github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_11_3_0_pre1

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3 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_11_2_0_pre10:


  • #32491 from @Sam-Harper: Switching MCSmartSingleParticleFilter to use an input tag generators

  • #32487 from @Dr15Jones: Use tbb:task_group in TestTBBTasksAnalyzer core

  • #32484 from @Dr15Jones: Use esConsumes with SiPixelStatusProducer alca

  • #32482 from @Dr15Jones: Removed direct use of tbb::task from SerialTaskQueue core

  • #32478 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx276 Make sure that change of units in dd4hep will not affect ECAL geom parameters geometry

  • #32477 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx275 Make sure that change of units in dd4hep will not affect Hcal sim parameters geometry

  • #32473 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx272 Make sure that change of units in dd4hep will not affect HGCal geometry geometry upgrade

  • #32468 from @Dominic-Stafford: Rename external tool herwigpp to herwig7 generators

  • #32461 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx274 Make sure that change of units in dd4hep will not affect HCAL geometry

  • #32456 from @slomeo: Added "/dd4hep::cm" to RPCGeometryBuilder geometry

  • #32454 from @trtomei: Preliminary L1T-HLT Interface for Phase-2 -- redux hlt

  • #32449 from @rmanzoni: [Bug fix] Avoid rejecting good events in generators

  • #32445 from @bsunanda: Run4-sim78 Add a few methods for HGCal scinitllator part simulation upgrade

  • #32442 from @nvoytish: Update reconstruction

  • #32436 from @cms-sw: Revert "Adding infra. for L1T object scaling constants from DB" alca db hlt

  • #32433 from @bsunanda: Run4-hgx270 Add tile attributes to scintillator DetId geometry simulation upgrade

  • #32432 from @mmusich: Migrate Calibration/TkAlCaRecoProducers to esConsumes and other fixes alca

  • #32431 from @kdlong: Fix the customization functions of genpart pruning in NanoGEN analysis xpog

  • #32427 from @lecriste: Store association maps dqm simulation

  • #32426 from @slava77: sync up with #32372: remove unnecessary include in PhysicsTools/PatAlgos analysis reconstruction

  • #32424 from @guitargeek: Partially migrate EGEnergyCorrector to ESGetTokens and remove support for electrons reconstruction

  • #32423 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx270 Bug correction for HGCal scintillator Geometry geometry upgrade

  • #32421 from @christopheralanwest: Add low pT electron payloads to Run 2 data/MC and Run 3 MC GTs alca

  • #32419 from @kpedro88: fix syntax warnings in matrix code pdmv upgrade

  • #32412 from @ebrondol: Update of HGCal validation of CaloParticle dqm

  • #32410 from @makortel: Demote module deletion printout to INFO core

  • #32409 from @makortel: Improve method to get largest module ID in ProcessCallGraph hlt

  • #32407 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex43 Remove double declaration of the same constant geometry simulation upgrade

  • #32406 from @makortel: Enable concurrent lumis by default in operations pdmv upgrade

  • #32405 from @wddgit: Fix debug compilation, GCC900 for FWCore/Utilities core

  • #32404 from @mmusich: Strip payload inspector: add class to retrieve list of dead modules from JSON db

  • #32401 from @guitargeek: Break circular dependency between CommonTools and JetMETCorrections subsystems analysis dqm reconstruction

  • #32400 from @silviodonato: Fix in TauAnalysis/MCEmbeddingTools/python/ (lowPtGsfElectronTask) analysis simulation

  • #32396 from @jeongeun: drop type spec in TrackingTools RecoMuon hlt reconstruction

  • #32394 from @mariadalfonso: HBHE: Avoid double counting of correlated term reconstruction

  • #32393 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx269 Make use of ESGetToken and remove usage of HCAL (in one app) dqm geometry upgrade

  • #32389 from @rmanzoni: Add new Pythia filter to select particles based on ancestor (i.e. further back than mother) generators

  • #32387 from @missirol: skip empty lines in JetCorrectorParameters ctor analysis db

  • #32385 from @cms-sw: Readd 1624.911, #2021 DD4hep from short matrix pdmv upgrade

  • #32384 from @civanch: Clean-up Geant4 interfaces simulation

  • #32383 from @Dr15Jones: Removed debug globals used in Phase2L1ParticleFlow l1 upgrade

  • #32382 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx273 Utilize ESGetToken in HCAL RecHit validation code dqm

  • #32381 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx272 Update the testing code for objects from EventSetup geometry

  • #32380 from @Dr15Jones: Make globals used by DTTrigPhase2Prod const l1 upgrade

  • #32379 from @makortel: Fix some code checks warnings in FWCore core

  • #32378 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca180 Remove usage of ESHandle in HcalAlCaRecoProducers alca

