github cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-node-group 0.19.0
v0.19.0 Allow list of instance types (may cause rebuild)

latest releases: 3.0.1, v3, 3.0.0...
3 years ago

🚀 Enhancements

Because we now allow users to supply a list of up to 20 instance types, along with choosing Spot instances, this release may trigger your node group to get rebuilt. If you have not already, we strongly encourage you to take this opportunity to switch to create_before_destroy = true.

Since this release is likely to cause cluster rebuilds anyway, we took this opportunity to sort any lists (like subnet IDs) that, if changed, would trigger a node group rebuild. The first time, however, that will likely trigger a rebuild because you likely were not passing them in sorted to begin with. If you were getting them from a data source, they were likely coming in a different order every time anyway.

Fix allow several instance types @patrickjahns (#54)


  • Allow to specify more than a single instance_types for eks node groups
  • Possible to pass more than a single item in the list since the the introduction of capacity_type see upstream pr


  • For utilising SPOT instances it is a good practice to specify more than a single instance type


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