github cloudwego/kitex v0.12.2

4 days ago


[#1640] feat(mw): MiddlewareBuilder can return nil
[#1701] feat: update dynamicgo to remove build constraits
[#1650] feat(gRPC): add monitor closeStreamTask for cancelled gRPC client stream
[#1653] feat: set crrst flag on response header to ensure kitex client won't reuse bad connections
[#1674] feat(tool): use go.mod for -module
[#1673] feat(generic): add an option to specify an IDL service name to be parsed
[#1661] feat(endpoint): MiddlewareBuilder can return nil


[#1696] optimize(tool): optimize fastcodec->frugal replacement
[#1681] optimize(exit): server graceful shutdown logic to avoid EOF when idle connections receive new requests after being closed


[#1706] fix(gRPC): golang CI Linter failure on http2Client
[#1690] fix(kitexutil): check if address is nil when GetCallerAddress to prevent panic
[#1688] fix(tool): refer each ServiceInfo directly when -use and -tpl multiple_services are set
[#1698] fix(ttstream): pingpong method refers to server interface defined in Kitex generation code when streamx is enabled and there are other streaming methods
[#1693] fix(server): log recover result
[#1692] fix(tool): some bugfix for kitex tool
[#1666] fix(generic): fix codec to be updated even if there is an idl update
[#1677] fix(gRPC): ignore triggered actively connection error
[#1675] fix(tool): remove redundant dependency for streamx generation code
[#1672] fix(tool): fix kitex tool bugs
[#1659] fix(serviceinline): fix the issue of missing CtxEventBusKey and CtxEventQueueKey during server initialization in the service inline scenario
[#1655] fix: fix the issue which the server-side did not report failure after panic occurred during request processing


[#1680] refactor(tool): rm thriftgo dep from pkg generator
[#1691] test(server): fix address already in use
[#1684] test: fix creating tmp dir in unit test
[#1676] test(streamx): fix streamx Recv timeout unit test
[#1671] test(streamx): fix streaming unit tests


[#1704] ci: use flag for codecov
[#1700] Revert "fix(ttstream): pingpong method refers to server interface defined in Kitex generation code when streamx is enabled and there are other streaming methods"
[#1699] ci: uses codecov
[#1694] chore(generic): wait until server starts in tests
[#1683] ci: prepare for Windows X64 hosts
[#1643] perf(thrift): optimized skipdecoder for netpoll
[#1678] chore(tool): clearer log pkg usage
[#1667] chore: update deps and adjust dynamicgo's default option
[#1663] chore(tool): delete tool cmd excess err judgment

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