github cloudquery/cloudquery plugins-source-oracle-v2.0.0

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13 months ago

2.0.0 (2023-05-29)


  • This release introduces an internal change to our type system to use Apache Arrow. This should not have any visible breaking changes, however due to the size of the change we are introducing it under a major version bump to communicate that it might have some bugs that we weren't able to catch during our internal tests. If you encounter an issue during the upgrade, please submit a bug report. You will also need to update destinations depending on which one you use:

This Release has the Following Changes to Tables

  • Table oracle_database_autonomous_container_databases: column type changed from JSON to list<item: float64, nullable> for provisionable_cpus (⚠️ breaking)
  • Table oracle_database_autonomous_databases: column type changed from JSON to list<item: float64, nullable> for provisionable_cpus (⚠️ breaking)


Bug Fixes

  • deps: Update module to v1.0.8 (#10798) (27ff430)

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