github cloudfoundry/diego-release v2.41.0
Diego v2.41.0

latest releases: v2.65.0, v2.64.0, v2.63.0...
4 years ago


Changes from v2.40.0 to v2.41.0

Significant changes

Local Route Emitters

Per-Instance Proxy

Windows Support

App Logging and Metrics

Component Logging and Metrics


Test Suites and Tooling


BOSH property changes

route_emitter and route_emitter_windows

  • diego.route_emitter.nats.tls.enabled - Enables route_emitter to connect to NATS server via TLS (default value: false)
  • diego.route_emitter.nats.tls.client_cert - PEM-encoded certificate for the route-emitter to present to NATS for verification when connecting via TLS
  • diego.route_emitter.nats.tls.client_key - PEM-encoded private key for the route-emitter to present to NATS for verification when connecting via TLS

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