github cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-node-group 2.5.0
v2.5.0 IPv6 support, non-breaking changes expected

latest releases: 3.0.1, v3, 3.0.0...
2 years ago

Upgrading to this version, if you have node_role_cni_policy_enabled set to true (the default), will cause a new IAM policy to be created and your existing node group IAM role to have its permissions updated. This will cause a transient interruption in the ability of the node to manage its network interface, but it should heal itself with no interruption to existing services. It may cause a short (some seconds) delay in being able to deploy new Pods.



Add support for IPv6 @Nuru (#121)


  • Update node group IAM role permissions to support IPv6


  • Previous permissions, using AWS managed policy AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy, are insufficient to enable proper functioning of the node when using IPv6

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