github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_1_0_pre4

latest releases: CMSSW_14_2_0_pre1_6e31ebe_ROOT633, CMSSW_14_2_DEVEL_X_2024-09-18-2300, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-18-2300...
2 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_1_0_pre3:


  • #35536 from @jfernan2: [DQM] Fix hcal calib 12_1_X dqm
  • #35534 from @ggovi: Conddb tools: bug fix for python3 related issue db
  • #35533 from @tvami: Remove DQMReferenceHistogramRootFileRcd from all GTs alca
  • #35530 from @Purva-Chaudhari: Removes boost erase_all dependency core dqm
  • #35528 from @dildick: Fix thread-safety problems with CSC simhit fitting in validation dqm
  • #35525 from @VinInn: make gpu Pixel Cluster Charge Cut consistent with legacy cpu version reconstruction
  • #35514 from @tvami: Include final 2021 MC DD4HEP geometry tags + new 2021 design MC beamspot GT alca
  • #35511 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx290 Provide better description of HGCal geometry description geometry upgrade
  • #35509 from @bsunanda: Run3-205D Last step for modernize the HCAL AlCaReco producers alca
  • #35502 from @thomreis: ECAL - Remove obsolete classes and modules alca
  • #35500 from @suhokimHEP: SciLayer8 4mm sipm rad max added simulation upgrade
  • #35499 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca205C Modernize several AlCaRecoProducers for HGCal alca
  • #35497 from @fwyzard: Fix the HLT GPU customisation for running on the CPU hlt
  • #35495 from @mmusich: Modernize CondTools/SiPixel db
  • #35494 from @gartung: Utilities/StaticAnalyzer: Update ESR::get report generator with deprecated_get end point function. core
  • #35493 from @swagata87: [bugfix] Adding protection for empty trajectory reconstruction
  • #35492 from @trackreco: Update of mkFit for 12_1_0_pre4 reconstruction
  • #35491 from @jfernan2: [DQM] Remove DQM reference histogram Rcd dqm db
  • #35487 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex95 Introduce the corrected material files for modified tracker geometry of Run3 geometry upgrade
  • #35486 from @swagata87: [EGM HLT] Produce sigma_IPhi_IPhi, needed for regression hlt
  • #35485 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca205B Update a few HcalAlCaReco code to conform with the standard alca
  • #35484 from @CTPPS: PPS: RP id update in DQM common dqm
  • #35483 from @pieterdavid: SiStripCalCosmicsNano ALCANANO: produce NANOEDMAOD alca operations
  • #35482 from @gsorrentino18: New DQM plugin for monitoring the association of vertices and tracks dqm simulation
  • #35479 from @tvami: Include final DDD geometry in Run-3 GTs alca
  • #35477 from @wddgit: Improve PluginDescription with VPSets core
  • #35476 from @smuzaffar: [GCC11] Fix compiler warnings for CalibPPS alca
  • #35475 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to ConversionSeedFinder reconstruction
  • #35474 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca205A Cleanup the AlCaReco producers and filters related to HBHEMuons alca
  • #35473 from @VinInn: remove runtime recursion from find_ntuplets in Patatrack reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #35472 from @ggovi: Fix for O2O tests requiring to read runinfo payload db
  • #35470 from @smuzaffar: [UBSAN] Properly initialize data members , fixes UBSAN unit test alca
  • #35469 from @mmusich: migrate CondCore/PopCon away from deprecated EDAnalyzer API alca db
  • #35468 from @jfernan2: [DQM] Addendum to PR #35366 to be in sync with 12_0_X dqm
  • #35467 from @missirol: enforce bins with unique labels in HLTFiltersDQMonitor dqm
  • #35466 from @thomreis: Fix EcalDQMStatusWriter to watch runs and load the input file dqm
  • #35464 from @mmusich: introduce auto:phase1_2021_dd4hep and use it in RelVals alca geometry pdmv upgrade
