github cloudtools/troposphere 2.3.2
Release 2.3.2

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5 years ago

2.3.2 (2018-09-04)

  • Auto add Parameter and Output to template when specified (#1018)
  • Changed policy to AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess for delete and put (#1106)
  • Fix CPUCredits casing and implement LaunchTemplateCreditSpecification class (#1100)
  • Add UsernameAttributes to Cognito (#1104)
  • Add SQS Event to (#1103)
  • Add support for Windows containers in CodeBuild (#1097)
  • Generate class stubs necessary for autocompletion (#1079)
  • Add AWS::IAM::ServiceLinkedRole (#1110)
  • Made S3 Prefix in Firehose optional (#1102)
  • Prefix is still required in ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration
  • SimpleTable has more attributes (#1108)
  • Alphabetize properties in servlerless::SimpleTable
  • AccountAggregationSources must be a list (#1111)
  • Schedule expression validation (#1114)
  • Add EndpointIdnetifier property to AWS::DMS::Endpoint object (#1117)
  • Add get_or_add parameter method (#1118)
  • Added HealthCheckCustomConfig to ServiceDiscovery Service (#1120)
  • Tags support for SQS queues (#1121)
  • VPCPeeringConnection PeerRegion (#1123)
  • Add FilterPolicy as a property of SubscriptionResource (#1125)
  • Add missing properties to SNS::Subscription
  • Add ThroughputMode and ProvisionedThroughputInMibps to EFS (#1124) (#1126)
  • Add AWS::EC2::VPCEndpointServicePermissions (#1130)
  • AMAZON_LINUX_2 is now supported by SSM (#1133)
  • [codebuild] Source - use value comparison instead of identity (#1134)
  • InvitationId in GuardDuty::Master is now optional
  • Fix missing boolean import in sns
  • Add CodePipeline::Webhook resource
  • Add ReportBuildStatus to CodeBuild Source property
  • Add HttpConfig to AppSync::DataSource
  • Add FieldLevelEncryptionId to CacheBehavior properties
  • Add Timeout to Batch::JobDefinition
  • Add EncryptionDisabled and OverrideArtifactName to CodeBuild Artifacts
  • Add SSESpecification to DAX::Cluster
  • Add KerberosAttributes to EMR::Cluster
  • Add ValidationMethod to CertificateManager::Certificate
  • Add Classifiers and Configuration to Glue resources
  • Add SecondaryArtifacts and SecondarySources to CodeBuild::Project
  • Add Logs to AmazonMQ::Broker

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