github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_11_2_0_pre10

latest releases: CMSSW_14_2_0_pre1_6e31ebe_ROOT633, CMSSW_14_2_DEVEL_X_2024-09-19-2300, CMSSW_14_2_X_2024-09-19-2300...
3 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_11_2_0_pre9:


  • #32288 from @silviodonato: Remove wf 11642.911 from the limited matrix pdmv upgrade

  • #32277 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex38 Remove unnecessary material and add units for ZDC definition geometry upgrade

  • #32276 from @dildick: Fix number of bits for the CLCT slope value (CCLUT-9) simulation

  • #32275 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim77 Update the checking code for dd4hep vs ddd simulation

  • #32273 from @cvuosalo: [DD4hep] Fix infinite loop discovered in DD4hep workflows simulation

  • #32270 from @makortel: Throw an exception if esConsumes() is called outside EDModule constructors core

  • #32269 from @bsunanda: Run3-trk05 Add material files which can create Run3 scenarios with tracker materal budget changed by +-5% or +-10% geometry

  • #32268 from @civanch: Define magnetic field parameters for Geant4e as in Geant4 simulation

  • #32263 from @apsallid: [HGCAL] Using single particle in closeby configurations generators

  • #32262 from @dinyar: Fix Muon and RegionalMuonCand (un)packers l1

  • #32261 from @fwyzard: Add overloads used for copying conditions data from the host to the gpu heterogeneous

  • #32260 from @mmusich: migrate to ESconsumes GeantPropagatorESProducer simulation

  • #32258 from @silviodonato: Remove FastSim dependecy in Validation/RecoParticleFlow/plugins/ dqm

  • #32253 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu migration to 11_2_0_pre9 template hlt

  • #32252 from @christopheralanwest: Update quark-gluon likelihood tag for Run 3 MC alca

  • #32250 from @alejands: Remove Duplicate Labels from ECAL DQM Timing Plot dqm

  • #32246 from @guitargeek: Migrate RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers package to ESGetTokens hlt

  • #32245 from @jpata: Fix debug-mode compile error in SimG4CMS/Calo simulation

  • #32241 from @ghugo83: Mini-PR: Minor style cleaning simulation

  • #32239 from @civanch: Added protection to Geant4e track propagator simulation

  • #32236 from @perrotta: Trivial update to reconstruction upgrade

  • #32234 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in OnlineDB to new MessageLogger syntax db

  • #32233 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in MagneticField to new MessageLogger syntax reconstruction

  • #32232 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in L1Trigger* to new MessageLogger syntax l1

  • #32231 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in JetMETCorrections to new MessageLogger syntax analysis reconstruction

  • #32230 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in HLTrigger* to new MessageLogger syntax dqm hlt

  • #32228 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in Geometry* to new MessageLogger syntax geometry upgrade

  • #32227 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in GeneratorInterface to new MessageLogger syntax generators

  • #32225 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in EventFilter to new MessageLogger syntax daq l1 reconstruction

  • #32224 from @christopheralanwest: Update QGL tag for 2016 and 2018 MC and Run 2 data alca

  • #32223 from @cms-sw: [BuildFile] Fixed Buildfile and move templated coded in interface directory simulation upgrade

  • #32221 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim76 Introduce printing atrributes of Solid for testing Geometry simulation

  • #32218 from @ghugo83: Fix ECAL Endcap quadrants issue with DD4hep reflected volumes + Also fix ECAL Barrel and CSCs reflected active detectors simulation

  • #32217 from @makortel: Fix esConsumes() for an EDModule that consumes EDProduct with @currentProcess core

  • #32216 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CondTools to new MessageLogger syntax db dqm

  • #32214 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in ElectroWeakAnalysis to new MessageLogger syntax analysis

  • #32213 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in DQM* to new MessageLogger syntax dqm

  • #32212 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in DetectorDescription to new MessageLogger syntax geometry

  • #32210 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in Configuration to new MessageLogger syntax reconstruction

  • #32209 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CondTools/Ecal to new MessageLogger syntax db

  • #32208 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CondTools/Hcal to new MessageLogger syntax db

  • #32205 from @aloeliger: Global CaloL1 DQM Fix dqm

  • #32204 from @perrotta: Remove a never used (and wrongly defined) constant from HcalTopology.h geometry

  • #32201 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim75 Remove namespace for comparison in SD classes geometry simulation

  • #32200 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in Validation to new MessageLogger syntax dqm geometry

  • #32199 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in TrackPropagation to new MessageLogger syntax reconstruction

  • #32191 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in SimCalorimetry to new MessageLogger syntax l1 simulation

  • #32190 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in SimG4CMS to new MessageLogger syntax simulation upgrade

  • #32189 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in SimGeneral to new MessageLogger syntax simulation

  • #32188 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in SimTracker to new MessageLogger syntax simulation

  • #32186 from @Dr15Jones: Updated configurations in CalibCalorimetry to new MessageLogger syntax alca l1

  • #32184 from @fwyzard: Update propagate_const and add propagate_const_array core

  • #32183 from @guitargeek: Migrate RegressionHelper class in EgammaElectronAlgos to ESGetTokens reconstruction

  • #32180 from @swagata87: Produce nLayerIT variable in EgammaHLTGsfTrackVarProducer hlt

  • #32179 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx271 Use ESGetToken for all test classes in HcalTowerAlgo geometry

  • #32176 from @bsunanda: Run2-trk04 Add 8 scenarios for 2017/18 setup with changed material budget of tracker geometry upgrade

  • #32173 from @cms-sw: Revert "Move CaloL1 online DQM to Global" dqm

  • #32169 from @christopheralanwest: Add UL18 V5 jet energy corrections + V2 jet resolution alca