  • #35462 from @bsunanda: Run3-trk09D Modify tracker flatplus10percent material files by taking care of multiple occurence of materials in the definition of composite materials geometry
  • #35457 from @trackreco: Enable mkFit in InitialStepPreSplitting,InitialStep,HighPtTripletStep,DetachedQuadStep tracking iterations for phase1 pixel era, except for HI and special 2017 tracking eras operations reconstruction
  • #35451 from @mmusich: update BeamSpotOnline Payload Inspector to include the newly added parameters for DIP db
  • #35448 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca204X Modernize (instead of #35427) alca
  • #35444 from @sroychow: Migrate Egamma-Electools to use esConsumes analysis
  • #35443 from @nurfikri89: Fix UL 2016 training pileup ID cut values for Tight and Loose working points reconstruction
  • #35441 from @franzglessgen: Tracker phase2 bricked pixel localreco cmssw 12 1 x geometry operations reconstruction pdmv db upgrade
  • #35440 from @ggovi: O2O test setup modified to work across boost version changes db
  • #35439 from @claralasa: Drop type specifications dqm
  • #35438 from @davidlange6: Update tests in PythonAnalysis - executables no longer end with 3 analysis
  • #35435 from @Dr15Jones: Refactored code in StorageFactory alca core generators
  • #35434 from @bsunanda: Run3-trk09C Modify run21 tracker flatplus05percent material files by taking care of multiple occurrence of materials in the definition of composite materials geometry
  • #35433 from @francescobrivio: Beamspot DIP server (normal DQM client) dqm
  • #35432 from @mandrenguyen: Set collisionId in prunedGenParticles analysis
  • #35431 from @Dr15Jones: ParameterizedSubtractor now calls base class implmentation reconstruction
  • #35430 from @sroychow: Bug fix for Esinput tag creation in PCaloGeometryBuilder db
  • #35429 from @jshlee: GEM unpacker - allow custom FEDIDs to be unpacked reconstruction
  • #35425 from @smuzaffar: check CMS_OPENLOOPS_PREFIX env variable before using it generators
  • #35424 from @CTPPS: PPS: Run3 alignment fix for direct simulation dqm geometry
  • #35423 from @CTPPS: PPS: misaligned geometry built only optionally, off by default geometry
  • #35422 from @jeongeun: Migrate module config in SimTracker to use default cfipython simulation
  • #35421 from @tvami: Modernize SiPixel CPE object code in CondTools/SiPixel db
  • #35420 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca203 Make the NoHLT path for ALCARECOHcalCalIsoTrkFilter uptodate alca operations
  • #35419 from @jeongeun: Migrate module config in EventFilter{RPCRawToDigi} to use default cfipython reconstruction
  • #35417 from @jeongeun: Migrate module config in PhysicsTools to use default cfipython reconstruction
  • #35415 from @mmusich: modernize CondTools/SiStrip db
  • #35414 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Increase tiny rotation by 1% so it will be recognized by ROOT geometry
  • #35413 from @makortel: Migrate some code in RecoTracker/ConversionSeedGenerators to esConsumes reconstruction
  • #35411 from @makortel: Explicitly set numberOfConcurrentLuminosityBlocks to 1 in daq reconstruction
  • #35410 from @makortel: Explicitly set numberOfConcurrentLuminosityBlocks to 1 in generators
  • #35408 from @bsunanda: Run3-trk09B Modify run21 tracker flat minus10percent material files by taking care of multiple occurrence of materials in the definition of composite materials geometry
  • #35406 from @ggovi: Allow to preset timeout for connection on coral-supported Databases db
  • #35404 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex94 Make new scenarios with the updated PPS Geometry geometry upgrade
  • #35401 from @mmusich: Migrate away from deprecated edm::EDAnalyzer API in CalibTrackerand in modules inheriting from ConditionDBWriter alca db
  • #35399 from @CTPPS: Fixes for PPS geometry on Stations geometry
  • #35396 from @thomreis: ECAL remove unused SingleEleCalibSelector class alca