  • #32375 from @christopheralanwest: New JEC for 2018 HI re-miniAOD alca

  • #32374 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca179 Use ESGetToken in the analyzers of Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos alca

  • #32373 from @wddgit: Make the skipBadFiles option work, add tests comparison core

  • #32371 from @ianna: [DD4hep] evaluate all numeric parameters in tracker detector description geometry

  • #32368 from @bsunanda: Run2-gex42x Update with additional scenarios for 2017Plan1 and 2018 geometry operations

  • #32366 from @bsunanda: Run2-gex42 Extend the payload creators of 2017Plan1, 2018, 2021 for more scenarios db

  • #32365 from @panoskatsoulis: Era support for the BMTF Packer l1

  • #32363 from @mmusich: Adapt Tracker Alignment PV Validation to work with phase-2 geometries alca

  • #32362 from @guitargeek: Merge remaining .h files with .cc plugin files in EgammaIsolationAlogs reconstruction

  • #32361 from @cvuosalo: Fix small bugs in geometry DB payload scripts db dqm geometry

  • #32360 from @dildick: Set Run-3 CCLUT algo results in LCT (CCLUT-10) l1

  • #32359 from @Dr15Jones: Fix race conditions in the PluginSystem core

  • #32355 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca178 Use ESGetToken for the objects from EventSetup in the remaining examples after #32336 alca

  • #32354 from @cms-l1t-offline: Pr112x L1T Customization for Unprefireable Bit - Follow up l1

  • #32352 from @silviodonato: Remove temporarily ctppsProtons from recoCTPPSTask (Run-3 only) reconstruction

  • #32351 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex41 Complementing the geometry scenarios of special cases with the Reco cff's geometry upgrade

  • #32345 from @christopheralanwest: Remove obsolete record SiPixelCPEGenericErrorParmRcd from frozen HLT GTs alca

  • #32343 from @missirol: removal of TH1::StatOverflows calls in FastTimerService? dqm hlt

  • #32342 from @guitargeek: Implement fillDescriptions() for producers in RecoParticleFlow/PFSimProducer reconstruction

  • #32341 from @missirol: [Puppi] option to use generic PU proxy analysis reconstruction

  • #32339 from @ianna: [DD4hep] remove an evaluator usage beyond geometry construction geometry simulation

  • #32337 from @theofil: adding configuration files for Matchbox and standalone H7 generators

  • #32336 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca177 Use of ESGetToken and small change in StudyCaloResponse alca

  • #32333 from @thomreis: Add RecoFakeHLT steps to 2018 Patatrack WFs to enable GPU modifiers pdmv upgrade

  • #32328 from @lathomas: PUPPI v15 bug/crash fix for NANOAOD analysis xpog

  • #32327 from @guitargeek: Remove GsfEleDEtaInSeedCut and GsfEleDPhiInCut reconstruction

  • #32326 from @mandrenguyen: Set default value for jets w/o SV info in HI CSV tagger reconstruction

  • #32325 from @mandrenguyen: Use cleaned PF candidates in UE subtraction in HI miniAOD reconstruction

  • #32324 from @guitargeek: Clean some more BuildFiles alca dqm l1 reconstruction upgrade

  • #32319 from @agrohsje: adjust cp5 cr fragments to compensate P8.240 changes generators

  • #32313 from @slava77: remove 11624.911, #2021 DD4hep from short matrix (until it runs reliably) pdmv upgrade

  • #32311 from @jsalfeld: changing to esConsumes after fix in #32217 hlt

  • #32310 from @intrepid42: ParticleLevelProducer: check for leptonic decays of tag particles generators

  • #32307 from @smuzaffar: [clang] Initialize data member to fix clang errors about explicit deleted def-constructor analysis reconstruction

  • #32305 from @abhih1: Fix reflection in tower mapping in Integrity error plots dqm

  • #32302 from @Dr15Jones: Have PSet properly clone the allowAnyLabel_ option core

  • #32301 from @mmusich: migrate Alignment/TrackerAlignment to use esConsumes alca

  • #32300 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex40 Add scenarios with modified tracker material budgets for the Run3 scenario geometry operations upgrade

  • #32299 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex39 Fix a bug in the zdcmaterials.xml file and also remove unnecessary materials geometry

  • #32297 from @andrzejnovak: feat: allow for not sorting during PATJetUpdater call analysis reconstruction xpog

  • #32295 from @casarsa: MTD simulation: explicit unit conversions reconstruction simulation upgrade

