github cloudposse/atmos v1.149.0

one day ago
Update `!terraform.output` and `atmos.Component` functions @aknysh (#944)


  • Improve !terraform.output YAML function
  • Improve atmos.Component template function


  • When executing !terraform.output and atmos.Component functions, honor the components.terraform.init_run_reconfigure setting in atmos.yaml. If it's set to true, add the -reconfigure flag to the terraform output command when executing it to get the component outputs. This prevents an issue when you use the functions to retrieve the outputs of the same component from many different stacks (without using the -reconfigure flag, Terraform detects that the backend configuration has changed and complains about it)

  • Use YQ expressions to retrieve items from complex output types

    To retrieve items from complex output types such as maps and lists, or do any kind of filtering or querying,
    you can utilize YQ expressions.

    For example:

    • Retrieve the first item from a list
    subnet_id1: !terraform.output vpc .private_subnet_ids[0]
    • Read a key from a map
    username: !terraform.output config .config_map.username


              # Output of type list
              subnet_ids: !terraform.output vpc private_subnet_ids
              # Use a YQ expression to get an item from the list
              subnet_id1: !terraform.output vpc .private_subnet_ids[0]
              # Output of type map
              config_map: !terraform.output config {{ .stack }} config_map
              # Use a YQ expression to get a value from the map
              username: !terraform.output config .config_map.username


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