github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_12_0_0_pre2

latest releases: CMSSW_14_1_DEVEL_X_2024-07-04-2300, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-07-05-1100, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-07-04-2300...
3 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_12_0_0_pre1:


  • #33840 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Fix last of preshower overlaps geometry

  • #33831 from @colizz: Fix missing LHERunInfo header bug generators

  • #33824 from @nurfikri89: [NanoAOD, JMENanoAOD] Remove jercVars variables, update puId config xpog

  • #33822 from @makortel: Fix import in Phase1L1TJetSumsProducer_cfi for python 3 l1 upgrade

  • #33820 from @guitargeek: Add missing includes for size_t simulation

  • #33819 from @jfernan2: [DT DQM] Fixes IB crash in DT DQM modules dqm

  • #33816 from @lwang046: HcalDQM - esConsumes Migration dqm

  • #33813 from @gartung: Utilities/StaticAnalyzers: use python3 in scripts core

  • #33809 from @missirol: fixed esConsumes call in L1TriggerJSONMonitoring hlt

  • #33808 from @eyigitba: Fix EMTF unpacker crash by changing GEM station assignment. l1

  • #33804 from @MilanoBicocca-pix: modified the fillDescriptions method to create the cfi file automatically dqm

  • #33799 from @barvic: IORawData/CSCCommissioning file reader fixes daq

  • #33796 from @abdoulline: DQMOffline/Hcal : finalizing migration to ESGetToken dqm

  • #33791 from @perrotta: Remove dead assignments or initializations in a few Calibration packages alca

  • #33788 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex74Z Take care of the preshower numbering scheme in view of changes in preshower algorithm for dd4hep geometry

  • #33787 from @jhgoh: RPC DQM migration to use ESGetToken dqm

  • #33786 from @calderona: Migrate ED modules to use esConsumes dqm

  • #33785 from @jhgoh: RPC-validation migration to use ESGetToken dqm

  • #33784 from @perrotta: Include the updated header from Geometry/Records instead of the obsolete one alca analysis dqm fastsim geometry hlt pdmv reconstruction

  • #33782 from @jfernan2: DQMOffline/CalibMuon migration to esConsumes dqm

  • #33780 from @mmusich: Introduce Phase2 InnerTracker TrackingRecHit validation module dqm

  • #33777 from @AdrianoDee: Making miniAOD low pt tracks threshold tunable reconstruction xpog

  • #33775 from @jfernan2: DTValidation migration to ESConsume dqm

  • #33773 from @seungjin-yang: Update GEM Offline DQM dqm

  • #33771 from @jfernan2: DQMGenericClient to not maintain state between fit calls dqm

  • #33767 from @quark2: new VFAT status plots and recHit wheel occupancy plots on GEM onlineDQM dqm

  • #33764 from @ggovi: Support of db keys for O2O commands db

  • #33762 from @fabiocos: MTD reconstruction: set fixed precision for floating point printed in unit test reconstruction upgrade

  • #33760 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex74X Try to resolve the overlap in PPS geometry simulation upgrade

  • #33755 from @Dr15Jones: Remove dependencies in FWCore BuildFiles alca core db dqm hlt l1 reconstruction

  • #33754 from @PFCal-dev: [HGCAL trigger] Auto-encoder for ECON-T data compression l1 upgrade

  • #33753 from @jhgoh: bugfix RPCSeedGenerator wrong nullptr check reconstruction

  • #33752 from @cecilecaillol: L1T phase-2: Add the Phase2 L1T VertexFinder (corrected version) l1 simulation

  • #33751 from @jfernan2: Remove use of root_numpy in DQM BinByBin tool dqm

  • #33748 from @valsdav: Missing files for ECAL trigger double weights O2O scripts db

  • #33747 from @Dr15Jones: Fix import in Phase1L1TJetProducer_cfi for python 3 l1 upgrade

  • #33746 from @civanch: Added a new run time protection for Full Sim simulation

  • #33745 from @jfernan2: DTDQM migration to ESConsumes dqm

  • #33742 from @mrodozov: Add init values for struct members to silence Arm warning l1 upgrade

  • #33741 from @Dr15Jones: Avoid type punning in L1Trigger/CSCTrackFinder l1

  • #33740 from @Dr15Jones: Fix debug build of L1Trigger/DTTriggerPhase2 l1 upgrade

