Changes from v1.7.1 to v1.8.0
- Verified with garden-runc-release v1.2.0.
- Verified with garden-windows-bosh-release v0.2.0.
- Verified with etcd-release v93.
- Verified with cf-mysql-release v34.
- Verified with cflinuxfs2-rootfs-release v1.51.0.
Significant changes
Container Execution
De-Consuling Locks (Experimental)
- As a Diego operator, I expect to be able to migrate the BBS lock from Consul to the BBS DB safely
- As a Diego operator, I expect to be able to configure the auctioneer optionally to get its lock from a Diego lock API
- As a CF developer, I expect the BBS typically not to be unavailable for longer than 1 second during a rolling BOSH deploy when using relational locks (in flight)
Instance Identity Credentials (Experimental)
- As a Diego Linux-cell operator, I expect the instance identity certificates not to be written to physical disk
- As a Diego Linux-cell operator, I expect that only the root and BOSH-provided vcap users have access to the instance identity credentials on the host
- As a BBS API client, I expect to be able to specify organizational units for the subject name in the instance identity certificate for Tasks and LRPs
- cloudfoundry/executor #21: Chmod doesn't work on Windows
Grootfs Integration
App Logging and Metrics
Component Logging and Metrics
- As a BBS client, I would like the Golang BBS client logs to show the endpoint, latency, and relevant identifiers
- log when a cached dependency is fetched
Test Suites and Tooling
- Converger metrics should now be part of BBS metrics
- Fix description of
property in BBS job spec - update examples/aws to include new loggregator cert instructions and statsd-injector certs
BOSH job changes
BOSH property changes
- Added
: Location of locket API server. Experimental. - Added
: Whether the auctioneer is to skip acquiring the Consul lock. Experimental.
BOSH link changes