
  • #35773 from @Dr15Jones: Fix deprecated warnings in RecoJets/JetProducers reconstruction
  • #35772 from @malbouis: Include PPS persistent geometry in all GTs alca geometry
  • #35771 from @Dr15Jones: Moved fetchHcalAlgoData functionality to ED modules reconstruction
  • #35770 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecated warnings in RecoMuon/MuonIdentification reconstruction
  • #35768 from @slava77: switch loop index to uint from uint16 in FlagsCleanerECAL reconstruction
  • #35767 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to HiBasicGenTest dqm
  • #35762 from @TaeunKwon: HCAL: Applying the fix on pulse containment correction algorithm both for Run3 trigger primitives and Method 0 alca l1 reconstruction
  • #35761 from @srimanob: Migration to DD4hep as default for all Run-3 workflows alca geometry operations simulation pdmv upgrade
  • #35756 from @Dr15Jones: Use shared_ptr for MutableMonitorElementData dqm
  • #35755 from @abhih1: Changes to accommodate Splash events dqm
  • #35749 from @francescobrivio: Improve logging of BeamSpot DQM clients dqm
  • #35748 from @tvami: Include new L1 trigger tags in Run-3 MC GTs alca
  • #35741 from @lwang046: HcalDQM: A quick fix for the empty DQM plot entries of extended FEDs dqm
  • #35740 from @CTPPS: PPS: new validation plots dqm
  • #35739 from @jshlee: GEM - adding selected online dqm plots to offline dqm for data relval dqm
  • #35738 from @rovere: Remove obsolete Digi collections l1 operations reconstruction simulation upgrade
  • #35737 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Increase precision of Trapezoid definitions to prevent complaints from Native Geant4 10.7 geometry
  • #35736 from @bsunanda: Run3-TB63 Use SimProducer for TB material budget studies dqm geometry simulation upgrade
  • #35733 from @quark2: Changing of binning of GEM digi plots on GEM onlineDQM dqm
  • #35731 from @mmusich: Fix pointers double deletions from PoolDBOutputService in CondTools subsystem alca db upgrade
  • #35730 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim94 Transition from watcher to producer for HcalTestAnalysis simulation
  • #35728 from @rovere: Add multiprocess support into compareHistograms dqm
  • #35727 from @rovere: Bug Fix for CLUE in BH section of HGCAL reconstruction upgrade
  • #35725 from @perrotta: Change bx constant to centrally defined value in dqm
  • #35722 from @makortel: Fix customisePixelLocalReconstruction() customize function hlt
  • #35721 from @mmusich: Disable looper track reconstruction for >= Run2_2016 operations reconstruction
  • #35720 from @tvami: Change config files to include new metadata files needed for the new PCL devs alca db
  • #35719 from @hyunyong: Migrate to esConsumes muon alignment alca
  • #35718 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim93 Use ESGetToken in getting objects from EventSetup simulation
  • #35717 from @dildick: Simple CSC digi and trigger primitive filter for Run-3 studies reconstruction
  • #35716 from @Dr15Jones: Add esConsumes to modules in Validation/EventGenerator dqm generators
  • #35715 from @pmandrik: Fix default SPLASH settings (FP) dqm
  • #35709 from @Sam-Harper: Updating hltDumpStream to work in python3 : 121X hlt
  • #35708 from @guitargeek: Replace boost::ptr_vector and boost::ptr_list with STL collections in RecoTauTag/RecoTau reconstruction
  • #35705 from @Dr15Jones: Avoid use of uninitalized values in GBRForestTools reconstruction
  • #35704 from @guitargeek: Modernize HiSuperClusterProducer in HiEgammaAlgos reconstruction
  • #35703 from @guitargeek: Merge .h files with .icc files in TrackingTools/GsfTools/plugins reconstruction
  • #35702 from @guitargeek: Fix SyntaxWarning in alca
  • #35701 from @guitargeek: Clean unused dependencies from BuildFiles alca analysis dqm generators l1 reconstruction visualization simulation db
