github cloudfoundry/capi-release 1.130.0
CAPI 1.130.0

latest releases: 1.134.0, 1.133.0, 1.132.0...
2 years ago


CC API Version: 2.183.0 and 3.118.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

  • Adds health check script for Bosh DNS in #243

Cloud Controller

Cloud Controller Database Migrations

Dependency Bumps

  • Bump Golang to go1.18.3
  • Bump nokogiri to 1.13.6
  • Bump rubocop to 1.29.1
  • Bump fog-aws to 3.14.0
  • Bump cheerio to 1.0.0-rc.11
  • Bump solargraph to 0.45.0
  • Bump oj to 3.13.13
  • Bump parallel_tests to 3.9.0
  • Bump json to 2.6.2
  • Bump json_pure to 2.6.2

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