github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_10_3_0_pre3

latest releases: CMSSW_14_1_DEVEL_X_2024-07-05-2300, CMSSW_14_1_DEVEL_X_2024-07-04-2300, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-07-05-2300...
5 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_10_3_0_pre2:


  • #24468 from @slava77: data processing scenarios for T0 for heavy ions data taking in 2018 operations

  • #24448 from @mteroerd: Improvements to APE tool: Usability and error fixes alca

  • #24441 from @ianna: DD Unlock Stores geometry

  • #24438 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu V3.5 (10_3) core hlt

  • #24435 from @cms-tsg-storm: Fix (10_3) reconstruction

  • #24423 from @guitargeek: Fix MultiToken.h with missing header include reconstruction

  • #24418 from @kpedro88: temporarily disable trigger for hgcal V9 (again) l1

  • #24416 from @cms-sw: Process only 10 plugins per process for AARCH64 core

  • #24414 from @adewit: Tracker alignment - several MP developments alca

  • #24413 from @bi-ran: modify electron track seeding regions for pp_on_AA era reconstruction

  • #24412 from @wddgit: Initial implementation of ESProductHost class core

  • #24408 from @ianna: DD Linear and Angular Algorithm Tests geometry

  • #24406 from @hyunyong: GEM unpacker FED numbering range bug fix reconstruction

  • #24405 from @mrodozov: substitute kHGCalEta with kHGCalRadius l1 upgrade

  • #24403 from @dildick: New CSCBaseboard class and helper function in CSCDetId l1 simulation

  • #24402 from @dildick: CLCTs are offset by 1 BX in matching l1

  • #24401 from @ianna: DD: Current Namespace is a Singleton, so make it one geometry upgrade

  • #24400 from @mmusich: [10.3.X] miscellaneous fixes to Strip CondDB monitoring dqm

  • #24399 from @kpedro88: Minor improvements for 2023 geometry dumping visualization

  • #24398 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx145 Minimum changes to FireWorks for the new HGCal Geometry visualization

  • #24393 from @Dr15Jones: Fix clang warnings in DetectorDescription/Core geometry

  • #24390 from @Sam-Harper: Trigger Object Tag and Probe DQM source : fixing plugins dqm

  • #24388 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx144 Add a new geometry version of HGCal from Shuichi Kunori geometry operations upgrade

  • #24387 from @Dr15Jones: Remove inappropriate use of provenance in EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter analysis reconstruction

  • #24386 from @bsunanda: Run2-hcx183 Try remove some comments from Static Analyzer reported in #24361 dqm geometry simulation

  • #24385 from @zhenhu: Add 2018C 2018D relvals pdmv upgrade

  • #24384 from @bsunanda: Run2-hcx182 Take care of analyzer checks in PR #24367 geometry reconstruction

  • #24383 from @mmusich: [10.3.X] Introduce a special AlCaReco for Strip Small Bias Scans alca operations pdmv upgrade

  • #24381 from @tocheng: [10.3.X][Update GTs] new JEC MC TAGs + 2D Pixel Templates + EcalSimPulseShape + L1 menu alca

  • #24380 from @stepobr: 2018_pp_on_AA era HI jet sequences reconstruction

  • #24379 from @Sam-Harper: Making 2017 EGM IDs available for DQM modules dqm

  • #24378 from @ianna: DD Store Lock geometry reconstruction

  • #24375 from @CTPPS: PPS: fix of alignment application to TOTEM timing RPs geometry

  • #24372 from @thomreis: Make L1T object comparison fillDescriptions compatible with ConfDB parsing hlt l1

  • #24370 from @raux: Update broken external link generators

  • #24367 from @bsunanda: Run2-hcx181 Correct accessing constituents of CaloTower geometry reconstruction

  • #24366 from @hroskes: TkAl validation - automatically read APEs from the MillePede output if present alca

  • #24363 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx143 Make a standalone test for SimHits dqm

  • #24362 from @wddgit: Force clearing EventSetup caches before destruction core

  • #24361 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx142 Change partitioning scintillator tiles along eta for constant radius geometry simulation upgrade

  • #24360 from @slava77: add 2018 HI MC with pp-like reco to the limited matrix pdmv upgrade

  • #24358 from @DryRun: HCALDQM: Add quality test for LED misfires (10_3_X) dqm

  • #24356 from @slowmoyang: GEM strip definition change geometry simulation upgrade

