github cloudflare/workers-sdk @cloudflare/vitest-pool-workers@0.3.0

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • #5904 c36fb59 Thanks @petebacondarwin! - fix: automatically re-run SELF tests without import <main>

    By injecting a side-effect only import into tests when there is a main field specified
    we can get Vitest to "know" when the SELF Worker has been modified and re-run tests automatically.

  • #5911 8cb0ee7 Thanks @petebacondarwin! - fix: ensure console.log()s displayed in SELF integration tests

  • Updated dependencies [53f22a0, 57daae0, a905f31, 64ccdd6, 4458a9e]:

    • wrangler@3.57.2
    • miniflare@3.20240524.0

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