github cloudflare/workers-sdk wrangler@3.1.0

latest releases: wrangler@3.51.2, @cloudflare/vitest-pool-workers@0.2.2, create-cloudflare@2.20.1...
10 months ago

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • #3399 d8a9995b Thanks @Skye-31! - Fix: wrangler pages dev --script-path argument when using a proxy command instead of directory mode

    Fixes a regression in wrangler@3.x, where wrangler pages dev --script-path=<my script path> -- <proxy command> would start throwing esbuild errors.

  • #3311 116d3fd9 Thanks @Maximo-Guk! - Fix: Avoid unnecessary rebuilding pages functions in wrangler pages dev

  • #3314 d5a230f1 Thanks @elithrar! - Fixed wrangler d1 migrations to use --experimental-backend and not --experimentalBackend so that it is consistent with wrangler d1 create.

  • #3373 55703e52 Thanks @rozenmd! - fix: wrangler rollback shouldn't print its warning in the global menu

  • #3124 2956c31d Thanks @verokarhu! - fix: failed d1 migrations not treated as errors

    This PR teaches wrangler to return a non-success exit code when a set of migrations fails.

    It also cleans up wrangler d1 migrations apply output significantly, to only log information relevant to migrations.

  • #3390 b5b46b4a Thanks @shahsimpson! - Prevents uploads with both cron triggers and smart placement enabled

  • #3358 27b5aec5 Thanks @rozenmd! - This PR implements a trimmer that removes BEGIN TRANSACTION/COMMIT from SQL files sent to the API (since the D1 API already wraps SQL in a transaction for users).

  • #3324 ed9fbf79 Thanks @rozenmd! - add d1 info command for people to check DB size

    This PR adds a d1 info <NAME> command for getting information about a D1 database, including the current database size and state.


    > npx wrangler d1 info northwind
    │                   │ d5b1d127-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-cbc69f0a9e06 │
    │ name              │ northwind                            │
    │ version           │ beta                                 │
    │ num_tables        │ 13                                   │
    │ file_size         │ 33.1 MB                              │
    │ running_in_region │ WEUR                                 │
    > npx wrangler d1 info northwind --json
      "uuid": "d5b1d127-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-cbc69f0a9e06",
      "name": "northwind",
      "version": "beta",
      "num_tables": 13,
      "file_size": 33067008,
      "running_in_region": "WEUR"
  • #3317 3dae2585 Thanks @jculvey! - Add the --compatibility-flags and --compatibility-date options to the pages project create command

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