github cloudposse/atmos v1.58.0

latest releases: v1.72.0, v1.71.0, v1.70.0...
3 months ago


  • Improve Atmos UX and error handling
    • When a user just types atmos terraform or atmos helmfile, Atmos will show the corresponding Terraform and Helmfile help instead of checking for a component and stack and printing error messages if the component or stack is not found

    • If a user executes any Atmos command that requires Atmos components and stacks, including just atmos (and including from a random folder not related to Atmos configuration), and the CLI config points to an Atmos stacks directory that does not exist, Atmos prints the following user-friendly message instead of throwing an error that the Atmos stack configuration or Atmos stacks were not found:


  • Update Atmos imports with Go templates

    • Add skip_if_missing to the import object. Set it to true to ignore the imported manifest if it does not exist, and don't throw an error. This is useful when generating Atmos manifests using other tools, but the imported files are not present yet at the generation time.

        - path: "<path_to_atmos_manifest>"
          context: {}
          skip_if_missing: true
  • Add global flags --logs-level and --logs-file to all CLI commands

    • --logs-level command-line flag mirrors the ATMOS_LOGS_LEVEL ENV variable. Supported log levels are Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Off. If the log level is set to Off, Atmos will not log any messages
     atmos terraform plan vpc -s plat-ue2-prod --logs-level Trace
    • --logs-file command-line flag mirrors the ATMOS_LOGS_FILE ENV variable. The file to write Atmos logs to. Logs can be written to any file or any standard file descriptor, including /dev/stdout, /dev/stderr and /dev/null
  • Update/improve docs


  • Improve Atmos user experience and error handling

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