  • #33739 from @Dr15Jones: Added link needed for debug build of SimTransport/PPSProtonTransport simulation

  • #33737 from @Dr15Jones: Fixed indexing error in EcalPulseSymmCovariance alca db

  • #33736 from @wddgit: Delay assert until after secondary file ancestor check core

  • #33735 from @ianna: [DD4hep] use assembly instead of complex union shapes geometry

  • #33733 from @ggovi: Improvements of O2O steering tools db

  • #33731 from @slava77: speedup of trackValidatorJetCore and TrackAssociatorByChi2 dqm simulation

  • #33730 from @guitargeek: Add source_only flag for source-only dependencies in reco hlt reconstruction upgrade

  • #33729 from @guitargeek: Add source_only flag for source-only dependencies in alignment alca

  • #33728 from @guitargeek: Add source_only flag for source-only dependencies in calibration alca upgrade

  • #33723 from @mmusich: CondTools/HLT: migrate to esConsumes db hlt

  • #33722 from @perrotta: Remove a deprecated "Timing" parameter from SiPixelDigiToRaw (and some header cleaning) reconstruction

  • #33721 from @sroychow: NanoAOD:migrate modules to ESConsumes xpog

  • #33720 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT Menu Migration to 12_0_0_pre1 hlt

  • #33719 from @mrodozov: Fix compilation in Validation/HGCalValidation dqm

  • #33718 from @mrodozov: Fix compilation failure in DBG in RecoPixelVertexing/PixelVertexFinding reconstruction

  • #33717 from @hatakeyamak: Cleaning up PF contents in AOD. reconstruction

  • #33711 from @silviodonato: Remove hardcoded number (255) about the L1 prefiring l1 xpog

  • #33709 from @mmusich: introduce DiMuonVertexValidation in Alignment validation suite alca

  • #33708 from @cavana: implements UPT invariant mass triggers in uGT emulator l1

  • #33707 from @mrodozov: Remove tests for root_numpy and root_pandas analysis

  • #33706 from @czangela: Pixel local reco: reduce code duplication between PixelCPEGeneric and PixelCPEFast reconstruction

  • #33705 from @ianna: user-defined floating-point literals return double instead of long double geometry reconstruction

  • #33704 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex74N Bug fix for the material budget code and add a macro for getting the plots dqm geometry simulation

  • #33701 from @sroychow: EGamma: Remove Fall17V1 variables from electron table for v9 NanoAOD xpog

  • #33700 from @sharmaaash: Updated import TUNECP5 generators

  • #33699 from @Dr15Jones: Moved ProductProvenanceRetriever to FWCore/Framework core

  • #33696 from @mmusich: PrimaryVertexMonitoring: don't use HP flag for Alignment plots at HLT dqm

  • #33694 from @dildick: Fix valEmtfStage2Digis for unpacked GEM clusters in GEN-SIM-RAW dqm

  • #33693 from @dmeuser: 2D Maps of Impact Parameters for TkDQM dqm

  • #33689 from @mmusich: migrate SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Geometry to esConsumes geometry upgrade

  • #33687 from @mrodozov: Use .length instead of strlen() in AMPTHadronizer generators

  • #33686 from @dildick: Improve quality control for CSC trigger primitives l1 simulation

  • #33685 from @mmusich: Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder: update documentation after #27448 geometry

  • #33680 from @fabiocos: MTD reconstruction: code cleaning for old comments (issue #24452) operations reconstruction upgrade

  • #33678 from @dildick: Turn-off GEM-CSC integrated local trigger in valCscStage2Digis [12_0_X] dqm

  • #33677 from @dildick: Subdirectories for GEM-CSC LUTs l1

  • #33675 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex74 Add possibility of studying MB in all subvolumes of CMS dqm geometry simulation

  • #33674 from @justinasr: Use std::getenv in ExternalLHEProducer generators

  • #33673 from @makortel: Allow edmodule.clone(pset) for PSet to override parameters core

  • #33672 from @mmusich: SiStripMonitorCluster: move from orbitNumber() to luminosityBlock() dqm

  • #33671 from @jeongeun: Migrate module config in RecoEcal to use default cfipython reconstruction

