github cloudfoundry/diego-release v0.1491.0
Diego v0.1491.0

latest releases: v2.65.0, v2.64.0, v2.63.0...
7 years ago

Changes from v0.1490.0 to v0.1491.0

IMPORTANT: This version of Diego removes support for the experimental Docker image "caching" feature. The CAPI team has also already effectively ended support for this feature in their work to merge the 'stager' CC-Bridge component into Cloud Controller and to submit all Diego workloads as unprivileged containers. If your Docker-image-based app fails to stage correctly, try unsetting its DIEGO_DOCKER_CACHE environment variable. In practice, developers have been interested in the "caching" staging process primarily because it allowed them to run Docker images from registries that required authentication, and we hope to have first-class support for that use case soon.

Significant changes

BBS Relational Datastore

Component Coordination


Docker Support

Manifest Generation

Component Logging and Metrics

Test Suites and Tooling



BOSH job changes


BOSH property changes


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