github cloudfoundry/bosh v275.1.0

latest releases: v280.1.0, v280.0.25, v280.0.24...
20 months ago
  • Fix for the race condition between the BOSH Monitor and the NATS. During bosh create-env, if UAA was slow to start, it caused the BOSH API to be unavailable, causing the NATS user authentication file to be empty, preventing BOSH health monitor from reaching NATS, causing the bosh create-env to fail.
  • Expose the agent_wait_timeout property. Previously, this was hard-coded to 600 seconds. During a bosh deployif the Director wasn't able to communicate with a newly-deployed VM for more than 600 seconds, the bosh deploy would error with a timeout and the deploy would fail. By exposing this property, users can accommodate extremely slow environments (e.g. nested vSphere environments with slow network connections).

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Full Changelog: v275.0.0...v275.1.0

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