github cloudposse/atmos v1.4.16

latest releases: v1.77.0, v1.76.0, v1.75.0...
2 years ago


  • Support {attributes} token in the components.helmfile.cluster_name_pattern CLI config


  • Allow using cluster_name_pattern in the following format {namespace}-{tenant}-{environment}-{stage}-{attributes}-eks-cluster (note that the tokens can be defined in any order)
  • When deploying multiple EKS clusters into the same AWS account and region, we can use attributes (blue, green, etc.) to be part of the EKS cluster names to name the clusters differently


// Define variables for a component in a stack
componentVars := map[interface{}]interface{}{
"namespace":   "eg",
"tenant":      "plat",
"environment": "ue2",
"stage":       "dev",
"attributes":  []string{"blue"},
Cluster name: eg-plat-ue2-dev-blue-eks-cluster

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