github cloudflare/workers-sdk wrangler@3.63.0

latest releases: wrangler@3.63.1, @cloudflare/vitest-pool-workers@0.4.9
2 days ago

Minor Changes

  • #6167 e048958 Thanks @threepointone! - feature: alias modules in the worker

    Sometimes, users want to replace modules with other modules. This commonly happens inside a third party dependency itself. As an example, a user might have imported node-fetch, which will probably never work in workerd. You can use the alias config to replace any of these imports with a module of your choice.

    Let's say you make a fetch-nolyfill.js

    export default fetch; // all this does is export the standard fetch function`

    You can then configure wrangler.toml like so:

    # ...
    "node-fetch": "./fetch-nolyfill"

    So any calls to import fetch from 'node-fetch'; will simply use our nolyfilled version.

    You can also pass aliases in the cli (for both dev and deploy). Like:

    npx wrangler dev --alias node-fetch:./fetch-nolyfill
  • #6073 7ed675e Thanks @geelen! - Added D1 export support for local databases

Patch Changes

  • #6149 35689ea Thanks @RamIdeas! - refactor: React-free hotkeys implementation, behind the --x-dev-env flag

  • #6022 7951815 Thanks @CarmenPopoviciu! - fix: Fix pages dev watch mode [Functions]

    The watch mode in pages dev for Pages Functions projects is currently partially broken, as it only watches for file system changes in the
    "/functions" directory, but not for changes in any of the Functions' dependencies. This means that given a Pages Function math-is-fun.ts, defined as follows:

    import { ADD } from "../math/add";
    export async function onRequest() {
    	return new Response(`${ADD} is fun!`);

    pages dev will reload for any changes in math-is-fun.ts itself, but not for any changes in math/add.ts, which is its dependency.

    Similarly, pages dev will not reload for any changes in non-JS module imports, such as wasm/html/binary module imports.

    This commit fixes all these things, plus adds some extra polish to the pages dev watch mode experience.

  • #6164 4cdad9b Thanks @threepointone! - fix: use account id for listing zones

    Fixes #4944

    Trying to fetch /zones fails when it spans more than 500 zones. The fix to use an account id when doing so. This patch passes the account id to the zones call, threading it through all the functions that require it.

  • #6180 b994604 Thanks @Skye-31! - Fix: pass env to getBindings to support reading .dev.vars.{environment}

    #5612 added support for selecting the environment of config used, but it missed passing it to the code that reads .dev.vars.{environment}

    Closes #5641

  • #6124 d03b102 Thanks @RamIdeas! - feat: url and inspectorUrl properties have been exposed on the worker object returned by new unstable_DevEnv().startWorker(options)

  • #6147 02dda3d Thanks @penalosa! - refactor: React free dev registry

  • #6127 1568c25 Thanks @DaniFoldi! - fix: Bump ws dependency

  • #6140 4072114 Thanks @petebacondarwin! - fix: add extra error logging to auth response errors

  • #6160 9466531 Thanks @sm-bean! - fix: removes unnecessary wrangler tail warning against resetting durable object


  • #6142 9272ef5 Thanks @dario-piotrowicz! - fix: improve the getPlatformProxy configPath option ts-doc comment to clarify its behavior

  • Updated dependencies [42a7930, 7ed675e, 1568c25]:

    • miniflare@3.20240701.0

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