github cloudfoundry/routing-release 0.171.0

latest releases: v0.237.0, 0.237.0, v0.236.0...
6 years ago

Release Highlights

  • Gorouter now supports websocket connections to backend applications for routes registered with tls_ports details
  • routing-release now enables operators to expose available UAA clients via BOSH links in cf-deployment details
  • We see a performance degradation in this release, on further investigation we are confident this is not related to routing-release changes or stemcell changes. This strongly suggests it might be due to underlying IaaS performance. We see a 10% decrease in peak latency from 4150 requests/s to 3750 requests/s and an increase in latency at throughput above 2750 requests/s.

Manifest Property Changes

  • No manifest property changes

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