github cloudfoundry/routing-release 0.229.0

latest releases: v0.237.0, 0.237.0, v0.236.0...
2 years ago

⚠️ Routing-Release is Now Built with Golang 1.17.x! ⚠️

What this means:

  • All certs MUST contain a SAN entry to be considered valid.
    • Since routing-release 0.226.0, any certificates provided to routing-release without a SAN would cause a template rendering failure.
    • The golang.x509ignoreCN property no longer has any affect, as Golang 1.17 has removed support for that workaround
  • IP/CIDRs cannot contain leading zeros (e.g. Template rendering failures will now occur if any are specified in this way. Simply remove the leading zeros to work around this
  • Query parameters with non-percent-encoded semi-colons (;param2) will no longer be parsed. More information on on this change can be found here
    • While Gorouter will not modify the requests with semicolons, this may affect downstream apps or components.
    • Gorouter has been updated add a deprecated-semicolon-params message in its standard output, along with the vcap_request_id. This can be cross-referenced with the access logs, and app logs to determine the sources of the invalid requests.

Other Notable Changes

  • Improvement: Request URLs are now included in Gorouter's route-service-connection-failed log messages. Thanks for the improvement @plowin! 🎉
  • Improvement: Gorouter's endpoint_dial_timeout is now configurable. It affects the time to establish a TCP connection with backends (http or websocket), but prior to any TLS negotiation.
  • 🐛 Bug Fix: A bug in Gorouter was resolved that caused incorrect counts when calculating backend-connection limits for app endpoints
  • 🐛 Bug Fix: Gorouter now honors the router.min_tls_version and router.max_tls_version properties when making requests to route-services
  • 🐛 Bug Fix: Resolves an issue introduced in routing-release v0.227.0 where the b3_spanid header was incorrectly being set to 16 bytes. It now is set to 8-bytes. Thanks @stijnvet for the fix! 🎉

Manifest Property Changes

Job Property 0.228.0 0.229.0
gorouter endpoint_dial_timeout_in_seconds not configurable, hardcoded to 5 seconds defaults to 5

Built with Golang v1.17.6

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