github cloudflare/workers-sdk wrangler@3.50.0

Minor Changes

  • #5587 d95450f Thanks @CarmenPopoviciu! - fix: pages functions build-env should throw error if invalid Pages config file is found

  • #5572 65aa21c Thanks @CarmenPopoviciu! - fix: fix pages function build-env to exit with code rather than throw fatal error

    Currently pages functions build-env throws a fatal error if a config file does not exit, or if it is invalid. This causes issues for the CI system. We should instead exit with a specific code, if any of those situations arises.

  • #5291 ce00a44 Thanks @pmiguel! - feature: Added bespoke OAuth scope for Queues management.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [08b4908]:
    • miniflare@3.20240405.1

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