  • #35394 from @srimanob: Fix string when HiMixNoPU is used in relvals pdmv upgrade
  • #35393 from @makortel: Migrate TrackingRegions to esConsumes alca fastsim hlt reconstruction
  • #35392 from @Dr15Jones: Use esConsumes in PileUpSubtractor reconstruction
  • #35390 from @Dr15Jones: Add ability to conditionally apply [[deprecated]] core
  • #35389 from @mmusich: fix messages in NoRecordException core
  • #35388 from @Dr15Jones: Avoid race condition in PluginFactoryBase core
  • #35386 from @tvami: Removal of DTRecoUncertaintiesRcd from all GTs alca
  • #35384 from @bsunanda: Run3-trk09A Modify run21 version tracker flat minus05percent material files by taking care of multiple occurrence of materials in the definition of composite materials geometry
  • #35383 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca202X Add the treemaker for the new AlCaReco of HcalHBHEMuon alca
  • #35382 from @hatakeyamak: PFVal on-the-fly operation update for CMSSW_12_1 dqm
  • #35381 from @mmusich: Migrating away from deprecated edm::EDAnalyzer API in CalibTracker/SiStripLorentzAngle alca
  • #35380 from @CTPPS: Fixes for PPS geometry on Pixel sensors and materials geometry upgrade
  • #35378 from @mmusich: simplify logic for AndOr in DetStatus pdmv
  • #35377 from @smuzaffar: [FMT] Fix warnings about deprecated use of fmt::format_to() core
  • #35375 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Migrating away from deprecated edm::EDAnalyzer API in CalibTracker/SiPixelESProducers alca
  • #35373 from @mmusich: fix offline BS swap for express Run3 alca dqm operations reconstruction pdmv upgrade
  • #35371 from @mmusich: fix SiPixelCalCosmics for Run3: logical mistake in DetStatus alca pdmv
  • #35368 from @cms-tsg-storm: Fix setup writing with for HLT hlt
  • #35367 from @mmusich: finalize esConsumes for RecoTracker/SpecialSeedGenerators reconstruction
  • #35366 from @jfernan2: Remove long type in DQMServices and Integration [12_1_X] dqm
  • #35364 from @smuzaffar: [UBSAN] Added missing deps in CalibTracker/SiStripCommon alca
  • #35363 from @tvami: Remove unused magnetic field geometry tags from all GTs alca
  • #35362 from @Dr15Jones: Protect storage accounting UDP messages from NaN core
  • #35361 from @Dr15Jones: Updated FWCore test modules to esConsumes core
  • #35360 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca202 Add a new AlCaProducer for HBHE muons with reduced data volume on o/p alca operations
  • #35359 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim92X Modify the cfg's in SimG4Core/PrintGeomInfo to simplify running the overlap tools simulation
  • #35358 from @makortel: Use non-Tauola GEN fragments in HLT addOnTest hlt
  • #35357 from @mariadalfonso: HBHEGPU: Channel quality gpu [master] alca hlt reconstruction db
  • #35356 from @missirol: Fix for label of MuonGeometryRecord in DTDigitizer simulation
  • #35353 from @mmusich: TrackToTrackComparisonHists: use correct handle to check if vertex collection is present dqm
  • #35352 from @sbein: FastSim removal of unused package FastSimulation/EventProducer core fastsim
  • #35349 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx322 Take care of Sim Geometry definition geometry
  • #35348 from @makortel: Fix option -t for python3 core
  • #35347 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to SeedFromProtoTrack reconstruction
  • #35345 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to ConversionTrackCandidateProducer reconstruction
  • #35343 from @barvic: Migration of IORawDaata/CSCCommissioning/CSCFileDumper module to thread-safe edm1️⃣:EDAnalyzer daq
  • #35339 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca201X Add the tree maker for IsoTrack analysis using the new calibration object alca
  • #35338 from @francescobrivio: Add new features to BeamSpotOnlineObjects alca dqm db
