github cloudflare/pint v0.71.0

latest release: v0.71.1
one day ago


  • Added names option to the parser block, which controls how does Prometheus validates
    label names.
  • Added promql/impossible check. This check duplicates some
    of the functionality of the promql/vector_matching so
    in the future the scope of promql/vector_matching checks
    will be reduced to avoid duplicated reports for the same issue.
  • Added ignoreMatchingElsewhere option to promql/series check.


  • Removed aggregation checks from the promql/fragile check - #1289.
  • promql/regexp check severity was reduced from bug to a warning.
  • This release contains some major changes to the way problems are reported by pint.
    Each problem might now point to the specific part of the PromQL query that caused the issue
    rather than just the line range on which the query is defined. Most, but not all, checks
    were updated to emit more detailed problem descriptions.


  • Improved the logic of promql/series check to skip checks on some selectors
    which absence might be expected. For example using foo unless bar will now only have foo
    tested while bar is ignored by this check. This is because the query implies that bar
    might be present or missing and depending on that foo is evaluated.
  • Don't report regexp matchers with only digits in them ({code=~"5.*"}) as smelly in promql/regexp check.

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