  • #35698 from @hqucms: Speed up b and c jet energy regression in NanoAOD with ONNXRuntime reconstruction xpog
  • #35697 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes calls to more Muon related code alca dqm reconstruction upgrade
  • #35696 from @mmusich: fix typo in _loadOnlineBeamSpotESProducer alca reconstruction
  • #35695 from @swagata87: esConsumes migration of DT calibration codes alca
  • #35694 from @antoniovagnerini: adding ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCosmicTF0T track collection in Millepede code alca
  • #35692 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx324 Rearrange the code to enable future implementation of SimProducer class dqm
  • #35691 from @mmusich: provide a reconstruction scenario for the commissioning_run type introduced in #34832 dqm
  • #35690 from @quark2: Fixed typos on some name and title in GEM onlineDQM dqm
  • #35687 from @perrotta: Clean up and avoid possible misuse of the numOfBins variable in DiamondSampicDQMSource dqm
  • #35686 from @minxiyang: Track DNN update on mkFit tracks operations reconstruction
  • #35682 from @smorovic: DAQ fix spurious luminosityBlockAuxiliary assertion in HLT (12_1_X) daq reconstruction
  • #35681 from @Dr15Jones: Fix CMS deprecated warnings in JetMetCorrections/Modules reconstruction
  • #35680 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to PhysicsTools/PatUtils reconstruction
  • #35679 from @CTPPS: Shift to orbit frame simulation
  • #35677 from @mmusich: introduce unit tests for CondTools/SiPhase2Tracker alca upgrade
  • #35676 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to module in SimG4Core/DD4hepGeometry simulation
  • #35675 from @mmusich: decouple writing legacy and HLT payloads on same sqlite file in CondTools/BeamSpot tests alca db
  • #35673 from @Dr15Jones: Remove CMS deprecation warnings in DetectorDescription/DDCMS geometry
  • #35672 from @Dr15Jones: Removed CMS deprecation warnings from MagneticField/Engine reconstruction
  • #35671 from @fabferro: PPS bug fix of Run2 pixel topology alca
  • #35669 from @tvami: Change to the new method of using writeOneIOV in PPSAssociationCuts db
  • #35666 from @dildick: Enable GEM trigger clusters from EMTF in GEM L1T DQM dqm l1
  • #35665 from @Dr15Jones: Fixed deprecated warnings in some GeneratorInterface packages generators
  • #35664 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx323 Use SimProducer+Analyzer to estimate material budget for HCAL dqm geometry simulation
  • #35663 from @Dr15Jones: Removed deprecated usages in PhysicsTools/CondLiteIO analysis
  • #35661 from @alejands: Set equivalence of first/last bx labels used by different subsystems in ECAL DQM dqm
  • #35660 from @trackreco: Enable mkFit by default in 4+2 tracking iterations (initialStepPreSpl operations reconstruction
  • #35658 from @jfernan2: Fix for UBSAN DQM crash pdmv upgrade
  • #35657 from @srimanob: Remove obsolete commands in PyReleaseValidation pdmv upgrade
  • #35654 from @ChrisMisan: Fix reading from unaligned address in TotemSampicFrame reconstruction
  • #35652 from @trackreco: Update mkFit for 12_1_0_pre5 reconstruction
  • #35644 from @smuzaffar: Added unit test for edmPickEvents and edmCopyPickMerge analysis
  • #35643 from @davidlange6: update edmPickEvents for python3 analysis
  • #35642 from @mmusich: [Online DQM] re-introduce unit tests for visualization dqm
  • #35641 from @dildick: Fix empty histograms in CSC L1T DQM dqm
  • #35640 from @cms-tau-pog: L2 tau identification with a CNN hlt
  • #35639 from @mmusich: add onlineBeamSpotESProducer to BeamSpot_cfi: fix general Online BS swap case alca reconstruction
  • #35638 from @fwyzard: Do not call the fishbone for events with pixel hits only in BPIX1 reconstruction
  • #35637 from @tvami: Include realistic CSCBadChambers in Run-3 MC GTs alca
  • #35635 from @gartung: Utilities/StaticAnalyzer: Update to EventSetupRecord::get calls report core
