- Add configuration for Sequel timeouts to tune for environments with unreliable networks details
CC API Version: 2.105.0 and 3.40.0
Service Broker API Version: 2.13
CAPI Release
Cloud Controller
- API client can expect timely responses when database VMs roll on an environment with IPSec details
- API client can list builds details
- API client can scale disk using a manifest details
- API client can set the buildpack using a manifest details
- API client can view all manifest validation errors details
- API client should NOT see manifest field names in API endpoint errors details
- As a developer, I can call an endpoint to fetch service binding parameters for a broker that does not support this details
- As a developer, I can call an endpoint to fetch service binding parameters for a broker that does not support this and get a HTTP 400 details
- As a developer, I can discover the service_binding_parameters_url for a service binding details
- As a developer, I can fetch service binding parameters that I used to configure a service binding details
- As a developer, I see an error when a broker times out when fetching service binding parameters details
- As an authenticated user without read-access to a binding's space, I receive a 403 when fetching service binding parameters details
- Fetching the parameters of a service bound to a user provided service results in a 500 details
- cannot update route mappings on invalid processes details
- operator should be able to use cf cli to unmap a route from an app and receive a non-200 response for a request sent to envoy for it details
- remove legacy download user from cloud controller details