Feature: Add new
method to connect only on demand and
implement "idle" timeout to close underlying connection when unused.
(#87 and #88 by @clue and #82 by @WyriHaximus)$client = $factory->createLazyClient('redis://localhost:6379'); $client->incr('hello'); $client->end();
Feature: Support cancellation of pending connection attempts.
(#85 by @clue)$promise = $factory->createClient($redisUri); $loop->addTimer(3.0, function () use ($promise) { $promise->cancel(); });
Feature: Support connection timeouts.
(#86 by @clue)$factory->createClient('localhost?timeout=0.5');
Feature: Improve Exception messages for connection issues.
(#89 by @clue)$factory->createClient('redis://localhost:6379')->then( function (Client $client) { // client connected (and authenticated) }, function (Exception $e) { // an error occurred while trying to connect (or authenticate) client echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; if ($e->getPrevious()) { echo $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; } } );
Improve test suite structure and add forward compatibility with PHPUnit 7 and PHPUnit 6
and test against PHP 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 on TravisCI.
(#83 by @WyriHaximus and #84 by @clue) -
Improve documentation and update project homepage.
(#81 and #90 by @clue)