⚠️WARNING: The cf7 restage
command has a known issue in this release. It will incorrectly restage older versions of your application.
Note: V7 beta binaries will be called cf7
to allow for coexistence with V6 cf
Package Manager Installation
- Debian 64 bit / 32 bit (deb)
- Redhat 64 bit / 32 bit (rpm)
- Mac OS X 64 bit (pkg)
- Windows 64 bit / 32 bit (zip)
Tested against CC API Release Candidate 1.90.0-rc.43.
Change Log for 7.0.0-beta.28
v3 CC API Resources and backing v7 beta cf CLI commands
is now backed by the v3 API storyspace-users
is now backed by the v3 API storylogs
is now backed by the v3 API storyauth
is now backed by the v3 API storyunset-space-role
is now backed by the v3 API storyunset-org-role
is now backed by the v3 API storyrestage
is now backed by the v3 API story
now assigns the current user roles in the organization storycreate-space
now assigns the current user roles in the space storyset-org-role
returns an error when assigning a role to an invalid client storyapply-manifest
supports variable interpolation story
- "v6" plugins do not work on a v7 cf CLI because we are developing a new plugin interface which calls the v3 API.
will allow you to install a v6 plugin but when you attempt to run the plugin, it fails. In the next v7 cf CLI release, we will disallow installation of v6 plugins on a v7 cf CLI, and vice versa.
Bug Fixes:
now waits for the user to be deleted in CC before deleting it in UAA [story] (https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/170007083)
- Official Cloud Foundry documentation notes for v7 beta - includes information about breaking changes and feature development work available on v7
- ADR for
- Additional cf CLI v7 beta release notes for releases v7.0.0-beta.23 and older
Do you have feedback or a bug report for the cf CLI v7 beta? Please file a GitHub issue, or reach out on Cloud Foundry Slack #v3-acceleration-team.
V3 Acceleration Team Core Contributors to v7 CLI beta: Eli Wrenn, Reid Mitchell, Piyali Banerjee, Greg Cobb, Supraja Narasimhan, Abby Chau, Michelle He, Mona Mohebbi, Brian Cunnie, Teal Stannard, Merric de Launey, Seth Boyles
CF CLI - v7 Feature Development Contributors: Brendan Smith, Andrew Crump, Abby Chau, Eric Promislow, Alexander Berezovsky, Steve Taylor, Jenna Goldstrich
Services API/CLI Contributors: Oleksii Fedorov, Aditya Tripathi, George Blue, Felisia Martini