  • #33669 from @mmusich: Pixel DQM: post PR #33635 merge fixes dqm

  • #33664 from @lecriste: [HGCAL] Move plugins out of SimDataFormats simulation upgrade

  • #33662 from @casarsa: MTD validation: optional histograms of BTL and ETL uncalibrated RecHits dqm

  • #33660 from @ggovi: Setting of Tag access restrictions in command line tools db

  • #33659 from @MilanoBicocca-pix: added the possibility to lock a record dqm

  • #33655 from @tlampen: Beamspot and vertex smaring for 2017 pp ref (forward port of #33504) alca pdmv upgrade

  • #33653 from @swagata87: Fix circular dependency between RecoEgamma and RecoEcal hlt reconstruction

  • #33652 from @marksan87: Migrate PF modules to esConsumes reconstruction

  • #33651 from @cecilecaillol: L1T Phase-2: add various L1 Tk objects l1 upgrade

  • #33649 from @fabiocos: MTD validation: update standalone test configuration to scenario D76, use up-to-date fragments dqm

  • #33648 from @mmusich: TrackDistanceValueMapProducer: check the size of the reference vector before copying alca

  • #33647 from @parbol: Mtd parameters update for D49 and D60 geometries (Bug fix) geometry upgrade

  • #33646 from @davidlange6: move another set of python tool unit tests to python3 analysis reconstruction

  • #33643 from @smorovic: CondDB frontierKey update alca db dqm

  • #33639 from @lecriste: [HGCAL] Simplify makeHGCalValidationPlots dqm

  • #33638 from @felicepantaleo: [HGCAL] SimTracksters from Caloparticles reconstruction upgrade

  • #33637 from @mseidel42: Allow for increased mass precision in NanoGen + increase mass precision of SUSY particles in NanoAod xpog

  • #33635 from @arossi83: Addition to PixelDQM of Template correction to cluster charge dqm

  • #33633 from @civanch: Updated physics configurations for Geant4 simulation

  • #33632 from @pieterdavid: esConsumes migration for SiStripFedZeroSuppression, SiStripHitEffFromCalibTree, and SiStripClusterToDigiProducer alca reconstruction simulation

  • #33626 from @czangela: Fix leftover Timing parameters alca dqm reconstruction

  • #33621 from @PFCal-dev: [HGCAL trigger] Fixing phi smoothing in cluster seeding l1 upgrade

  • #33619 from @cecilecaillol: L1T Phase-2: Quantized Puppi MET emulators l1 upgrade

  • #33617 from @dildick: More prep work for the Run-3 GEM-CSC integrated local trigger l1

  • #33606 from @cecilecaillol: L1T phase-2: Update to histogram (Phase-1 like) jets l1 upgrade

  • #33603 from @ggovi: Bug fix for tag lock clean up at session closing time alca db

  • #33600 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex73 Remove reference of DDD from plugins/dd4hep/ geometry

  • #33599 from @theofil: Renaming cfgs and cffs generators

  • #33598 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry and reconstruction: store ETL layout logic into MTDTopology, use for ETL layers navigation in reconstruction geometry reconstruction upgrade

  • #33563 from @jeongeun: Migrate module config in RecoMuon to use automatically generated cfipython default hlt reconstruction

  • #33555 from @christopheralanwest: Make run-dependent MC configurable with cmsDriver options alca operations pdmv simulation upgrade

  • #33551 from @hyunyong: Remove hard-coded dphi value geometry upgrade

  • #33546 from @icali: SiStripApproximateCluster reduced data format for HI reconstruction

  • #33531 from @mtosi: update deepCore for Run3 dqm reconstruction

  • #33528 from @cms-tau-pog: Add boosted taus to NanoAOD xpog

  • #33513 from @cms-tau-pog: Clean up tau related nanoAOD content xpog

  • #33500 from @mtosi: MTV fast cleaning dqm

  • #33483 from @hqucms: Add ParticleNet mass regression reconstruction xpog

  • #33428 from @fwyzard: Redesign all GPU workflows to detect if a GPU is present, and fall back to CPU otherwise alca dqm operations pdmv reconstruction simulation upgrade

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_12_0_0_pre1/slc7_amd64_gcc900 and REL/CMSSW_12_0_0_pre2/slc7_amd64_gcc900:


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