github cloudfoundry/diego-release v1.33.0
Diego v1.33.0

latest releases: v2.65.0, v2.64.0, v2.63.0...
6 years ago

Changes from v1.32.2 to v1.33.0

IMPORTANT – ACTION MAY BE REQUIRED: If you still use the "legacy" Diego deployment manifests that the generate-deployment-manifest script produces instead of cf-deployment, then you MUST upgrade to garden-runc v1.11.0 to be compatible with the manifest changes. This coordinated change is required because this version of the garden-runc release makes grootfs its default image-layer management system. Please see the cf-dev announcement for more details.

Significant changes

Container Execution

Manifest Generation

Component Logging and Metrics

Test Suites and Tooling

BOSH job changes


BOSH property changes


BOSH link changes


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