  • #35337 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Fix undefined behavior in the SiPixelDigitizer simulation
  • #35336 from @swagata87: esConsumes migration of CalibMuon/DTCalibration alca
  • #35335 from @quark2: GEM in DCS HV bits daq dqm reconstruction
  • #35333 from @francescobrivio: Add logic in OnlineBeamSpotESProducer alca reconstruction
  • #35332 from @bsunanda: Run3-trk09 Modify run21 version of tracker zero material files removing multiple occurence of materials in the defintion of composite material geometry
  • #35331 from @fwyzard: Update GPU workflows hlt pdmv upgrade
  • #35329 from @dildick: More diagnostic plots for CSC trigger primitives in validation step dqm
  • #35328 from @kpedro88: Triton test fixes heterogeneous
  • #35327 from @Dr15Jones: Use esConsumes in TSGFromL2Muon fastsim reconstruction
  • #35326 from @makortel: Throw an exception if a module requiring synchronization on lumi boundaries is used when concurrent lumis are enabled core
  • #35325 from @dildick: Update L1Trigger/CSCTriggerPrimitives documentation l1
  • #35324 from @Dr15Jones: Use esConsumes in TSGForOIFromL2 reconstruction
  • #35323 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to modules in RecoMuon/MuonIdentification reconstruction
  • #35321 from @CMS-LUMI-POG: Pileup profile for UL 2017 5TeV operations simulation
  • #35319 from @lecriste: [MultiTrackValidator] Fix #35225 dqm
  • #35316 from @fwyzard: clean up use of array parameters in L1T modules l1
  • #35315 from @fwyzard: cleanup HLTHcalCalibTypeFilter hlt
  • #35314 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to L1MuBMSectorProcessor l1
  • #35312 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca201 Add a new AlCaReco package forHcal IsoTrack to reduce datavolume alca operations
  • #35311 from @Dr15Jones: Added more esConsumes to L1MuDTExtrapolationUnit l1
  • #35310 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to DynamicTruncation reconstruction
  • #35309 from @swagata87: [EGM] Eta-Extended-Electrons (EEE) hlt reconstruction
  • #35308 from @mseidel42: TDC simulation for HFQIE10 (12_1) alca simulation
  • #35305 from @lathomas: Protection against missing discriminators for offline taus in L1 DQM l1 dqm
  • #35303 from @trocino: Fix undefined behavior in MuonIdProducer from empty pointer reconstruction
  • #35302 from @makortel: Remove logic for setting nConcurrentLumis from cmsDriver in favor of similar logic now in cmsRun operations
  • #35300 from @makortel: Migrate EDModules in RecoPixelVertexing/PixelTrackFitting to esConsumes fastsim reconstruction
  • #35299 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Increase precision of rotation matching in making DD4hep big XML file for DB geometry
  • #35298 from @makortel: Move MessageLogger default configuration to be part of Process core
  • #35297 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to modules in RecoHI reconstruction
  • #35296 from @nsmith-: Add a unit test for correctionlib external analysis
  • #35295 from @OzAmram: Remove unused pixel template records from ESProducers and update global tags alca
  • #35293 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to TauDiscriminationAgainstCaloMuon reconstruction
  • #35290 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex93A Modify the run3 scenarios with the modified material xml files geometry upgrade
  • #35289 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to VertexClassifier simulation
  • #35288 from @watson-ij: Fix buffer underflow with HitPattern::getMuonStation() reconstruction
  • #35287 from @civanch: Disable G4GammaGeneralProcess simulation
  • #35286 from @iarspider: Add missing includes (companion commit for cms-sw/cmsdist#7309) l1 alca geometry db
  • #35285 from @VinInn: reduce size of isOuterHitOfCell in patatrack reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #35284 from @mmusich: modernize CalibTracker/SiStripDCS alca
