github clauderic/dnd-kit @dnd-kit/sortable@5.0.0

latest releases: @dnd-kit/core@6.0.8, @dnd-kit/sortable@7.0.2, @dnd-kit/core@6.0.7...
2 years ago

Major Changes

  • #427 f96cb5d Thanks @clauderic! - - Using transform-agnostic measurements for the DragOverlay node.

    • Renamed the overlayNode property to dragOverlay on the DndContextDescriptor interface.
  • 9cfac05 Thanks @clauderic! - Renamed the wasSorting property to wasDragging on the SortableContext and AnimateLayoutChanges interfaces.

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • #372 dbc9601 Thanks @clauderic! - Refactored DroppableContainers type from Record<UniqueIdentifier, DroppableContainer to a custom instance that extends the Map constructor and adds a few other methods such as toArray(), getEnabled() and getNodeFor(id).

    A unique key property was also added to the DraggableNode and DroppableContainer interfaces. This prevents potential race conditions in the mount and cleanup effects of useDraggable and useDroppable. It's possible for the clean-up effect to run after another React component using useDraggable or useDroppable mounts, which causes the newly mounted element to accidentally be un-registered.

  • #350 a13dbb6 Thanks @wmain! - Breaking change: The CollisionDetection interface has been refactored. It now receives an object that contains the active draggable node, along with the collisionRect and an array of droppableContainers.

    If you've built custom collision detection algorithms, you'll need to update them. Refer to this PR for examples of how to refactor collision detection functions to the new CollisionDetection interface.

    The sortableKeyboardCoordinates method has also been updated since it relies on the closestCorners collision detection algorithm. If you were using collision detection strategies in a custom sortableKeyboardCoordinates method, you'll need to update those as well.

  • 86d1f27 Thanks @clauderic! - Fixed a bug in the horizontalListSortingStrategy where it did not check if the currentRect was undefined.

  • e42a711 Thanks @clauderic! - Fixed a bug with the default layout animation function where it could return true initially even if the list had not been sorted yet. Now checking the wasDragging property to ensure no layout animation occurs if wasDragging is false.

  • #341 e02b737 Thanks @clauderic! - Return undefined instead of null for transition in useSortable

  • Updated dependencies [13be602, aede2cc, 05d6a78, a32a4c5, f96cb5d, dea715c, dbc9601, 46ec5e4, 7006464, 0e628bc, c447880, 2ba6dfe, 8d70540, 13be602, 422d083, c4b21b4, 5a41340, a13dbb6, e2ee0dc, 1fe9b5c, 1fe9b5c, 1f5ca27]:

    • @dnd-kit/core@4.0.0
    • @dnd-kit/utilities@3.0.0

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