  • #32287 from @makortel: Update EDProducer and EDAnalyzer skeletons and edmPythonConfigToCppValidation to show addWithDefaultLabel() in their examples core

  • #32284 from @fwyzard: Implement the fillDescriptions method for RawStreamFileWriterForBU daq reconstruction

  • #32280 from @mmusich: optimize search algorithm for EventFilter/SiStripRawToDigi/plugins/ reconstruction

  • #32279 from @sroychow: TrackerDQM: Migration of modules to use esConsumes dqm

  • #32278 from @saumyaphor4252: Updated CosmicRateAnalyzer: MagField & Hits added, deleted latency alca

  • #32271 from @riga: [TF] Accept const graphs in session creation analysis reconstruction

  • #32267 from @dildick: New GEM-CSC LUT generator l1

  • #32266 from @guitargeek: Merge .h files with .cc plugin files in EgammaPhotonProducers reconstruction

  • #32265 from @hatakeyamak: Remove unnecessary import of MessageLogger_cfi from RecoParticleFlow PFTracking configs reconstruction

  • #32264 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca176 Introduce muon veto for isotrack analysis alca

  • #32259 from @guitargeek: Merge .h files with .cc plugin files in EgammaIsolationAlogs reconstruction

  • #32251 from @mteroerd: esConsume migration for APE and removing other static warnings alca

  • #32248 from @Dr15Jones: Useful items for new MessageLogger syntax core

  • #32244 from @Dr15Jones: Convert all remaining MessageLogger configurations to new syntax alca analysis core db dqm fastsim generators geometry heterogeneous hlt l1 pdmv reconstruction simulation upgrade

  • #32243 from @cms-tau-pog: Set fixes for tau reco at miniAOD reconstruction

  • #32242 from @cms-tau-pog: Expand track information in lostTracks collection analysis reconstruction xpog

  • #32235 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in Reco* to new MessageLogger syntax alca reconstruction upgrade

  • #32229 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in IORawData to new MessageLogger syntax alca

  • #32226 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in FWCore to new MessageLogger syntax core

  • #32220 from @OzAmram: Phase2 improved conditions and ntuple maker update alca db geometry reconstruction upgrade

  • #32215 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CondTools/Si* to new MessageLogger syntax alca db upgrade

  • #32211 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in DPGAnalysis to new MessageLogger syntax analysis dqm pdmv

  • #32207 from @CTPPS: dynamic conditions for PPS direct simulation alca db dqm geometry

  • #32203 from @depasse: Ecal DB PayloadInspector with two different tags db

  • #32202 from @hatakeyamak: Adopt ChargedHadronPFTrackIsolationProducer for PFTICL candidates reconstruction upgrade

  • #32198 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CalibMuon to new MessageLogger syntax alca

  • #32197 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CalibPPS to new MessageLogger syntax alca

  • #32196 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CalibTracker to new MessageLogger syntax alca dqm

  • #32195 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in Calibration to new MessageLogger syntax alca

  • #32194 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CaloOnlineTools to new MessageLogger syntax alca

  • #32193 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CondCore to new MessageLogger syntax alca db

  • #32192 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CondFormats to new MessageLogger syntax alca db

  • #32185 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in Alignment to new MessageLogger syntax alca

  • #32178 from @mmusich: add RecoLocalTracker_cff to TrackRefitters_cff reconstruction

  • #32150 from @trtomei: DataFormats for Phase-2 L1T-HLT hlt l1 upgrade

  • #32102 from @slomeo: Migration to DD4Hep for RPC db Loader db geometry

  • #32093 from @CMSTrackerDPG: Migration of pixel code to esConsumes alca dqm reconstruction simulation

  • #32039 from @mariadalfonso: Patatrack integration - Hcal conditions (13/N) alca db

  • #31985 from @cms-l1t-offline: Pr112x L1T Unprefireable Bit Functionality for miniAOD Reprocessing analysis l1 reconstruction

  • #31720 from @cms-patatrack: Patatrack integration - HCAL local reconstruction (8/N) heterogeneous reconstruction

  • #31601 from @cms-l1t-offline: L1T Phase2 NN Tau (11_3_X) l1 upgrade

  • #31484 from @forthommel: [PPS] 2021 conditions for timing detectors geometry (resubmission after DD4hep) alca db dqm geometry reconstruction simulation

  • #31220 from @bainbrid: Add low-pT electrons to MINIAOD, update ID, improve end user experience analysis reconstruction xpog

  • #29553 from @makortel: Delete unscheduled modules that are not consumed by any scheduled module core heterogeneous

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre10/slc7_amd64_gcc900 and REL/CMSSW_11_3_0_pre1/slc7_amd64_gcc900:


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