github cloudflare/workers-sdk wrangler@3.62.0

5 days ago

Minor Changes

  • #5950 0075621 Thanks @WalshyDev! - feat: add wrangler versions secret put, wrangler versions secret bulk and wrangler versions secret list

    wrangler versions secret put allows for you to add/update a secret even if the latest version is not fully deployed. A new version with this secret will be created, the existing secrets and config are copied from the latest version.

    wrangler versions secret bulk allows you to bulk add/update multiple secrets at once, this behaves the same as secret put and will only make one new version.

    wrangler versions secret list lists the secrets available to the currently deployed versions. wrangler versions secret list --latest-version or wrangler secret list will list for the latest version.

    Additionally, we will now prompt for extra confirmation if attempting to rollback to a version with different secrets than the currently deployed.

Patch Changes

  • #6118 1621992 Thanks @WalshyDev! - fix: rollback in the case of a secret change, the prompt meant to show was not showing due to the spinner in an interactive env. It will now properly show.

    chore: improve the view of wrangler versions view and change up copy a little for versions secret commands.

  • #6105 26855f3 Thanks @helloimalastair! - feat: Add help messages to all invalid r2 commands

  • #3735 9c7df38 Thanks @lrapoport-cf! - chore: Cleanup wrangler --help output

    This commit cleans up and standardizes the look and feel of all wrangler commands as displayed by wrangler --help and wrangler <cmd> --help.

  • #6080 e2972cf Thanks @threepointone! - chore: run eslint (with react config) on workers-playground/wrangler

    This enables eslint (with our react config) for the workers-playground project. Additionally, this enables the react-jsx condition in relevant tsconfig/eslint config, letting us write jsx without having React in scope.

  • #6001 d39d595 Thanks @penalosa! - chore: changes to how wrangler dev launches your worker, behind the experimental --x-dev-env flag

  • #5214 05c5607 Thanks @penalosa! - feat: Experimental file based service discovery when running multiple Wrangler instances locally. To try it out, make sure all your local Wrangler instances are running with the --x-registry flag.

  • Updated dependencies [7d02856, d4e1e9f]:

    • miniflare@3.20240620.0
    • @cloudflare/kv-asset-handler@0.3.4

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