  • #35281 from @mmusich: finalize esConsumes migration of TrackerOfflineValidationSummary alca
  • #35280 from @sroychow: Migrate CondtTools-L1trigger packages to use esConsumes l1 db
  • #35278 from @tvami: Change Geometry_cff to GeometryDB_cff in AlCaDB related config files alca db
  • #35277 from @tvami: Include new geometry tags in Run-3 MC GTs alca
  • #35276 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes to VirtualJetProducer classes analysis reconstruction
  • #35275 from @OzAmram: Fix Rare Undefined Behavior in PixelThresholdClusterizer reconstruction
  • #35274 from @guitargeek: Merge plugin source files in RecoLocalCalo/CaloTowers and CastorReco reconstruction
  • #35273 from @Dr15Jones: Use esConsumes in ParticleGun base classes generators
  • #35272 from @bsunanda: run3-hcx321B Modernize analyzer codes for CalibCalorimetry/CastorCalib alca
  • #35270 from @bsunanda: run3-hcx321A Use of ESGetToken in RecoLocalCalo/Castor reconstruction
  • #35269 from @makortel: Move MSLayerKeeper* objects from thread-local into EventSetup alca hlt reconstruction
  • #35268 from @Dres90: Update CondDBFW to Python3 db
  • #35263 from @srimanob: Add GPU workflow to runTheMatrix pdmv upgrade heterogeneous
  • #35262 from @civanch: Removed check on PDG code in GenParticleProducer analysis generators
  • #35261 from @mmusich: modernize AnalysisAlgos/TrackInfoProducer analysis
  • #35260 from @pmandrik: add DQM splash run settings to master dqm
  • #35258 from @Dr15Jones: Use esConsumes in CosmicSeedGenerator reconstruction
  • #35256 from @Dr15Jones: Added esConsumes directly in MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder hlt reconstruction
  • #35255 from @namapane: EDProducer/EDAnalyzer and consumes migration for some DT classes alca reconstruction
  • #35252 from @yuanchao: Remove unused headers for phys & misc packages analysis reconstruction
  • #35248 from @CTPPS: CT-PPS: Association cut update alca dqm reconstruction db
  • #35236 from @mmusich: modernize RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer alca reconstruction
  • #35235 from @slava77: add 11634.7 wf for 2021 ttbar mkFit to the short matrix pdmv upgrade
  • #35229 from @czangela: Fix for SiPixelRecHitFromCUDA crash during online GPU tests reconstruction heterogeneous
  • #35222 from @JHiltbrand: Configure HCAL FIR Filter Based on HcalTPChannelParameters alca l1
  • #35216 from @guitargeek: Merge .h and .cc files of plugins in some CommonTools packages reconstruction
  • #35194 from @jeongeun: Migrate module config in RecoTracker{IterativeTracking} to use default cfipython v3 reconstruction
  • #35181 from @bainbrid: LowPtElectrons: fix for UL FastSim mini v2 and nano v9 workflows reconstruction
  • #35174 from @CTPPS: Added PPSAlignmentConfiguration - a new conditions format for PPS global alignment alca db
  • #35126 from @Purva-Chaudhari: Removed lexical_cast boost dependency in L1TriggerConfig l1
  • #35117 from @fwyzard: CUDAService verbosity hlt operations heterogeneous
  • #35111 from @kbunkow: new package L1Trigger/L1TMuonOverlapPhase1 (new version of the L1 Trigger Overlap Muon Track Finder (OMTF) emulator) alca dqm l1 db
  • #35105 from @yuanchao: Remove unused headers in several package. l1 analysis core daq generators reconstruction simulation
  • #35100 from @dildick: Extend L1T CSC DQM with option for ME234/2 chambers and ME2/1 chamber at B904 daq dqm l1
  • #34978 from @fwyzard: Add support for the gpu modifier at HLT hlt pdmv upgrade
  • #34884 from @czangela: Common digi packing for CPU and GPU implementations reconstruction simulation heterogeneous

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_1_0_pre3/slc7_amd64_gcc900 and REL/CMSSW_12_1_0_pre4/slc7_amd64_gcc900:


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