github cloudfoundry/cli v6.23.1

latest releases: v7.7.14, v8.8.2, v8.8.1...
7 years ago

Package Manager Installation



Change Log

Reminder: 6.23.x is the last release to bundle the deprecated loggregator consumer library, which is used to talk to the loggregator endpoint on CF releases before v212.

In the next minor cf CLI release (6.24.0) this library is scheduled to be removed; regardless of the CF release version targeted, the noaa library will be used to talk to the doppler endpoint.
This endpoint was deemed stable around CF v203: if targeting an earlier CF release and experiencing issues with commands that interact with the loggregator (e.g. logs, push), please stay on a 6.23.x release of the cf CLI until your target CF is upgraded.

Request Ids in error messages

Where available, error messages from 5xx responses from API endpoints now include the request id, which can be helpful for platform operators to look up details on the interaction in CF's internal logs. (#998)

License and copyright attributions

All binaries and installers now include up to date license and copyright attributions.

Fixed regressions

  • delete-org immediately followed by a command/operation that depends on the deletion to have completed could fail in cf CLI 6.23.0 because delete-org returned without polling to wait for the deletion process to complete.

Updated commands

  • push now continues with deployment even if the resource matching operation times out. (#1042)
  • run-task now prints a tip in its help page how to inspect logs for a running task. (#1034)
  • run-task now prints the (specified or generated) task name when it submits it.
  • install-plugin no longer displays a localised (J oder N) with the confirmation prompt as it only responds to the English abbreviations. (As part of the refactor of all commands, all locales will eventually display a [yN] in confirmation prompts). (#994)
  • help now clarifies it displays only the most common, app developer focussed commands. (#1009)
  • version now separates the build metadata (sha and build date) with a period (e.g. 6.23.0+3c307aa.2017-01-11) to make it easier to parse with SemVer libraries, and build the binary from source. (#992, #1036)

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