CF version v6.7.0
- Debian 32 bit
- Debian 64 bit
- Redhat 32 bit
- Redhat 64 bit
- Mac OS X 64 bit
- Windows 32 bit
- Windows 64 bit
- Linux 32 bit binary
- Linux 64 bit binary
- Mac OS X 64 bit binary
- Windows 32 bit binary
- Windows 64 bit binary
Change Log
- Display correct information about app in copy-source -Restart app.Start/Stop/Restart/WatchStaging by passing org and
space name instead of assuming config contained correct information [finishes #81219748] - Change initial output for copy-source [finishes #82171880]
- Add crypto/sha512 to import to solve unkown authority bug [Fixes #82254112]
- Fixes bug where null json value caused panic [Fixes #82292538]
- Merge pull request #290 from haydonryan/master Correcting status message
- Correcting status message previously space was set to org and vice versa, correcting.
- Fix french wording #279 [finishes #81865644]
- Update application.PackageUpdatedAt to marshal json as time.Time [#82138922]
- Decolorize output for plugin to parse. [Finishes #82051672]
- Fix issue when making requests without a body [#79025838]
- move plugin cli invocations to a struct, which is passed into Run(...)
- Testing interval output printing - add PrintCapturingNoOutput to ui object to avoid using stdout in net
package tests - make sure we rewrite entire string during interval output printing by
printing a long line of empty spaces [finish #79025838] - Progress inidicated during uploads (push and create/update buildpack) [Finishes #79025838]
- Correcting status message previously space was set to org and vice versa, correcting.
- Terminal output can be silenced when invoke cli command from a plugin [#81867022]
- Add plugin_examples and README [finishes #78236438]
- Remove errant text from copy-source help output [Finishes #81813144]
- Exit 1 when a plugin exits nonzero or panics [#81633932]
- plugins have names defined by method
cf org
now displays space quotas. [Finishes #77390184]- Merge pull request #280 from cloudfoundry/missing-service-instance-error-message update-service shows an error if the instance is missing and no plan is ...
- update-service shows an error if the instance is missing and no plan is provided
- Add
cf check-route
command [finishes #78473792] - Plugins now have access to stdin (can be interactive) [finishes #81210182]
- Cli checks command shortname during plugin install - Cli also checks short names for commands when determining execution.
Useful to prevent people from mucking with plugin configs by hand. [Finishes #80842550] - Merge branch 'thecadams-honor-keepalive'
- Merge branch 'honor-keepalive' of
- Improve error message return when refresh token has expired [finishes #78130846]
- Disable service access proprly queries for organization. [Finishes #80867298]
- plugns receive output from core cli commands
- Display most recent package uploaded time for cf app [finishes #78427862]
- Add CF_PLUGIN_HOME to help text output [finishes #81147420]
- Set MinVersion for ssl to TLS1, removing support for SSLV3 [#81218916]
- Add VCAP_APPLICATION to cf env output [finishes #78533524]
- Update
cf env
to grab booleans and integers. [Finishes #79059944] - Implement update_service command [#76633662]
- Wait to output OK until app is started in start command
- Update help text for create-user-provided-service [finishes: #75171038]
- All arguments/flags are passed to plugin when plugin command invoked [finishes #78234552]
- Provide error when install_plugin plugin collides with other plugin -Update error message for collision with core cli command [finishes #79400494]
- Implement command
cf oauth-token
[Finishes #77587324] - Use cached plugin config data instead of rpcing the plugin
- Cf help shows plugin info based on plugin_config [#78234404]
- update plugin config to store data for each command
- install handles conflicting commands
- validate plugin binary upon install
- Update
cf env APPNAME
to display running/staging env variables. - Refactor GetEnv api call to use counterfiter fake [Finishes #79059944] - cf exit gracefully when i18n.T() is not initialized for configurations [Finishes #80759488]