What's Changed
- fix: OUT_DIR env not set by @Millione in #215
- fix: codegen error caused by empty method of services by @LYF1999 in #217
- feat: update worksapce idl by @LYF1999 in #218
- feat: support hot_restart by @bobozhengsir in #219
- chore: bump volo version to 0.5.4 by @PureWhiteWu in #220
- fix: multiplex panic by @PureWhiteWu in #222
- support shutdown hooks by @Yanhao in #228
- feat(volo-thrift): use afit and rpitit to optimize codec by @PureWhiteWu in #230
- [ISSUE #234]Fixing some typos by @mxsm in #235
- [ISSUE #236]Add a description for Cli init command argument name by @mxsm in #237
- fix: pilota codegen && remove afit by @PureWhiteWu in #238
- feat: use afit and rpitit to optimize Service by @PureWhiteWu in #239
- [ISSUE #241]Optimize the init command code by @mxsm in #242
- feat: use afit to optimize gen code by @PureWhiteWu in #240
New Contributors
Full Changelog: volo-build-0.6.0...volo-build-0.8.0