  • #35633 from @bsunanda: Run2-gex96 Provide Run1 and Run2 scenarios for dd4hep geometry upgrade
  • #35632 from @eyigitba: EMTF emulator and CSC TP producer changes for the new CCLUT implementation l1
  • #35631 from @CTPPS: Added PPS Alignment to the Prompt Calibration Loop alca operations pdmv db upgrade
  • #35630 from @makortel: Be consistent when replacing a Path/EndPath/Task in a Process that is also in a Schedule core
  • #35626 from @rovere: Improve fireworks geometry and proxies visualization
  • #35622 from @ggovi: Fix for o2o parameters handling from config database db
  • #35620 from @CMSTrackingPOG: Add producers/configs to refit muon tracks with standard TrackRefitter reconstruction
  • #35619 from @cms-tau-pog: Updates towards enabling deepTauID at HLT hlt reconstruction
  • #35617 from @lwang046: HcalDQM: Update hcal FED list for crate 3-FED readout dqm
  • #35616 from @smuzaffar: [GCC11] fix warnings: Change to new method writeOneIOV alca db
  • #35613 from @abhih1: Fix out of bounds error in Ecal Validation dqm
  • #35611 from @Dr15Jones: Better string handling ExternalGeneratorFilter generators
  • #35609 from @mmusich: fix issue with SiPixelBadModule_ may be used uninitialized in TSAN builds db
  • #35608 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT migration to CMSSW_12_1_0_pre4 template hlt
  • #35605 from @jfernan2: [DQM] Prompt matrix redefinition dqm
  • #35604 from @tvami: Misc changes in SiPixel CPE object code in CondTools/SiPixel db
  • #35602 from @tvami: Change to the new method writeOneIOV in PPSTimingCalibrationPCLHarvester alca
  • #35600 from @missirol: Undo update of Run-3 GTs in autoCondHLT hlt
  • #35599 from @gk199: HCAL: uHTR group 0 LUT bits 12-15 set, used to set LLP trigger fine grain bits alca l1
  • #35597 from @srimanob: Fix Nano sequence for Premix-ProdLike .9921 relvals pdmv upgrade
  • #35595 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca206X Make use of the HBHE calibration object in HEMuonFilter to reduce disk space requirement alca operations
  • #35594 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Add check for existing constant to prevent unneeded warning message geometry
  • #35593 from @malbouis: [121X] include GTs for Pilot Beam Test alca dqm
  • #35592 from @fabferro: PPS PixelDigiToRaw sanity check bug fix reconstruction
  • #35591 from @Dr15Jones: Remove obsolete signals from ActivityRegistry core
  • #35589 from @Dr15Jones: Removed use of assertEquals in python test core
  • #35587 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca206 Add a few more variables to HcalHBHEMuonVariables to analyze alternative Hcal Reco schemes alca
  • #35584 from @Sam-Harper: hltGetConfiguration changes for new confdb version and database: 12_1_X hlt
  • #35581 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx292 Modify and update tests to check the wafer characteristics of HGCal geometry upgrade
  • #35580 from @Dr15Jones: Update Fireworks related cmsRun plugins visualization
  • #35577 from @Dr15Jones: Improved const-correctness of FWCore/Services globals core
  • #35576 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unnecessary includes in PhysicsTools/PatAlgos reconstruction
  • #35575 from @Dr15Jones: Converted ObjectSelector system to use edm::stream::EDFilter<> alca dqm reconstruction
  • #35573 from @smuzaffar: Fix GCC11 header consistency errors core reconstruction upgrade heterogeneous
  • #35572 from @civanch: Make Geant4 geometry exception to be just a warning simulation
  • #35570 from @fwyzard: Make the CUDA/SoA pixel clusterizer use the same thresholds as the legacy module hlt
  • #35568 from @smuzaffar: [Py3] Fix for --profile options operations
  • #35566 from @fwyzard: Add a workaround for AlCa paths to the Patatrack customisation hlt
  • #35564 from @cms-sw: Adding pytest and anyio unit test analysis
