github cloudflare/workers-sdk wrangler@3.61.0

Minor Changes

  • #5995 374bc44 Thanks @petebacondarwin! - feat: allow Durable Object migrations to be overridable in environments

    By making the migrations key inheritable, users can provide different migrations
    for each wrangler.toml environment.

    Resolves #729

Patch Changes

  • #6039 dc597a3 Thanks @petebacondarwin! - fix: hybrid nodejs compat now supports requiring the default export of a CJS module

    Fixes #6028

  • #6051 15aff8f Thanks @threepointone! - fix: Don't check expiry dates on custom certs

    Fixes #5964

    For wrangler dev, we don't have to check whether certificates have expired when they're provided by the user.

  • #6052 b4c0233 Thanks @threepointone! - chore: Add .wrangler and .DS_Store to .gitignore generated by wrangler init

    This commit adds a small QOL improvement to init (to be deprecated in the future), for those who still use this wrangler command.

  • #6050 a0c3327 Thanks @threepointone! - chore: Normalize more deps

    This is the last of the patches that normalize dependencies across the codebase. In this batch: ws, vitest, zod , rimraf, @types/rimraf, ava, source-map, glob, cookie, @types/cookie, @microsoft/api-extractor, @types/mime, @types/yargs, devtools-protocol, @vitest/ui, execa, strip-ansi

    This patch also sorts dependencies in every package.json

  • #6029 f5ad1d3 Thanks @threepointone! - chore: Normalize some dependencies in workers-sdk

    This is the first of a few expected patches that normalize dependency versions, This normalizes undici, concurrently, @types/node, react, react-dom, @types/react, @types/react-dom, eslint, typescript. There are no functional code changes (but there are a couple of typecheck fixes).

  • #6046 c643a81 Thanks @threepointone! - chore: Normalize more dependencies.

    Follow up to #6029, this normalizes some more dependencies : get-port, chalk, yargs, toucan-js, @typescript-eslint/parser, @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, esbuild-register, hono, glob-to-regexp, @cloudflare/workers-types

  • #6058 31cd51f Thanks @threepointone! - chore: Quieter builds

    This patch cleans up warnings we were seeing when doing a full build. Specifically:

    • fixtures/remix-pages-app had a bunch of warnings about impending features that it should be upgraded to, so I did that. (tbh this one needs a full upgrade of packages, but we'll get to that later when we're upgrading across the codebase)
    • updated @microsoft/api-extractor so it didn't complain that it didn't match the typescript version (that we'd recently upgraded)
    • it also silenced a bunch of warnings when exporting types from wrangler. We'll need to fix those, but we'll do that when we work on unstable_dev etc.
    • workers-playground was complaining about the size of the bundle being generated, so I increased the limit on it
  • #6043 db66101 Thanks @threepointone! - fix: avoid esbuild warning when running dev/bundle

    I've been experimenting with esbuild 0.21.4 with wrangler. It's mostly been fine. But I get this warning every time

    ▲ [WARNING] Import "__INJECT_FOR_TESTING_WRANGLER_MIDDLEWARE__" will always be undefined because there is no matching export in "src/index.ts" [import-is-undefined]

    This is because esbuild@0.18.5 enabled a warning by default whenever an undefined import is accessed on an imports object. However we abuse imports to inject stuff in middleware.test.ts. A simple fix is to only inject that code in tests.

  • #6062 267761b Thanks @WalshyDev! - fix: typo in wrangler d1 execute saying "Databas" instead of "Database"

  • #6064 84e6aeb Thanks @helloimalastair! - fix: Wrangler is now able to upload files to local R2 buckets above the 300 MiB limit

  • Updated dependencies [a0c3327, f5ad1d3, 31cd51f]:

    • miniflare@3.20240610.1
    • @cloudflare/kv-asset-handler@0.3.3

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