github cloudfoundry/bosh v280.0.6

latest releases: v280.1.9, v280.1.8, v280.1.7...
12 months ago

What's Changed

  • In v280.0.5, theactivesupport gem was bumped from 7.0.8 to 7.1.0. This broke some releases that were using the Object#present? method provided by ActiveSupport, as it was no longer included by default. We were getting these methods accidentally because the BOSH Director uses both the delayed_job and factory_bot gems, which both transitively include activesupport. Because releases in the wild are relying on these methods, we now explicitly include the active_support/core_ext/object/blank in the templating pipeline library in order to continue providing the methods.

Full Changelog: v280.0.5...v280.0.6

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