github cloudposse/atmos v1.47.0

latest releases: v1.88.1, v1, v1.88.0...
11 months ago



Atmos natively supports the concept of "vendoring", which is making copies of the 3rd party components, stacks, and other artifacts in your own repo.

The vendoring configuration is described in the vendor.yaml manifest, which should be placed in the directory from which the atmos vendor pull command is executed, usually in the root of the infrastructure repo.

After defining the vendor.yaml manifest, all the remote artifacts can be downloaded by running the following command:

atmos vendor pull

To vendor a particular component or other artifact, execute the following command:

atmos vendor pull -c <component>

Vendoring Manifest

To vendor remote artifacts, create a vendor.yaml file similar to the example below:

apiVersion: atmos/v1
kind: AtmosVendorConfig
  name: example-vendor-config
  description: Atmos vendoring manifest
  # `imports` or `sources` (or both) must be defined in a vendoring manifest
    - "vendor/vendor2.yaml"
    # The imported file extension is optional. 
    # If an import is defined without an extension, the `.yaml` extension is assumed and used by default.
    - "vendor/vendor3"

    # `source` supports the following protocols: OCI (, Git, Mercurial, HTTP, HTTPS, Amazon S3, Google GCP,
    # and all URL and archive formats as described in
    # In 'source', Golang templates are supported
    # If 'version' is provided, '{{.Version}}' will be replaced with the 'version' value before pulling the files from 'source'.
    # Download the component from the AWS public ECR registry (
    - component: "vpc"
      source: "oci://{{.Version}}"
      version: "latest"
        - "components/terraform/infra/vpc3"
      # Only include the files that match the 'included_paths' patterns.
      # If 'included_paths' is not specified, all files will be matched except those that match the patterns from 'excluded_paths'.
      # 'included_paths' support POSIX-style Globs for file names/paths (double-star `**` is supported).
        - "**/*.tf"
        - "**/*.tfvars"
        - "**/*.md"
    - component: "vpc-flow-logs-bucket"
      source: "{{.Version}}"
      version: "1.323.0"
        - "components/terraform/infra/vpc-flow-logs-bucket/{{.Version}}"
        - "**/*.yaml"
        - "**/*.yml"
  • The vendor.yaml vendoring manifest supports Kubernetes-style YAML config to describe vendoring configuration for components, stacks, and other artifacts. The file is placed into the directory from which the atmos vendor pull command is executed (usually the root of the repo)

  • The sources in vendor.yaml support all protocols (local files, Git, Mercurial, HTTP, HTTPS, Amazon S3, Google GCP), and all URL and archive formats as described in go-getter, and also the oci:// scheme to download artifacts from OCI registries.

  • The targets in the sources support absolute and relative paths (relative to the directory where the command is executed)

  • included_paths and excluded_paths support POSIX-style greedy Globs for filenames/paths (double-star/globstar ** is supported as well)

  • The component attribute in each source is optional. It's used in the atmos vendor pull -- component <component command if the component is passed in. In this case, Atmos will vendor only the specified component instead of vendoring all the artifacts configured in the vendor.yaml manifest

  • The source and targets attributes support Go templates
    and Sprig Functions. This can be used to templatise the source and targets paths with the artifact versions specified in the version attribute

  • The imports section defines the additional vendoring manifests that are merged into the main manifest. Hierarchical imports are supported at many levels (one vendoring manifest can import another, which in turn can import other manifests, etc.). Atmos processes all imports and all sources in the imported manifests in the order they are defined

Hierarchical Imports in Vendoring Manifests

Use imports to split the main vendor.yaml manifest into smaller files for maintainability, or by their roles in the infrastructure.

For example, import separate manifests for networking, security, data management, CI/CD, and other layers:

  - "layers/networking"
  - "layers/security"
  - "layers/data"
  - "layers/analytics"
  - "layers/firewalls"
  - "layers/cicd"

Hierarchical imports are supported at many levels. For example, consider the following vendoring configurations:

# vendor.yaml
apiVersion: atmos/v1
kind: AtmosVendorConfig
  name: example-vendor-config
  description: Atmos vendoring manifest
    - "vendor/vendor2"
    - "vendor/vendor3"

    - component: "vpc"
      source: "oci://{{.Version}}"
      version: "latest"
        - "components/terraform/infra/vpc3"
    - component: "vpc-flow-logs-bucket"
      source: "{{.Version}}"
      version: "1.323.0"
        - "components/terraform/infra/vpc-flow-logs-bucket/{{.Version}}"
# vendor/vendor2.yaml
apiVersion: atmos/v1
kind: AtmosVendorConfig
  name: example-vendor-config-2
  description: Atmos vendoring manifest
    - "vendor/vendor4"

    - component: "my-vpc1"
      source: "oci://{{.Version}}"
      version: "1.0.2"
        - "components/terraform/infra/my-vpc1"
# vendor/vendor4.yaml
apiVersion: atmos/v1
kind: AtmosVendorConfig
  name: example-vendor-config-4
  description: Atmos vendoring manifest
    - "vendor/vendor5"

    - component: "my-vpc4"
      source: "{{.Version}}"
      version: "1.319.0"
        - "components/terraform/infra/my-vpc4"

When you execute the atmos vendor pull command, Atmos processes the import chain and the sources in the imported manifests in the order they are defined:

  • The vendor/vendor2.yaml and vendor/vendor3.yaml manifests (defined in the main vendor.yaml file) are imported
  • The vendor/vendor2.yaml file is processed, and the vendor/vendor4.yaml manifest is imported
  • The vendor/vendor4.yaml file is processed, and the vendor/vendor5.yaml manifest is imported
  • Etc.
  • Then all the sources from all the imported manifests are processed and the artifacts are downloaded into the paths defined by the targets
> atmos vendor pull

Processing vendor config file 'vendor.yaml'
Pulling sources for the component 'my-vpc6' from '' into 'components/terraform/infra/my-vpc6'
Pulling sources for the component 'my-vpc5' from '' into 'components/terraform/infra/my-vpc5'
Pulling sources for the component 'my-vpc4' from '' into 'components/terraform/infra/my-vpc4'
Pulling sources for the component 'my-vpc1' from '' into 'components/terraform/infra/my-vpc1'
Pulling sources for the component 'my-vpc2' from '' into 'components/terraform/infra/my-vpc2'
Pulling sources for the component 'vpc' from '' into 'components/terraform/infra/vpc3'
Pulling sources for the component 'vpc-flow-logs-bucket' from '' into 'components/terraform/infra/vpc-flow-logs-bucket/1.323.0'

Vendoring from OCI Registries

Atmos supports vendoring from OCI registries.

To specify a repository in an OCI registry, use the oci://<registry>/<repository>:tag scheme.

Artifacts from OCI repositories are downloaded as Docker image tarballs, then all the layers are processed, un-tarred and un-compressed, and the files are written into the directories specified by the targets attribute of each source.

For example, to vendor the vpc component from the
AWS public ECR registry, use the following source:

source: "oci://"

The schema of a vendor.yaml manifest is as follows:

# This is an example of how to download a Terraform component from an OCI registry (, e.g. AWS Public ECR

apiVersion: atmos/v1
kind: AtmosVendorConfig
  name: example-vendor-config
  description: Atmos vendoring manifest
    - component: "vpc"
      source: "oci://{{.Version}}"
      version: "latest"
        - "components/terraform/infra/vpc3"
        - "**/*.tf"
        - "**/*.tfvars"
        - "**/*.md"
      excluded_paths: [ ]

To vendor the vpc component, execute the following command:

atmos vendor pull -c vpc

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