  • #35563 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx291 Bug fix to address rotated layers in D86 geometry simulation upgrade
  • #35559 from @tomalin: Update operations
  • #35558 from @rovere: Improve HGCAL geometry handling in fireworks reconstruction visualization upgrade
  • #35557 from @atishelmanch: Proposed solution to ECAL emulator PR issue alca l1 db
  • #35556 from @ggovi: Renamed new methods in PoolDBOutputService alca dqm reconstruction simulation db
  • #35555 from @jeongeun: Migrate module config in RecoTracker to use default seedingLayersEDProducer in cfipython v2 reconstruction
  • #35550 from @CTPPS: PPS: use Run3 era in online DQM dqm
  • #35549 from @jeongeun: Migrate module config in RecoTracker{TkSeedingLayers} to use default seedingLayersEDProducer in cfipython reconstruction
  • #35547 from @hbakhshi: AJJGenJet filter added. generators
  • #35546 from @tvami: Replace tags that have [cms_orcon_prod/...] in their name alca
  • #35545 from @tvami: Removal of the unused class of SiPixelCPEGenericDBErrorParametrization alca reconstruction
  • #35544 from @smuzaffar: [UBSAN] initialize EcalEBTrigPrimTestAlgo::theMapping_ data member l1 upgrade
  • #35542 from @fwyzard: GPUCACell::find_ntuplets abort on recursion overflow reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #35540 from @fwyzard: Add workflows for profiling the GPU code pdmv upgrade
  • #35537 from @amagnan: Switch to use deltaR2 method reconstruction upgrade
  • #35532 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca205E Update CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb for esConsume db
  • #35527 from @mmusich: rationalize CondTools/BeamSpot and add unit tests to the package alca db
  • #35526 from @Dr15Jones: Remove use of legacy module classes from framework tests core
  • #35524 from @swagata87: Fix assert in debug builds from GsfTrajectorySmoother reconstruction
  • #35523 from @srimanob: Make --procModifier as list operations
  • #35521 from @smuzaffar: [UBSAN] Fix runtime error index -1 out of bound l1
  • #35518 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Increase SiPixel L1 cluster threshold from 2000 to 4000e, synchronize channel threshold between HTL and offline hlt reconstruction
  • #35507 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Prompt calibration loop module for SiPixelLorentzAngle alca operations pdmv upgrade
  • #35505 from @Dr15Jones: Use StatisticsSenderService for all framework files core
  • #35504 from @emilbols: BugFix: HitFit MET resolution analysis
  • #35496 from @dildick: Minor updates in CSC TP configurations for B904 tests daq l1
  • #35480 from @rovere: Fix runTheMatrix interactive shell pdmv upgrade
  • #35465 from @smuzaffar: [UBSAN] Fix unit test by feeding it with correct input l1
  • #35459 from @jbsauvan: [HGCAL trigger] Migrate to esConsumes l1 upgrade
  • #35454 from @ChrisMisan: Diamond dqm dqm
  • #35452 from @CeliaFernandez: Fix undefined behavior in TSGFromL2 from empty pointer reconstruction
  • #35450 from @AliinCern: Add an MPI test program heterogeneous
  • #35449 from @jeongeun: Migrate module config in Validation{RecoEgamma} to use default cfipython dqm
  • #35445 from @ChrisMisan: Diamond sampic dqm dqm operations reconstruction
  • #35412 from @kskovpen: Add NanoAOD DQM to RelVal wfs pdmv upgrade
  • #35403 from @valsdav: Egamma PFID based on Tensorflow DNNs reconstruction
  • #35259 from @mmusich: Consumes migration of Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories alca
  • #35237 from @kondratyevd: DNN-based optimization of seeding in outside-in sequence of Muon HLT reconstruction
  • #35130 from @abhih1: Fix undefined behaviour in Ecal Validation dqm

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_1_0_pre4/slc7_amd64_gcc900 and REL/CMSSW_12_1_0_pre5/slc7_amd64_gcc900:


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