github cloudfoundry/garden-runc-release v1.9.0
GRR v1.9.0: Private Registry Reporting For Duty

latest releases: v1.20.9, v1.20.8, v1.20.7...
6 years ago

Resolves a problem where after multiple invocations of Attach some output would be lost. Also fixes private image support for various non-docker docker registries.

Major Fixes:

  • Fixes calls to the docker /v2 endpoints, this was previously breaking support for private images in various registries ECR (AWS EC2 Container Registry), GCR (Google Container Registry) and JFrog Artifactory.
  • Multiple invocations of Attach no longer lose output (#144412999 )

Minor Fixes:

Changed Bosh Properties:

  • The http_proxy property is now properly escaped before being used (#147667115)
  • The garden_windows job now exposes various new flags (we will start listing these when Windows is officially supported).

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