github cloudposse/geodesic 0.85.0
0.85.0: Enable runtime-customization of Geodesic

latest releases: v2, 2.11.3, 2.11.2...
5 years ago

This release brings major new functionality to Geodesic itself. It now has hooks for you to easily customize it at startup without having to commit those changes to a repo and rebuild a container. You can add your favorite command aliases, set color schemes, use separate bash history files for each docker image, and much more.

For full details, see #422

  • Provide a variety of color palettes for fzf, selectable via FZF_COLORS

  • Add emacs

  • Add command-line completion for aliased commands. Clean up prompt hooks.

  • Disable gobal tfenv by default but allow it to be turned back on via configuration

  • Free up Ctrl-S for use in searching through history on command line

  • Provide hooks for user runtime customization

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