  • #24355 from @ianna: DD Store Cleanup geometry

  • #24354 from @schneiml: Make the ROOT schema evolution test more specific dqm

  • #24352 from @thomreis: L1T DQM - Add uGT board comparison quality tests dqm

  • #24350 from @rovere: Fix calo particle Validation in mixing dqm

  • #24347 from @knoepfel: Remove direct access to DQMStore through containers dqm

  • #24346 from @Dr15Jones: Extend DQMGlobalEDAnalyzer to allow additional template options dqm

  • #24345 from @scooperstein: Fix pfpu assomap construction analysis

  • #24342 from @Martin-Grunewald: Fix of OI muon customisation in HLT (103X) hlt

  • #24341 from @Saptaparna: Gen-related Fix addressing rel-Val failure: Updated gridpack that fixes errors encountered in WF 555.0 generators

  • #24340 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx141 Correct some test validation code and cfg files dqm

  • #24336 from @Dr15Jones: Refactoring of BeamSpotProblemMonitor dqm

  • #24333 from @thomreis: Fix invalid PF jet collection for L1T offline jets and sums DQM dqm l1

  • #24332 from @bsunanda: Run2-alca138 Update the analysis script alca

  • #24331 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx140 Change the ieta field to radius field for scintillator part simulation upgrade

  • #24330 from @Dr15Jones: Change mask to be an unsigned long long to avoid compiler warning dqm

  • #24326 from @ianna: DD Name Unit Test dqm geometry simulation upgrade visualization

  • #24320 from @gpetruc: Dataformats and inputs only for PF HEM 15-16 mitigation reconstruction

  • #24319 from @Sam-Harper: Trigger Object Tag and Probe DQM source dqm hlt

  • #24317 from @mrodozov: Fix arm64 fail related test reconstruction

  • #24316 from @anovak10: BTV_HLT_RelVal - Fixing path names, adding 2d plots, input plots, fixing code checks dqm

  • #24315 from @mtosi: add d_xy error plots dqm

  • #24313 from @ianna: DD Name Cleanup dqm geometry simulation upgrade visualization

  • #24312 from @guitargeek: New MultiTokens make AOD/MiniAOD auto-detection easier reconstruction

  • #24311 from @Dr15Jones: Hide testing functions within appropriate CPP macros reconstruction

  • #24306 from @Dr15Jones: Forward declaration should be struct not class in DataFormats/L1THGCal l1 upgrade

  • #24304 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unnecessary using declaration in DataFormats/L1DTTrackFinder l1

  • #24301 from @davidlange6: python3 compiling cleanup (continued) analysis db dqm hlt reconstruction

  • #24300 from @Dr15Jones: Fixed clang warnings in EcalDigi_t.cpp simulation

  • #24298 from @Dr15Jones: Fix Clang warnings in SimG4CMS/Calo simulation

  • #24290 from @thomreis: L1T offline emulator DQM config upgrades dqm l1

  • #24288 from @fwyzard: Cleanup pixel tracking code (master) reconstruction

  • #24287 from @knash: Puppi pileupjetID reconstruction

  • #24271 from @fabiocos: MTD DetId: add methods to BTLDetId (hashed index, phi-eta geometric indexes) geometry simulation upgrade

  • #24264 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx138 Update HGCal v9 geometry to define fiducial boundaries correctly geometry upgrade

  • #24263 from @ianna: DD Core: Use unique pointers in Store geometry simulation upgrade visualization

  • #24258 from @jshlee: GEM - updated GEB dataformat reconstruction

  • #24257 from @abaty: Addition of pixel Tracking in HI pp_on_AA_2018 era operations reconstruction

  • #24256 from @PFCal-dev: [HGCAL trigger] make code compatible with V9 geometry l1 simulation upgrade

  • #24241 from @casarsa: MTD RECO code update reconstruction upgrade

  • #24227 from @wddgit: GCC 8 Compiler Warnings, Minor Reco Fixes reconstruction

  • #24224 from @mandrenguyen: Exclude taus, IVF and other high-level reco features from Run2_2018_pp_on_AA era analysis dqm operations reconstruction simulation

  • #24212 from @gpetruc: Code for PF HEM 15-16 mitigation hlt operations reconstruction

  • #24200 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx137 Modify the code to go toward the DIGI step for HFNose geometry operations pdmv simulation upgrade

  • #24199 from @bi-ran: do not drop gen information with DIGI:pdigi_hi_nogen option operations

  • #24159 from @spandeyehep: HCAL DQM histogram booking update dqm

  • #24146 from @guitargeek: Most static analyzer memory errors fixed alca analysis db dqm generators geometry reconstruction upgrade

  • #24142 from @popovvp: castor dqm update dqm

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_10_3_0_pre2/slc6_amd64_gcc700 and REL/CMSSW_10_3_0_pre3/slc6_amd64_gcc700:


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