  • #32168 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx270 Use ESGetToken in the Hcal Digi validation code dqm

  • #32166 from @dan131riley: Fix use of LOCAL_TMP_DIR in unit tests core

  • #32163 from @bsunanda: Run3-sim74 Add an analyzer for ShowerLibrary simulation

  • #32158 from @stepobr: CSJetProducer bug fix for flow modulation reconstruction

  • #32155 from @makortel: Throw an exception in cms::cuda::chooseDevice() if CUDAService is disabled heterogeneous

  • #32151 from @sroychow: TrackerDQM: Introducing Phase2 cluster monitoring and validation modules dqm upgrade

  • #32149 from @fwyzard: Add comments describing the ConvertingESProducer[WithDependencies]T class templates heterogeneous

  • #32146 from @mariadalfonso: HBHE: deal with negative/null TS reconstruction

  • #32144 from @mariadalfonso: GPU refactor common code from ECAL multifit and HCAL mahi reconstruction

  • #32143 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex37 Useful tool to investigate dd4hep issues simulation

  • #32140 from @chayanit: Update GEN-SIM string in runTheMatrix for 11_2_X pdmv upgrade

  • #32138 from @Dr15Jones: Implement new MessageLogger configuration core

  • #32137 from @trtomei: Adding infra. for L1T object scaling constants from DB alca db hlt

  • #32136 from @MilanoBicocca-pix: Update BeamSpot DQM client configurations dqm

  • #32132 from @benkrikler: Switch l1tstage2 DQM client to run3 dqm

  • #32131 from @smuzaffar: [TF] Fix needed for tensorflow 2.3.1 analysis reconstruction

  • #32130 from @makortel: Add DQMGlobalRunSummaryEDAnalyzer to support use of edm::RunSummaryCache dqm

  • #32129 from @fwyzard: Add ConvertingESProducer(WithDependencies)T heterogeneous

  • #32126 from @bsunanda: Run2-gex36 Create 8 new scenarios for 2017 and 2018 with changed material budge in the tracker geometry upgrade

  • #32124 from @ebrondol: Improving HGCal validation dqm

  • #32123 from @smuzaffar: [PY3] Fixes needed for to run under python3 generators

  • #32122 from @cms-patatrack: Add an infinite-IOV record for GPU modules configuration heterogeneous

  • #32119 from @bsunanda: Run4-hgx268 Add a new method to locate for a scintillator cell geometry simulation upgrade

  • #32117 from @wddgit: Force the last IOVs to end earlier core

  • #32116 from @smorovic: DAQ: fix FedRawData source going out of array boundaries core daq reconstruction

  • #32112 from @ghugo83: Remove use of TGeo to convert reflections geometry

  • #32111 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry: update tests for DD4hep geometry simulation upgrade

  • #32110 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca175 Update the macros in view of the issues in HCAL isotrack calibration alca

  • #32109 from @SiewYan: resolve fortran warnings in GeneratorInterface under gcc10 generators

  • #32100 from @mmusich: compress outputs of Alignment/OfflineValidation tools alca analysis

  • #32099 from @intrepid42: Add LHE HT and generator weights to TagAndProbe tree analysis

  • #32098 from @mmusich: TkAlignment PV Validation tool: miscellaneous improvements alca

  • #32097 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx268 Extending scintillator DetId to contain tile type c/m and SiPM type simulation upgrade

  • #32096 from @cvuosalo: Add DD4hep Run 3 workflows 11624.911 and 11642.91 to PR/IB tests pdmv upgrade

  • #32092 from @MilanoBicocca-pix: Logging of BeamSpotOnline dqm

  • #32077 from @mkirsano: Protect against empty weight container from pythia8 generators

  • #32067 from @JHiltbrand: Do not use integer as keyword in weightsQIE11 PSet l1

  • #32066 from @thomreis: ECAL SC parameters to EventSetup alca db hlt reconstruction

  • #32052 from @nvoytish: CSC RecHit Builder updates reconstruction

  • #32046 from @lecriste: Propagate timing to PF TICL Candiates reconstruction upgrade

  • #32012 from @tocheng: Make SiPixelStatusProducer a stream EDProducer for concurrent lumiblock processing alca

  • #32008 from @kdlong: Add Gen vertex time and position to NanoAOD analysis xpog

  • #32004 from @aloeliger: Move CaloL1 online DQM to Global dqm

  • #32003 from @cms-sw: Restore "PPS Digi integration into cmssw (final)" operations simulation

  • #31988 from @leonardogiannini: DeepVertex and DeepJet+DeepVertex combination in release (onnx inference) analysis reconstruction

  • #31981 from @mariadalfonso: HFNose: implement aging simulation upgrade

  • #31962 from @jsalfeld: Change track muon dataformats scouting core hlt

  • #31826 from @pieterdavid: esConsumes migration for EDModules in SiStrip packages, part 1 alca analysis daq db dqm reconstruction

  • #31816 from @alberto-sanchez: trying to match pythia 8.303 generators

  • #31744 from @cms-tau-pog: Change DeepTauID modules so they can also process RECO input for HLT purposes hlt reconstruction

  • #31726 from @dariosol: Ecal phase2 new digitization 11 2 x alca db operations pdmv simulation upgrade

  • #31640 from @hyunyong: GEM uniform angular strip topology geometry reconstruction simulation upgrade visualization

  • #31631 from @dildick: Remove option to run on single GEM pads; Simplify CSC trigger configuration l1

  • #31606 from @cms-l1t-offline: L1T Phase2 PFJet a la Phase1 (11_2_X) l1 upgrade

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre9/slc7_amd64_gcc820 and REL/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre10/slc7_amd64_gcc820:


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